Sunday 2 August 2015

Katie Hopkins fear that surgery could make her partly, or wholly, incapable of movement ..

Have I seeing you before ( )? - 
I must say, picture of The Queen Elizabeth II went excellent. 
I should start my business soon!! -
Hire me! -

Тамара Гвердцители ''Ухожу'' Новая Волна 2014  

The celebrity star of the apprentice, Katie Hopkins could be left in bad state, by brain surgery, as this was reported. Katie Hopkins said: "There's a 40 per cent chance I could get rid of it altogether. But there's a 20 per cent chance I would lose my left arm or leg - I could end up paralysed."There's also a one per cent chance I will die"-

 I wonder who this remarkable lady as, Katie Hopkins is trying to prove, herself, or the media and what she will aim - achieve with the operation - surgery as there is not warranty?- I feel the freedom to speak my mind, in which is not my business, place, or matter and with respect, but we worry about her own children. Did the children of Katie Hopkins can have a say in the matter (surgery), for example if they want her own mother to go through all this ordeal and surgery trying to fix the unfixable, or not at all and may end up orphans by the matter (with respect), that may in years to come could be a 5 minute "fix me quick dear ( )", but not today.

One of my elders sister's (flor) went to the same motion of fixing here (surgical cosmetic treatment) and there (weight loss pills) and when things went badly wrong, the rest of the family need to pay a high price for the matter ( ), but it was me the youngest of all my sisters and brothers as you can see the photo ), that paid a horrible price, that got blame for everything and killed all mine (unborn children), with no respect, pity, mercy, nothing!-

My sister (soco) was detained under the mental health act, by the ex/husband sister social worker and she was trying to frame me after with the same matters ( mental capacity 2005, which is against the law for a social worker! ), when paying a visit to my sister (soco) and the NHS nurse of the (trafford general) hospital asked me to take my sister (soco) to the next wing of the hospital to have a brain scan. I never questioned the reasons why to take my sister to have the scan, stupidity of me and now regret the matters, as the ex/husband sister social worker works for the "NHS" and "Hospitals" and is the one that brings so much "family problems" to me in order to "frame me" after, arriving from Mexico, Cancun, Germany ( ), Canada, United Kingdom and everywhere, somewhere and elsewhere!!-

This reflect the state of the NHS at the present time ( ), with such control by the same staff, system and regulations, as I never worked for such places as the ex/husband sister social worker, but trying to "frame me" after, as today, with endless matters, excuses and topics, to hide the ineptitude. I thank my God, I got today endless documents to prove otherwise and against such false ill spread, rumors, hate propaganda and intolerance, even to cover with respect, The Queen Elizabeth II. 

It was on those trips by the "family problems" of the ex/husband, his sister social worker and helpers (tito, riqui, rocio, claudia, etc) travellers, to and from the UK, as such matters reflects the neighbour's (house # 14) daughter (RIP) that passed away, as I explain in this note  but I am not responsible and request the law. 

"As my sister´s children (tito, riqui, rocio, claudia, etc) that are together in everything with the ex/husband "family problems" including his own sister social worker, got own parents (hazz, soco, mara, raul nuñez frade  ) to justify the matters, not me, but always blame as usual" - The ex-husband and his sister social worker own parents passed away last year (as mention before) and with respect as if they were mine but divorce now, I am not responsable, but direct the problem with the state.

As the same matters reflects very much, with one of my elder sister (flor) and one of the youngest one´s (mara) against me and mine (josefa), because my elder sister (josefa) lost a child just like me and entitle to speak open of the problem, without fear of reprisals, but receive the law, justice, tolerance and emotional support 

I never received education and was cut short also forced to terminate with everything since and from 1978 and I have witness of such matters and times. So in other words, I am not aware of any kind of medicine, but my sister (mara). In my youth times, I trained in banking (foreign exchange, banks and post office) services and law (mela), journlism (any), psychology (friend of my sister) and even metaphysics, that has nothing to do with study composition, structure, properties, or change matters: "As Chemistry (mara)"-

Because of that matter alone, I have good reasons to stipulate that neighbour's (house #14) daughter (RIP), maybe comes with sister's (mara and soco) children (  tito, riqui, rocio, claudia, primiada) may connect, also we had the neighbourhood problems and not by me, at any time (I was never member!!). I have good grounds to believe such conection with neighbour's (house #14) daughter ( ) RIP and my sister's (previous house # 8) children (claudia, rocio, tito, riqui, primiada) and I can only help with my family to enforce the law, as the law state, including ex/husband and his sister social worker, as all happens in traford, but never stockport (carol parker

The idea is for all of them (the ex/husband, his sister social worker and some members of my family: tito, riqui, claudia, rocio, etc) that works together in "family problems (5 boys, the river, etc)", to give their own statement within days, weeks, or months before neighbour's daughter accident and remove them from matters, or enforce the law?-

My children and I statements as mention here: I, or my children never at any time meet the neighbour's (house #14) daughter (RIP) and I ignore her full name, with my full respect. My children and I, do not have any problems with neighbours at any time and if any problems, I always clarify (house #11). "As I have the rights and by law to clarify matters, much more when I am blame in full public, as neighbour (house #11)"-

At trafford council meeting (gaynor burton, ane tobar, michael mcdonald, etc) for disabled peoples, neighbour (house #11) as job centre staff, falsely accused me of "abusing ( ) old peoples" and where is the prove of the matters, but mislead. When the ex/husband mother wanted her daughter, social worker as her full time career not me at any time, but excuses to blame me after of her illness ( ), that should be estipulate in her medical records. Now months before the ex/husband mother passed away (RIP), my children helped own grandma to avoid "nursing home"-  As neighbour (house #11) husband and ex/husband very good friends since airport jobs (1986 - 2015), now both self employed?-

- In which, I am not responsable for any members of my family, except my children, also my nephew (pancho) and sister daughters (claudia and rocio) stay as full responsibility of own mother's (flor and mara) past matters, not me, my children, or any other member's of my family, unless state and the same apply from the state to the ex/husband and his sister social worker. I am not accusing nobody of neigbour's daughter accident, but clear own names, as I was left alone, even solicitors removed in the past ( ) and left me with nothing to deffend myself, but totaly alone.

I hope Katie Hopkins think careful of the surgery, as her own children need her more, much more, but too young to express such feelings, Rosario Castellanos de Parker.


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