My opinion following by links / news of the same nature:
I been waiting for more than 4 weeks to gain financial help / support from universal credit, during the time filled, refilled and answered all the questions promptly, followed advice and my journal even shows a date (17/12/21) to receive the help, came and gone and my bank account still the same, as those peoples stopped me with any excuses, even slander of fraud! -
Now 4 weeks after (17/12/21) is not enough, want more paperwork, answers and questions to keep us busy, take our infinite time and at the end, finish throwing everything in the bin by the lack of support, help, finance, unnecessary stress, frustration from own sick games, paranoia, control freak, exuberant protocol, madness, insults, bullying and unrealistic target, that targets innocents!-
etc ..
Exactly same day someone "apparently" made an appointment (17/12/21) with me, but never arrived (very rare?!) to the place and on the same date (strange!) 4 times DWP staff wanted me with no previous appointment (as if planed), by 2 different departments (MMmmm!), including out of the blue phone call that left me after, with music in the background then put the phone down, request something that belong to someone (ex/husband) privacy, private, confidential, personal and intent to drag and use me (as I am divorce!) like a slave (for DWP purposes, profits and gains!) which is a crime in law and since the Victorian times! -
The DWP staff expect me to be ready, there, at their call, anytime, anyhow, anywhere and act like butler, maid, servant, slave (use for profits and gains!!) which is a crime in law, time after time, day after day with no breaks, life, FINANCIAL help, neither pay for my research, hard work and blog as you can read here, with more than 750 + notes for their own personal use and since day one! -
And something similar happened to me earlier this year, forced to cancel Universal credit for the same reasons, no financial help in time of need, but forced to pay endless taxes!?-
A part of my life, normality that I forgot what is abnormal, endure for more than 40 + years (1985 - 2021) living in the UK after married an Englishman (now divorce!), with no proper job survived with credit (cards, loans, mortgages, double mortgages, etc), instead of financial assistance from DWP, as on the time I worked and paid my contributions to the estate, same place that refuse to cover me in time of need, by a government bureaucracy, copycats, etc!-
My first Universal Credit interview at the local jobcentre plus (4 weeks ago), with the DWP staff saw so many like them with all kind of disabilities, "as if intent to show me off that work and live independent" while holding the country purse and only, "if they let us to live our life exactly in the same way with work and benefit entitlements", avoid debt (loans, credit cards, mortgages, double mortgages, etc) trap, because at the end of the day is our taxes and we shall said who gets what - benefit cap - come from them the idea and nobody dare to check, monitor if they are entitle, sick, disabled, in need of financial help, properties, wealth and somehow protect with confidentiality acts, but never us?!-
I believe the bureaucracy system (DWP) outdate, old, not for the purpose, goes against their own rules and many victims even take their own life (RIP) as a result and as mention before with links, lack of financial help, provision, remuneration, work and pension like their own name said (DWP) and does complete different when removes our work, jobs, living standards, education, formation, principles and pensions, reasons why it was create in the first place, to no avail!!-
Unaware of what's those services for, when I ask the local government for a database, contact people on waiting list, homeless for me to rent my flat, avoid the financial help (DWP) and at the same time fixing the area (Maybole: Work on the new £29m Maybole Bypass shows more investment coming from the Scottish Government., blocking us while in construction, nobody wants to deal with us from the estate agency staff and my council tax in arrears, mean mad world with little organisation, formation, principles that our young and old generation forced to live with endless taxes, duty of country, land, glory, kingdom and no results, help whatsoever!! -
The ex/husband told me before divorce (1985-2012) that (the selfish one!) the UK system for his peoples, land, country, glory and kingdom and if so, warn us before married (now divorce!), worked on / off as his "family problems" permit, pay my contributions, debt to the state, duty to this country and all for what, everything removed "jobs and pension (exactly what the DWP claims to be, "work and pension" but in my case a mislead!?)", ended up with a world of debt, never gained the correct social security benefits to my aid and long lasting work to pay my bills (except the ex/husband)! -
The problems today in a way, reflects my past ( ), unaware if each government department speak into each other, contribute to our downfall and reasons why, I belong into this mad, weird place, centre and focus, when I never born in this country (only citizen!), friend with any government department (except ex/husband friend with his neighbour and wife works for DWP) ) and intent to keep (drag) us entertained like slaves (use for profits and gains!) against the law! -
In my case, never applied for financial assistance with Universal Credit claim, with the DWP staff to arrive and fight, make endless notes here in my blog because I am not their slave (use human people for profits and gains!) a crime in law, but to receive my entitlements in a peaceful manner, with respect and in the same way as they receive our taxes! -
I protect me and my children with the law, any law worldwide, including the magna carta, rule of law and canon law, that my lord is my witness, so help me god and so be it in law, Rosario Castellanos de Parker.
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