Wednesday 18 March 2020

King Juan Carlos I of Spain, the greatest man on earth, bravery like no other.

Ballet Alhambra "Gran Jota" de "La Dolores"

Spain's king renounces inheritance and cuts father's income over 'offshore fund'


For a normal person to renounced inheritance even from a father figure mean money 💰💲, from a Monarchy Royal to renounced inheritance even from a father figure, mean the Crown 👑.

It is not clear from King Felipe VI what intent to renounce, need to be more specific, because what he is insulting right now in full public display, his own Father, King Juan Carlos I may cost him the Crown, place on History and remove his Monarch inheritance complete, together with his state income, allowance, support 👑.

In question of Monarchy order to gain the Crown is the first child Born of a King / Queen (in this case is King Juan Carlos I who leads, decide, commands and order, as his wife is only consort Queen) and set by your own rules, never us to get involve in such dispute and in this case by law is Crown (because King Juan Carlos still alive!) Princess Elena of Borbòn, Duchess of Lugo with respect to may concern.

I want to do advocacy for King Juan Carlos I, but knowing full well the Spanish Royal Family ("their own vengeful manner terrify and ) deter me, because if they do not show any compassion, love, pity, respect for own blood and Father figure, wonder what I expect and the rest, that want to help, but place us in a danger zone, even if they create the problem in the first place, as now with King Felipe VI, but drag us along with no care! -

I am only saying that this man, King Juan Carlos I should be catalogue as a national hero not just a King, someone that made the transition from Franquism times to Monarchy era very smooth, no wars and peace that still prevail today, until his own son King Felipe VI is racking the Monarchy, Society and even Government.

Since Medieval times to be a King (see and read the above post stamp and words), you need to earn the respect, mean to go out, deal with the peoples first hand and fight your corner to win the complete conquest.

I believe strong King Juan Carlos I done the job impeccable and unfair to be seat in a chair over-judged by such peoples that got EVERYTHING today in a silver plate, when he need to sell even himself to the best bidder, mean his wife's family purchased him to marry, his present wife.

As this is how Franco's era left Spain, poor to the point that Spaniards need to sell themselves to the best bidder, including King Juan Carlos I and very strange when today nobody bother to ask The King Juan Carlos I, where he got the money from to bring Spain, to the highest place on earth imaginary to mind after the Franquism, no one, nobody, no ever, but him alone!-
"In other words and plain English, who owns to who's, Spain to King Juan Carlos I, or King Juan Carlos I to Spain, whoever need to pay back to recoup this way forced, because there is not other way, as Franco's family got everything in cash, property and you name it, instead this King is sitting in the chair falsely accused to deviate the real culprit." -

Today and not on the times of Franco, but today, Spain is loved by millions worldwide, but to bring this capacity, amount of people and energy need to sell even their own mother to subside the minus of the country, please ask your elders about the poverty stricken country left by the Dictator Francisco Franco, with no food, no jobs, no dignity, no self-respect and no nothing! -

Unfortunately all forgotten as you got everything on the table, no hard work by the spoiled prats that only complaint and share the cake between themselves, the hard work of King Juan Carlos I, sweat and endless nights unable to sleep by the heavy load left responsible, with no resources whatsoever to Spain, any form to bring your country in the same level of the rest European Houses was not possible (unless sell to the best bidder, may why he went to the Middle East for business ventures, perhaps you were no supposed to know this matter, avoid embarrass your Spanish country in the state was left by Franco, afraid may somebody open the box of Pandora like now, today, so no more afraid and let's speak with full clarity, SPAIN was left complete "derrotada" and this was well known when joined the Euro and I can even tell you which President / Prime Minister was in charge of the time, or you forgot, but eventually you are member of the European Community, participate like the rest, by a good heart man, King Juan Carlos that saw no other way, when he comes from a different era, times, upbringing and education standards from the rest of us today, "even me I need to be reading your books and watch your movies to upgrade, educate, see first hand", so who give you the rights to condemn reasons, before you know the true of matters, why people act that way, starting from his own Son King Felipe VI, Royal Family, Spanish Government and the rest, who give you the rights before you wear the King´s shoes, place in that spot, see before his own eyes the level of violence Spain was living at the hands of Franco, who give you the rights , please in the name of God tell me, who´s!), remember?!-

It is a shame that no wife, family and children comes to protect this man, King Juan Carlos I that arrived an age to enjoy his retirement life, not fight in a faena called home, with "family problems" unknown to him before his son married - should be doing the advocacy, job and protection of a King as how he a-merit, never me, a nobody, only an historian that want everyone to know the true of Spain!-

As a Mexican born, with UK citizenship, unable to understand this way of life, that nobody prepare me before I arrived to this European land, I am glad that my own father, very humble man together with his friends (mexican president of his time, Cardenas), opened the doors to hundreds of hundreds of Spaniards arrived Mexico during Franco´s times, many enter from Veracruz where on that time, we lived a very happy life. My father will pass in a forgotten world and place, nobody will know his real status as a heroe from my point of view, Mexico lived a time, where no other President ever arrived to that level.

I protect me and my children with the law, any law worldwide, including the magna carta, spanish constitution, rule of law, human rights acts, canon law and even Spanish 1977 Amnesty Law (pardon me, but someone need to tell the true, exactly what happened to Spain, if not then ask the elders to see if they got the guts to tell you, about Franco era .. ) that my lord is my witness and so help me god, Rosario Castellanos de Parker


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