Que viva España.wmv
In present time is complete unacceptable that MADRID gives CATALAN leader 5 days to drop Independence bid, or else! -
It is unacceptable that the same matter happened in the UK and was handled better, on timely manner, responsible, positive, amicable and with respect as possible, within 5 days, maybe a bit more, all was resolved in a friendly meeting, plus the opposite political parties went direct and into each house and place of Scotland and in order to bring peace not wars, ultimatums, hatred, confusion, pain, but restoration, also beg into no break the UK apart with a VOW, mean stop any independence bids and I ask why not Madrid, Mariano Rajoy Brey and as we know the PP, why not possible? -
While every country rules different, as Spain - UK, but I am surprise at the response from Rajoy with Puigdemon, when we ask a simple dialogo between the 2 leaders only and mean speak, speak, speak and speak of the issues that concern Spain and Catalonia and in order to resolve, instead Rajoy with respect, send treads and ultimatums of 5 days, but no date for the first communication meetings, between Madrid and Catalonia leaders, perhaps with the small HOPE, that matters will finish in amicable ways, also stop making something so small, into a bigger issue, only to show off, provoke, incite hatred and into a bigger matters, that can be avoid today and on time.
This is a petition from me, I am making a world petition and the reasons why is because mean my ancestry is placed in stunning land of Spain, anywhere in Spain, I don´t care where, as soon as the matter is finish, because belongs to my father´s roots. It is impossible to go into Spain and not to feel in love with the place, impossible! - My father was a very special person to me, even today, still miss him horrible, the most wonderful and warm human person ever existed. My father was my father and my mother at the same time, always looking into my matters, so caring, so generous, so amicable and so reasonable contrary of what the rest of my family speak over matters, mean who will be a nice person, when provoke an incite as my father was by the rest, instead to show some kind of respect. Anyone who has a father, like mine, I ask the same, because reflects to anywhere in Spain, a lot of peoples are so warm, relaxed and caring nature, that you would not find the same warm in anywhere else in the world, Europe and even Mexico, that is so famous of friendly peoples, but Spain comes with own music, flavor, sangria, sun, tablao, freedoms, liberty, love, caring nature, well you name it, everything is possible in Spain, except that I don´t have a job, otherwise I would be living in such warm land, soils and place.
Without going over the board, everybody knows the love for Spain, but request the holy meeting between Madrid and Catalonia and stop the mess that landed, both cultures.
Catalonia is the only place in Spain that comes with everything and I mean everything to sustain alone and become itself, alone, oneself, but Madrid government intent to remove own services, business and the rest and all down to envy, domination, control, hatred and provoke wars, like happened to me by the "family problems" that removed all and everything from me, by the same envy, mean castrate and unable to move after, because there is always families that love, enrich, prosper, others rip your heart into hundreds tiny, little parts and out of endless lies (5 boys, the river, the kiss, etc) to dominate, instead of respect and let you fly free and as high as you wish in peace, with full support, but removes all to terminate, even my unborn children forced to terminate (abortion), then what I tell the world when ask me of the same, where shall I start, who will believe me and how I stop the bleeding Franco's?-
Today the world ask me, why I lost unborn children (3) when forced to terminate (abortion) and I wonder what I am going to explain, except all reflects with Catalonia, mean we need to see the carnage that happened to me, before any communication and when my children removed from my womb, pretty much like Franco's against the victims that lost own families and own children removed from them with no reasons and warnings, or we ask to stop, full stop the abuse, carnage, and bullying, furthermore when anyone like me intent to fly the nest, with the rest of my family behind me everywhere, like sickos, now you understand the reasons why, such peoples are called dictators, exactly the same as Catalonia that intent to become independent, but instead controlled, manipulated and with fear of own actions after Independence voting, due to same financial cuts from own Spanish government, never them, the victims do not work on any government to be blame / frame, but hurt by such entities with recortes and I want to ask, if Scotland lives in the same way, with such anomaly symptoms, fear and castration, mean unable to move, but free, so why no Catalonia? -
This action of the following links is not interference in any government matters, but give a chance to dialogue, (dialogo) so I salute Scotland, UK and such peoples that gave a chance to peace, instead of endless wars and in order to restore the broken bits, matters and issues:
The hatred reflects the first and second Spanish Republic, mean looking forwards into a third one, when in reality is only a meetings to solve the matters and speak, speak and speak of what is inside, what is to be done to repair the damaged, what is there to improve the services, like happened to Scotland, why no Catalonia, where is the human rights, explain in the following links:
- Felipe VI de España: "Golpe de Estado en Cataluña, Barcelona"
http://rcp13.blogspot.co.uk/2017/10/felipe-vi-de-espana-golpe-de-estado-en.html- Felipe VI de España: "La Repùblica Española"
- Felipe VI de España: "La Asamblea Nacional Catalana" -
- Felipe VI de España: "El esperado DIALOGO entre España y Cataluña" -
Felipe VI de España: "El discurso de Mariano Rajoy Brey, Soraya Sáenz de Santamaría y Carles Puigdemont Casamajó " -
I wonder, how many more notes we need to write to make a simple petition, within my rights as Spain is part of my ancestry, part of my blood and part of my roots, anyone? -
Furthermore that Spain and UK still belongs to the European Community, not matter the excuse of Brexit, so who is responsible for me to address the issue "in public and for public concern" and without making a big fuss - out of nothing, but request speak both politicians from Madrid and Catalonia ONLY and in order to avoid leave matters into a third peoples, mean this is a home issue for Spain and as home matters need to be resolve at home, not like my family that waited for me to investigate their own murder spree against my reputation and in order to know the true of my life as today, but intent to manipulate even further with a group of bullies, sickos, envy, pain, lies (5 boys, the river, the kiss, etc), even ripped my unborn children with no respect, love, protection, tolerance, but use me, eat from the action and gain power against me, my parents and rest of the family.
I have been writing in Spanish with the hope of that meeting and speak of the priorities, with no luck, except an ultimatum, like Prince Charles by Camilla, forced the man to divorce his wife and the rest everybody knows the sad ending, so now is your turn for peace, respect, tolerance and to do what is right, correct and on time, before any catastrophe, otherwise if we could know, who shall we place the blame after?.- https://www.facebook.com/rosariocastellanosruizdeparker13/
Mexico gained independence from Spain (as the note speak: http://tinyurl.com/y8rrjsek ), but killed soon after our leader, Iturbide, without a chance to make a proper government that Catalonia today comes with, by years and years of experience, but even then, nothing warranties the stability, peace, freedom, liberty, but union, mean look what our country got for representatives and perhaps in the hope, Spain think twice before intent to become solo, "independent" many times a country is better whole, that ripped apart, mean even in war times you need each other, so please think twice before want something in life, research, investigate, educate, otherwise other countries in the world may represent your fallen heroes! -
And in my case, I was pushed into marriage, separate from my Mexican peoples, today I am happy where I am, solo, away from years of years of lack of stability, prosperity, protection, but into pain, hatred and turmoil from family problems, mean a life of a person is not the same, never would be equivalent of a complete state like Spain, Mexico, elsewhere, you would never compare, because a person is a human entity, not a community, country, state and with respect.
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