Friday, 27 January 2017

"COPAMEX refuse agreement from the Mexican President, Enrique Peña Nieto" ..

Juan Gabriel - Por Que Me Haces Llorar (En vivo desde Bellas Artes, Mexico-2013)

"Para que los gobernados tengan la obligación de pagar contribuciones (…) es necesario que esas contribuciones sean creadas por ley en el sentido formal y material", es decir, que sean previamente discutidas ante el Congreso y publicadas en el Diario Oficial de la Federación (lo que, según el abogado, no sucedió!-).    Entonces con todo respeto, como es que lo estamos leyendo la misma (publicadas en el Diario Oficial de la Federación) en las noticias ( y con extra links en esta nota, cuando se esta pensando, formando, realizando y creando superaciòn economica (Fortalecimiento Económico y la Protección de la Economía Familiar") que pueda ayudar, asistir y solventar bienestar de las familias Mexicanas, pero licenciados intentan ganar (bloquear?!), cuando todos sabemos que la excusa del gasolinazo es, "el enojo y malestar (", para obtener mejor calidad de vida (prestaciones, trabajos, remuneraciòn, etc) en toda la Republica Mexicana, entonces no se como, "se puede ganar a tiempo ( en un juicio" sin merito alguno de nada, porque dicho acuerdo (Fortalecimiento Económico y la Protección de la Economía Familiar") apenas se esta construyendo, pensando, realizando, creando, formando y hasta organizando!!? -

Mexico No puede continuar con alto nivel de vida, dejando atras al resto y con respeto a quien corresponda la misma, pero como comunidad tenemos todos la obligaciòn MORAL de ayudar ( por parejo y prosperar juntos, no separados! - Porque parece que, el descontento por el gasolinazo, todabia no termina - pero continua! -

Mexico tiene todo, absolutamente todo, "hasta la mano de obra", no entiendo porque tenemos que mandarla al extranjero y pagar trabajo extranjero en nuestro pais que cuesta doble, que solo confunde, abusa, denigra y hasta apacigua la vanidad de unos cuantos "porfiriazos", que piensan todabia vivir en esos tiempos de oro, junto con todas sus gallinas! -

Pienso que nuestro gobierno de Mexico està muy mal acostumbrado, perdiò el ritmo de vida totalmente, olvidò de donde viene y tambien quien lo sacaròn de sus mismas palancas, asi es que el nuevo Presidente Americano, Donald Trump enseñarà lo que nosotros en el extranjero, somos forzados a vivir en tierras lejanas (, quiere decir que no somos sus chistes, tampoco sus burlas, pero su triste realidad ( y obligaciòn de ejercer a favor de la Naciòn Mexicana, pero nunca vendernos por nada!

La nota continua en Inglès, porque se necesita fortalezer la misma (Fortalecimiento Económico y la Protección de la Economía Familiar") economia de nuestro pais, sobre todo fortalezer nuestros impuestos que se pagàn, aùn comprando en tiendas y estos puedan ser viables a favor del portador (aquel que contribuye), porque nuestro pais Mexico quiere otro molde de vida con màs prestaciones y evitar emigrar, porque nuestra sociedad no puede continuar con racismos - dividiendo nuestra Naciòn (, porque ya no queremos palabras, pero echos reales, actuales y vigentes (, porque nuestra gente se esta muriendo de hambre y solo los ricos prosperan, porque ya no queremos recortes (, pero un salario actual que nivele con la economia del pais, porque los trabajadores no tienen prestaciones (garantias muy reducidas y un miserable salario que apenas alcanza para nada!) de nada (, pero una vida denigrante, indecorosa y que solo favorese a compañias nacionales, e internacionales, porque se busca en Mexico un nivel de vida, donde todos prosperen por igual y asi poder enfrentar crisis, inflaciòn y su alto costo de vida, evitando marchas de descontento. Sobre todo evitar INSULTOS tàn denigrantes, acusadores, e hipocritas contra la Naciòn, porque bien recuerdo los Chedraui cuando entraròn a Tierra Blanca, Veracruz, saquearòn y robaròn nuestra clientela - forma de vida: "Dime ladròn ( ), lograste mejor vida a base de nuestros esfuerzos, sudor de la frente por nuestra familia Castellanos y trabajo duro de toda una vida?"- Entonces pregunto si creen en el futuro de la clarividencia, si usaròn a mi familia para hoy tener que escribir el mismo abuso (Chedraui), o quien en realidad nos vendiò para sacarnos de T.B. Ver y quedarse con lo nuestro, con que derecho el abuso familiar, porque nosotros y no aquellos que trabajan representando al pueblo de Mèxico como hoy, que estoy escribiendo, entonces estoy en lo correcto, o me retracto de la misma, en pocas palabras quien vendiò a mi familia?! -

Coparmex refuse agreement ("Economic Strengthening and Protection of the Family Economy" - Fortalecimiento Económico y la Protección de la Economía Familiar" ) proposed by the Mexican President, Enrique Peña Nieto, when consider the same financial family remuneration, but "lacks social consensus (" and expose as "incomplete", and somehow along the line .. of hypocrisy, becomes TOTALLY complete, with a long list of super RICH ($$$) business women / men entrepreneurs (, that benefit only of the same big wealth, with great vision, aims, ideas, ideals and abundance.  Enrique Solana Senties from CONCANACO / Servytur said: "We build a starting point constructional program, that lasted from Thursday - till Sunday ( 11;00 pm  )" -  I believe strong, "a waste of time" with nothing clear, concrete, fundamental, fruitful, prosperous, equal, or progressive of anything, nothing!! -  I leave you a link  that explain with clarify matters and agreement ( "Fortalecimiento Económico y la Protección de la Economía Familiar"), with list of aims to achieve, with clarity as you read, but rejected!- 

In my point of view as "Mexican born", entitle to an opinion freely, without suffering repression and on behalf / benefit of my Mexican peoples and the one that lack support, remuneration, representation and protection laws, but "looks better, much better document drafted ( ), than "Mexican Families forced to live with no financial help (I like the part: "inclusión laboral de los grupos vulnerables"  and must be "vulnerables" themselves, because "nobody can be vulnerable in a society full of promises, when nothing delivers, but forced to pay taxes", when in reality removed human rights to look vulnerable, which is different one, to the other, but need to offend /insult peoples!!)", particularly "those families that are extremely poor", at least we could said, "an improvement agreement drafted in a piece of paper", except that, if someone is going to regulate the same, because we don´t want false promises "any more" and reasons why, I am writing in plain English for the rest to read, as we don't want more scapegoats, that mislead the course of the law and even takes the Mexican peoples for a ride when paying taxes, or hijack the Mexican President with loads of presents, favours, tips and the rest ( privilegiados ), re-create corruption within our well adjusted government, many times based on lies, mislead and intolerance, instead of progression!- 

I believe strong, "el enojo y malestar", mean in plain English ( ), Mexican peoples want basic necessities, but forced into poverty as lack of human rights and as result, lose better standards of life ( when lack equality within our community - society and "gasolinazo" is an excuse to demonstrate the same impact ( "el enojo y malestar").  A strong force to gain an opportunity like the rest, "which is not a crime to wish a better standard of life, but a human right", like the Mexican government excuse is the "gasolinazo" to create the reaction ("el enojo y malestar") and no difference one, to the other, except "government affairs is for the community and not against society"-  Furthermore, when take a long time to create a simple agreement ( Fortalecimiento Económico y la Protección de la Economía Familiar ) as mention before, but when suit the person in charge can reach same documents, within seconds, but time to finish Bullying (, and time to finish, "the STRONG need to HOLD into peoples lives with all kind of excuses, and time to finish the blackmail but work hard for your living standards, and time to finish the intolerance that oppress the rest, and time to finish the harassment acts against your own kind and again, one more time, and time to finish the Bullying, Stop, Full Stop bullies and their own BULLSHIT!! -

-  When reflects the irresponsible and unresponsive society that we live today, with Mexican Politics affairs and Government staff - full of bullies ( ), that is time for the Mexican government staff to feel inside themselves and into their own blood system: sister bullied years ago, as "I Am A Witness Teresa Solana Senties )", but wrongly and falsely accused (, blame and frame to feed those lies and forced since the last time I saw her (1978) and even today (2017), to live and re-live her own ordeal and past life when education (so mean Teresa Solana Senties still very much present into my life, but hide in the background  orchestrate the bullying against me and mine family and all thanks to her family, present GOLDEN position, stealing our way of life based on lies, ill spread and intolerance!), by whoever create the complete madness (, weird attitude, abuse, intolerance, malice, criminal activity, crimes, bullshit (Chedraui in T.B. Veracruz and etc!) against my reputation (, when me and mine (family) never hurt anyone, but help! -  Instead of the correct peoples responsible of such low acts (against Teresa Solana Senties), but me and my family need to pay and re-pay the fucking, fucking, fucking and fucking madness, ordeal, bullying and then, pardon me today, if I pass to you back ( what you deserve, your own complete BULLSHIT for a sister (Teresa Solana Senties ), offences, cruelty and your criminal peoples, when murder my unborn children and family based on lies from Teresa Solana Senties and her helpers (5 boys, the river, the kiss - my arse, etc), with defamation of character against my reputation, furthermore responsibility of sister - Teresa Solana Senties (, blood and bully (as I am badly affected today!)! - As I am not sure if you are all relate in the previous links, but expose the crimes from Solana Senties family, against me and mine family, with no arms whatsoever against those bullies, except to expose their own weird world and madness attitude! -

The charges against Teresa Solana Senties and her helpers against me and mine (family) are too many to enumerate here in one note, but from today (27/1/2017), Enrique Solana Senties and Juan Solana (as links mention!) are under my grasp legally ( ).  I am going to expose in public, what me and my family need to endure alone and for so many years now (1978 - 2017), hide and in the full grasp of those criminals and their own family background: "Solana Senties", together with own helpers (5 boys, the river, the kiss, etc).  I hope my Lord ( ) can have mercy of you (solana senties), because the charges are more that you can ever take for the abuse of power and profession, if I ever see anyone Solana Senties near my family, Castellanos Ruiz!! -  As I want you to understand, that the legal implications and charges against you (Enrique and Juan Solana), as Solana Senties Family - whole and complete and all due to your own sister, Teresa Solana Senties criminal activity and negligence against my reputation and the rest of my family - badly affected, when left alone by you (Enrique Solana Senties and Juan Solana), but your full responsibility as blood and sister (Teresa Solana Senties) not mine at any time, furthermore when left to roam FREELY against me (the last time in contact with teresa solana senties was 1978, but still in my life 2017, somehow?-), with such powerful tools (as work connections with the Vatican / church and government / politics affairs) and my family (my children bullied at school in England not Mexico as how happened to teresa solana senties and how, she can travels and who's pays the ticket, accommodation, expenses, luxury if not the government / church, when that money is for the poor - needy peoples and in order to re-create your bully sister, teresa solana senties when younger, defame my reputation badly, then my sisters and brother after?!!  And the ex/husband told me before divorce, "wherever you are in the world, I am going to be there", repeating and representing, "teresa solana senties" own words and "how they meet before", that is not jealousy, but crimes charges for me and mine family, from past abuses by them as bullies, because he got not a penny to his name to follow me everywhere, neither he is interested, but all my connections as solana senties and the rest, passed to him and his sister social worker and her bunch of bullies for helpers, "5 boys, the river, the kiss, etc" to be frame and blame after for anything "cover themselves so well" and again all expenses paid by the church / government, then don't ask why the poor still poor!! - And I still believe the connection from HRH Princess Diana of Wales with me today, comes from same place, Prince Charles, "Vatican", background. Solana Senties and the rest somehow connect, by using me and Diana Spencer as fish net and piece of meat to sell with any tale, incredible?!  And this is how much the abuse travels no expences spareeats from the restconnects and lives so well, by lying the course of the law, as Enrique Solana Senties and Juan Solana are two abide law professionals, but use defamation of character, lies and tales instead of profession! - Where I am doing the investigation with respect to HRH Princess Diana of Wales  and solana senties hide in the background, ready to collect the cash award with the charolas, always behind me, when I am not looking, the same as her mother forbade me to be friends with teresa solana senties and "need to see each other hide", so what is there to hide so much, please tell me, I am all ears, I want to know the true, not more lies, no more defamation of character against me and mine and no more abuse that hide the real bullies and own bullshit!?! -  Instead of me to earn my own cash with my own investigation when finish, but solana senties and helpers hide in the background, stealing all my hard work "when use me with lies against my reputation" and earn my cash, removed from me based on same lies and this is how the Vatican is so rich, by the HARD work of the rest as my hard work  and my family hard work in Veracruz, now passed to solana senties and so on passed and passed and kill and pass based on lies,, like the WWII, stealing the rest??!! -   Not matter live or death, the Vatican / church always steals what do not belong to them, with any role, tale, lies and defamation of character, not hard work, but the hard work from the rest, based on envy!), with intolerance and pretend to help, but destroy (I lost my unborn children to place a bad mark on me, by the church and help your professional life, thanks to angelic teresa solana senties when become single mother and keep her child as she told me "my mother let me to have my child, contrary of my mother when she was forced to press me hard to terminate with everything from me, even boyfriends and passed to solana senties" and this abuse, opened a influx of job opportunities, create wealth and rich life never lived before, as everyone can witness, Enrique Solana Senties, CONCANACO and Juan Solana's Vatican, rewarded with MAGDALA and enclosed links before and all thanks to teresa solana's lies against my reputation, then everything passed to her from me, even boyfriend that is unimportant now, but need to prove in law of the same and perhaps all planed that way to FEED the rest "opportunity seekers" -  As I remember the ex-boyfriend telling me that he was studying law to protect me, "later in life" and I wonder how he knew of today, he mean and waiting for the perfect time like predator, planed the future as today and by same criminal activity "Vatican / Government" and then, expect me to pardon after the abuse, murder spree, intolerance, criminology, crimes, abusive, compulsive and criminal activity, please tell me more about it, I want to know, I am all ears, waiting to snatch you, for the abuse of power and profession and I hope this volatile life, never happens to those responsible for the crimes against me and my family, then you will understand me today, my position and my place!? - "And without any law representative (enrique / juan solana) to ask me for my part in the false accusation, lies and slander against my reputation 1978, by teresa solana senties and the rest bullies "5 boys, the river, the kiss, etc", except today by me 2017, alone and with this blog and so, when I was supposed to know the true of the abuse, bullying and lies?!", Strange? - When HOLD the law "Enrique and Juan Solana" and understand the power, responsibility and even principles,  then I request the same profession removed, as you lied / failed / hide to the point to kill all me and mine, by the use of your sister, teresa solana senties, as form of weapon and criminal tool against humanity, my unborn children, brother and sisters! -  When I left my education 1978, by the slander, intolerance and lies from teresa solana senties against me, passed to the rest of parasites all my opportunities, exactly almost at the same time, mara sister as link mention:  "primary and secundary education" affected me badly and I wonder if there is connection and again, all my things, friends and everything passed to her as well like teresa solana and vise-versa, "sheering like football players the same girls together", including ex/husband, sister social worker, "when I helped her to take FREE classes at rosario's school in puebla mexico, before the wedding 1985, then she took the rest from me as well because I never intoduced her to my past friends so how she managed and then azpiri, with the "zermatex factory" and link mention and the hand of maradona from pancho to seal matters, when the rest benefit £££$$$$, stole and killed based on lies and this is how easy was the bullshit, using all and everyone in groups, that aid together against me "acting as Jesus Christ" and mine family, but then, cowards bullies always act together, never apart!? and steal from us (Enrique Solana Senties, Chedraui, ex/boyfriend and the rest, now live in Veracruz and all my family out of that place with WALLS en-marked, en-forced, passed property to pancho azpiri and his hand of maradona / zermatex, and killed like my brother, or remove by force like sister ana pia, but "waiting patiently the correct time and moment like astute gazelle" and charge me the body / murder after  with respect, but I have not seeing my family since 1985 - 2017, neither record my persona in mexico during 2010 with my passport as prove legally and where is the weapon from me against my brother, but exactly when teresa solana senties came out of nowhere, as I have not seeing her from 1978 - 2017 and defame my reputation badly said: "I spoke of her body and when" and by the use of FB chat services years ago and could be anybody by the way such peoples develop in hide, like church confession, so better make my blog and expose the abuse me and my family fall for the lies and again where is the probe as tool, photo, matter that I said what teresa solana said I said of her and did what I did of her, where is it, but slander, and the rest took advantage: 5 boys, the river, kiss, dishwasher, etc and same bullshit to destroy our family and that was the first time in years since 1978 spoke to teresa solana senties and only time, as I told her when ready I will contact her, not knowing where the "family problems" was coming and I did not want her to get involve with my family, as private matters, but how wrong I was, terrible wrong, as such peoples even today and even when writing in my laptop, present in my life want to know all and everything from me, then who is responsible for this madness, removing my peace, space and tranquility?-). So as you can see the abuse of power and profession and crime charges against Solana Senties family and helpers are more than can be digest in a complete lifetime by own sister, Teresa Solana Senties, but "a no well woman in her right mind" will go against ( the rest without proper prove over matters, so I am unable to understand profession of such peoples that represent her with the wave of lies, but frame and blame me to eat, study and take advantage and I need to make sure she (teresa solana senties and helpers) is not near me and my family ever again, or used by her own Senties Solana family to feed the rest and both of us played the best part of it, but from my part, I don't want to see her (teresa solana senties) ever again, after such abuse, intolerance, criminal activity, that surpass limits, time and memory. As what if I do the same to Teresa Solana Senties and helpers with respect, I bet ( she would not like to see me again after the crimes and destruction of her own blood and family, the same rest of bullies, that co-operate with the criminal activity (sergio gomes pintado, ex/boyfriend, ex/husband and his sister social worker, mara, flor, pancho and the list is ), without limits, without frontiers and without obstacles (as ex/husband told me of my unborn children: who gives a shit, then I do give a lot for them and I will demonstrate, how far I can get with the purpose, as I want those that take life lightly to understand, that such lives are not ours to dispose, as we wish, with loads of shit of lies to eat the rest and I hope my mexican government and vatican are proud to hide the abuse and bullies, because nobody is extent from my Lords power)?!! - 

My family Castellans Ruiz and the ex/husband and his sister social worker, I will deal with them direct myself and exposed in public (because I understand the ex/husband very well, that enable to do such matters against his family / blood / children, by the pressure cooker of his sister social worker and friend now of all my past friends, matters and family, STOLEN from me and based on lies: 5 boys, the river, the dishwasher, etc), by the use of this blog and the family from teresa solana senties are going to contest to me direct (enrique solana senties and juan solana), because of the charges mention before and I don't believe this lady (teresa solana senties) is in the correct frame of mind (, but roam free into my life, placing me and mine family, with great danger and no protection laws and pinned in the wall like Jesus Christ and that is wrong, totally wrong and in order, to incite fear, furthermore in present and modern times, when this world of Jesus Christ do not exist with us anymore, except in church places - the persecution, furthermore into her (teresa solana senties) assumptions against my reputation, with ill spread against my persona, from all sorts, incredible to believe the tales and pretend to protect, when remove my aid and just by example: my children at school badly hurt (when I lost connection with teresa solana senties since 1978 - 2017, and one simple chat with her on fb do not a merit the slander and pretences, neither by having friends on those places, "but not on talking terms", so how?- I have nothing to do with teresa solana senties bullies, but her own church and persecution  because her abuse "BULLYING" happened and came from Christians schools that are not relate to me, but her own family  and teresa solana senties is complete confuse against me, or she is taking advantage of her own lies and so how this madness can happens to peoples like us and nobody to warn me to protect me and my children and family, but left us alone in the UK to feel the persecution and pay for lies and pay for nothing, and pay for complete madness and as such, I am not in the position to forgive or forget, when crimes charges against my family that are catalogued as crimes against humanity, with 3 unborn children and 4 members of my direct family, plus the rest that is unknown, so would you pardon if was your own family persecuted by mad peoples and hide the bullies, so why me? -  ), my family and everything that is mine, badly hurt, so how we go from here, who is responsible for the charges and why the crimes in the name of God, whichever is your God?- In psychology the assumptions from teresa solana senties against my reputation "is classify as no correct state of mind, without mention the complete persecution from 1978 - 2017" and in law this is "crime with intent" with "no prove whatsoever" and "my side of the story never heard except today (1978-2017)", neither to mention the criminology, "that is to nail the bastard/s that cause the crimes" -  And this is the same persecution (, that HRH Princess Diana of Wales suffer (and mention before, with teresa de calcuta note) after married to Prince Charles and the same as me, after married the ex/husband, but still insist that her ex/husband and Camilla, also persecute Diana badly and without mercy, leaving the door open to the rest bullies (tony blair, spencer family, etc)! -


As I am unable to understand why my sister ( need to feel exactly the same as the boy when I first meet him (, very vulnerable, anyone knows the connection and reasons why of the tears, despair and solace, my sister (lupy) was suffering / experience and came to me out of the blue and then, who is in charge of taking opportunity, manipulate her environment (husband, family, etc) and perhaps get even with my family, because we were forced to break up, but I already explain the reasons why (teresa solana senties), taking all his insides with innocent peoples - members of my family, instead of the correct bully / person?- As law abide person, I have the rights to expose peoples (, friends (teresa solana senties), matters, or religion fanaticism / bullying ( ), anything to aid me into my investigation and expose in public and in order to protect me and mine (family) with respect.  As mention before, I can feel my past even today as present (2017), when broke up back in 1978, then by law, we are all here together and nobody hides, until we know fully well who done what and where and by who's, furthermore, with all the robbery into my personal life, to use as anything wanted after, trashed with no respect whatsoever, frame and even blame me after, then, I should not feel intimidate by no-one (teresa solana senties, luis francisco, juan solana, enrique solana senties, or the rest mention in my blog), but left me to develop and continue my investigation in peace and with nothing to hide! - As I said before, I know more, much more that you will ever think that I know and even try to hide, because I will know where you are and at the end, I will know, so be aware that with me and my Castellanos family, nobody mess again.  As I said to teresa solana senties and I said the rest, I may communicate when all is over, but never before, as crimes charges and still unknown of the position, furthermore when hurt badly, impossible for me to connect again, NEVER AGAIN! -

I am unable to continue the note, there is more to come and from the same matters mention before, when I know too much information that enrich my life, with much melodrama that my heart can take  and as we said, "one at the time" and all because of me?-  And that is the problem, me!!?-  When me, YES me, I loved such peoples (teresa and luis francisco, etc) and made them welcome into my life and family since younger, so what was my mistake, when the whole class was telling me to break up the friendship with teresa, reasons and all, until she broke up our friendship herself and because her mother and all develop months before the school year ended, 1978, so what changed today, what she is doing inside my life now, 2017 and what is her problem now, who is going to be the next scapegoat, victim, bullshit and lie!? -

As such, I need to take a pause now and in order to digest properly the complete madness and information, as state before, charges against humanity and please don't ask for pardon, when you never suffer the wave of criminal activity and abuse into your life and destroyed that trust that peoples place into your hands with slander, because of me and my family and since younger, when the life of the bullies fully cushioned, staffed and protect, thanks to us, when stealing from us! -

My sister ( ) made her point loud and clear to me and as such, I have the right to address such concerns in the best of my possibility, but I swear to God, that I was unaware of the friends problems - until now - explain properly, and I made my blog, step by step, until here we are today! - When my sister asked me (, but unfortunately, nobody can fire bullets, when unaware of who they are going to hit (and those peoples that hit for the trill are not well in the mind, you can not go against humanity, impossible!! - ), the same happens with the false accusation, nobody could bring this wave of intolerance against you, until you know full well if true, or not by the use of the law, because in my case, nobody asked my side of the history and until now, all because my sister pointed the stuff and problem (, otherwise this "family problems" from the ex/husband, his sister social worker and helpers will carry on for ever and ever, amen, with the abuse, bullying and even taking advantage (££$$)!-

And as such, I have the right of replay ( ) even by the public, that the law gave me and in order to protect me and mine (children and family) and use that right to express my side of the history by the use of this blog and in my case, as falsely accused / blame, "in public and for public concern", because as student of law and member of the community, I have the rights to defend my reputation, to anyone that may come with concerns regarding my persona and behaviour, that my Lords is my witness, so help me God and so be it in law! -

Right of reply

El derecho de defensa

While the Castellanos family are generous and heart peoples, but we know full well how to deliver direct to the world, not by bullets, bullies, wars and famine, but remove all your child toys, bullshit, bullies and speak with open communication and furthermore, we place in your hands peace!- The word of my LORD is high. much high in my esteem, that you will ever believe and deliver yourself, NEVER AGAIN! - Rosario Castellanos de Parker. 


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