Monday, 12 October 2015

How Trafford Council staff will respond to world crisis, by opening homes to refugees and at the same time, holds clash of culture with me and mine?-

The photo has nothing to do with any religion, culture, or society at any time and I apologies if you may think so, but shows the world our BIG DIFFERENCES ( ), without hurting anyone here, but time to acknowledge such important matters, in order not to feel ashamed of our country of birth, colour, disability, incapacity, illness, religion, creed, age, sexual orientation and even gender, but create a world of understanding to all, instead carrying more hate, with any excuses.  

Mehdi - Heaven's Rain

The following note will give me an opportunity to show the world in general, my Mexican country and even my Mexican family, what went on with my sister against neighbours (pouring water, very much the same as Ana Pia poured water to Guillermo Encinas when on mariachi to me, in my mother's home) and neighbours against my sister, "detained under the mental health act", for a minor offence (pouring water) and this matter has been escalated to me now, by all bands: neighbourhood (house #11), "the family problems" of the ex/husband and his sister social worker, as "social worker" and my Mexican family (that takes oportunity $$$), but the law removed, exactly in the same way as my brother, that perished ( ) soon after?-

Before I continue my note, I shall mention that the "family problems" of the ex/husband and his sister social worker ( ), holds my own (children) with bad spread of own mother (me) in order to help me and leaves me on my own devices, even everything removed in Trafford area (  ) in order to avoid any "witness" of the abuse to me and mine today.

Because of that matter alone, I shall move from my present position, when everything is ready to move, acceptable in law the matters and works the services in the same way as the rest in the UK, exactly in the same way, as the ex/husband sister, social worker, Carol Parker, when she moved from Glossop to High Lane, Stockport ( and I got the bill today. 

I got the DWP bill ( to pay on Carol's Parker, social worker behalf, for matters that happened to her in the past ( ), presently I need to pay, or my sister (soco), with neighbourhood?- As the one that has problems in Glossop was Carol Parker and the reasons why, she moved from Glossop to High lane, Stockport as I was told by her parents. As ex/husband parents (RIP) also told me, Carol Parker, social worker claimed benefits in Glossop (renting own home), Stockport (living with own parents) and Huddersfield University where she was studying and on that time against own rules, also no computer system to check matters, but I got her bill to pay today?- 

As I explain the DWP staff my position for "child tax credits", with several letters as probe (as you can read) "before" matters, but always "against me", also "frame me for today"  or "use" my family (with the go and tell her, very much the same, as when younger, as dad can you tell him? ), against, against and against me and why me of own personal "family (b$%£"*(&) problems, why, why and why?" - 

Including and non/extent, the brand new shower room of Carol's Parker new place (High lane, Stockport), that need to be ready "before" the woman habitat, with little, or no consideration at any time for her own father's (as if was my father!  ) health (heart problems), transforming not just one shower room, but two in our home (without my permit, consent and knowledge!!) as form of punishment and erased my name with RACISM, from the same family (RIP) and even fortunes: "Parker" -

RACISM direct to me and mine not just by the "family problems" of the ex/husband, his sister social worker, Carol Parker and own helpers (some members of my family), but the (local) government staff, that for years and years went against my reputation, with all kind of malicious spread, stalk, hunt, follows, bullying, lies, tales, defamation, intolerance, criminal activity and today try to hide ( with respect to The Queen ) the wave of abuse (1985 - 2015) and even blame my own generation (children), when not even born (1985 - 2015), when small children and when not even aware of such "family problems (5 boys, the river, etc)", but everything speak in what was our place (not the ex/husband sister social worker home in stockport, but trafford), as the batroom scales, plants (  ), shawer mats, holy bible (see pic), pets and everything that holds "memories" and poples (5 boys, the river, the kiss, etc), that bring such (measurament) hate (destructive behaviour, mind games, bullying, domestic abuse, etc) to me and mine and as far as the neighbourhood, Trafford area, Mexico, Germany, etc. 

Big apologies, to The Queen Elizabeth II and Her Husband, Prince Philip, as you can read the link.  

It's not my matter at any time, neither my children as you can see from when started (1985 - 2015) the abuse of "family problems"-

The parents ( ) from me and the ex/husband, unaware of reality, by level of abuse of power and profession of own children and criminal activity, within both families (ex-husband and myself), plus intolerance. 

The bullies (5 boys, the river, the kiss, etc) took advantages since day one (1985), place (Mexico, UK, Germany, elsewhere) and moment, as today (2015) still matters.

As today, I spoke to the person representing the owner of the place where I should move in, but changed the tune and is always the same answer to all my matters, refused (ex/sister, social worker), nobody lives here anymore (lupy), removed (anapia), etc, which is always no for an answer and leave me on my own devices (to avoid witness), the same as my brother (RIP).  When my own (children) helped the ex/husband and his sister social worker to move matters, after own parents passed away (RIP) and sold the property, as otherwise, with own lies, tales and defamation against me, as how they pay me and for me to move today, how, how, how, but lies, lies and more lies, now use my own (children) to help them in the abuse, within family?-

The cowards bullies, left me alone in the UK and still today (1985-2015), without a form of protection laws, disabled and unable to speak the language from the beginning (1985 - 2015), but badly hurt my reputation, when taking advantage and not time for parole.

As I got a property in which comes with "clauses", one of the matters is "neighbours" when same day, I saw mine child speaking to "neighbourhood leader (elaine grant, house #11)" and the same one (house #11) that visit me years ago (as if going around in circles the abuse, by the same problems and bullies! ), requested me to speak with my sister GP (when against the law and if she wanted, she could be doing the matters herself, not me, why me?), in order to "frame me" today, from matters that has nothing to do with me at any time, but my sister (soco, previous owner house #8) direct (she purred the water to neighbour's son not me, Why me?)!-  

As if my sister/s (soco, previous owner house #8) is capable to bring this wave of intolerance to me and mine and neighbours ( ), then adult enough all of them to seek the law and explain own conduct, not me, my children, the GP, or anyone else involved (in order to carry on the ill spread that goes around in circles, with bullying, excuses and never ends, even by neighborhood leader - house #11, that doesn't stop with anyone, not just me, but the rest as well in the past - present in flames the complete road - burned cars!! ), but such peoples that cause the intolerance, including "family problems" of the ex/husband and his sister social worker, as past - present favours and friend of the neighbour (house #11). 

I see similarities of "neighbours problems" with my friend (guillermo encinas) that brings me Mariachi music to my mother's house when younger (with thanks!), my sister (ana pia) throw some water to him from the window, the same when I saw my sister (soco) to the neighbours child and both sisters are very close, maybe helping each other and time to stop, because it leaves doors opens for the rest to abuse the community affairs (as ex/husband sister, social worker, that should know better   as own mother told me, hundreds times)!! 

However, the neighbour's (elaine grant, house #11) came against me at Trafford (DAG - Gaynor Burton) meetings, in front of complete public she blames me that, "I abuse old peoples" in order to remove all my jobs after (see letter) and where is the probe?-

My own mother was living with my sisters everywhere and even Germany, then she visit me for 2 days at the most and maybe 2 times in 20 + years, so when?- I am not the real child of the ex/husband mother (Betty Parker RIP, see photo) with respect, that ended up with hundreds of fractures at the stockport hospital (check own medical report), illness and abuses as neglect, by her real daughter the social worker, carol parker ( ) and I got the blame to confuse?-When carol parker, social worker was in charge of own mother (betty parker), because she wanted her real child, not me at any time, as she told me. However, the ex/husband mother told me several times, that I was like a daughter to her, in order to hide the abuse of her real (see photo, I was removed at the funeral service, when she passed away!!) child (carol parker ), not me at any time, but I lost all today.

Now, if you see your own reflection here BULLIED as foreign person like me, by bullies and their own hate propaganda ( ), then please start your own "racism awareness campaign", as this one is very busy (me) and this one is mine and you got no rights and time to use your own means, ways, forms and stop living from my matters with the excuse to look after your brother (david parker) affairs, but stealing all mine, because you got no guts to be yourself and robs from me, even my own form of self defence, in order to protect my brother as well?! - 

Because of the matters described before, I am unable to understand how Trafford council staff would open the doors to refuge victims (, when mine are totally closed and even before I move the trafford area ( ), if we remember.

 As the neighbourhood (house #11), visits my child a day ago as mention before, in order to use the same "tread system of my sister's (soco, previous house #8)", that was detained under the mental health act, for a bit of water, instead of ASBOS charge for minor matters, but what we recommend legally, for such peoples that abuse own jobs, position and neighbourhood in order to burn cars alive and even hurt neighbours as me now (as want me to feel the same fear of my sister, soco) and #12 in tesco's?- 

The reasons why I said my sister's (soco, previous house #8 - mara) children (tito, riqui, claudia, rocio, etc) and neighbours (house #10 -12) own kind friends, maybe a connection, that affected her own child (RIP), but why me?- 

I am unable to understand such hypocrisy from Trafford ( council staff, including neighbour (house #11) that works for jobcentre plus in Altrincham and the police with the neighbourhood watch scheme, with endless abuse of power and profession and just for a few drops of water from my sister (that should say sorry, not me!) and even, I need to pay in the past - present for something that I never did myself, as I am not the social worker (  as the ex/husband sister social worker, neglect own mother, my sister, etc), but falsely blame and the law removed, so how?-

The neighbours need to live the hate propaganda that was coming from job centre plus staff employment ( ) never me, with endless of their own cars blow up - burned alive in flames, may can explain in full public and for "public concern" past criminal activity against me and mine ( and rest of neighbours, instead she (house #11) comes for more and even visit my child, to use the same hitler system, as elaine grant did with my sister (soco, previous house #8) detained under the mental health act and for a few drops of water, merit such matters (?), instead of an ASBO, but removing all from me? -

I wonder as the Minister mention government staff should fix own matters with refugues, but always use peoples as me as foreign national, with any excuses to steals all and even for small matters impose such harness like Hitler, with "mental capacities, hunting, harrasment, stalks, bully, etc", lacking ideas, vision, prospectus, respect and tolerance?-

What I ever done to that bully (house #11) and friends as ex/husband ( ) and his sister social worker, to come against me - community, with that attitude and impose fear all the time, with own work, swipping card ( ) destroying my family, also the rest of neighbours cars blow up, accidents in tesco (as house #12) and a wave of abuse, not just me, but the rest. 

What is so funny that the leaders and managers that impose the bullying to society, still in the same employment after 30 + years ago and the rest losing own jobs for minors matters as me, so let me understand where shall we start in order to gain peace, as Trafford council staff mention in one of the letters? -

My brother and unborn children killed with the "family problems" from the ex-husband, his sister social worker and helpers, but themselves still alive, well, protect, happy, content and ready for the next move, bullying society - community ( as me, with a river of lies, defamation, hate, tales, intolerance, even arrive to foreign countries stealing own resources and bring a wave of hate ( ) to, then do not ask later, or blame foreign peoples as Syria, or me.

I am not looking after the ex/husband as I had been living with this man for more than 27 + years and never tease me not even once (1985-2015), but the person that David Parker spoke to (Carol Parker) "after" our incident (empty the dishwasher), in order for that bully (that I am very much interested to know who is she/he and alive and I am positive is Carol Parker, not the mother, Betty Parker, as she passed away (RIP) last year and the same matters, bullying, intolerance still today?-) to take any advantage, excuse and oportunity to hurt one of mine (, because that person (the one I am interested to know who is the one, acts very much like Carol Parker, with the go and tell him = oportunist) spoke to the next person (member of my family with the "go and tell them" like, "dad can you tell him" and that person is someone that represent my sister anapia (Mexico) because she do not speak english, but nothing stop to work together (ana pia) with the ex/husband sister, social worker (England), in order to send someone to molest my brother and perished, then blame me after?-

Since my father passed away, the "possessives" in our family started and this shows when my sister got my mothers home as payment (with excuse of removed from veracruz, but me, mara, mela, soco, tere removed from puebla?), the same matters similar, with the ex/husband and her brother against own mother (betty parker), by their own personal reasons, after she passed away, sold own mother's house for payment and erased me for ever (see photo).

After my father passed away, my sister anapia told me that she got the problem, refer to me (as her lottery ticket), also just before the divorce, the ex/husband told me that his sister, social worker, carol parker was representing him (another lottery ticket), but in reality is eating from own family (as canibals does to unborn children  ), as who will go against their own brothers and sisters (, who's?-

Before the ex/husband mother (betty parker) passed away, I spoke to her over the phone and she told me (maybe she did not realise who I was on the phone), to speak to carol parker and I never did such matters, not even today (12/10/2015)?-

With this matter in mind, I place my sister anapia and the ex/husband sister carol parker, the real culprits of our "family problems and total control" of our lives, when my father told me, that all his children were free peoples, born in a free country and my children comes from that freedoms, which is me, as Mexican.

"Today I am blame for something that I never did, or intent to do, except to empty the dishwasher, the rest is abuse by both families" and time to deal with such matters, by the law" -

As the ex/husband is trying to re-fix the kitchen, as I am divorce and moving out of the area, while my sister anapia told me, that her ex/boyfriend "el foco" ripped my mother's (as hers now with the payment) house and my elder sister re-fixed back to normal, the matter happened (foco ripped the house) exactly, when I placed a visit to my mother's before she passed away (RIP), in order to take advantage my sister (ana pia) and dupe my elder sister to re-fix the house and save cash, while in reality, it's anapaia and the ex/husband sister, social worker, carol parker that works together destroying our family.

My own children can explain matters the way they wants, as very young to even understand matters, because I was not aware myself of half of this matters, until I did the investigation as Trafford council staff refused as you read the letters, also the ex/husband still very much alive, well and healthy (after 5 years passed such incident 2010 - 2015, of "dishwasher" and living together in the same house), the rest is abuse, gossip, lies, defamation, hate propaganda, bullying, stealing and ripping my family (both families) apart, by simple lies, defamation and gossip.

As my brother passed away, my sisters (soco y mara) detained under the mental health act, we are all bullied by the same intolerance, family deals, pets hurt, killed, or destroyed and I get the blame of everything "after" and why?-

I just notice that my sister (Mexico) has an accident ( ), very much the same as the ex/husband mother (UK) that landed in the hospital so many times, fractures, illness, falls and and I really mean what I wrote in that note, because I will know full well, who is the person.

As I have been notice, that the system (ex/husband sister, social worker, carol parker and what appear my sister, ana maria) use exactly the same "elimination process" within family, means, removes any kind of "witness" in order to continue the hate propaganda, control, punishment and for you to be aware.

I understand that family problems develop and started by 2 sisters (flor and mara) from my side and one sister (carol parker) from the ex/husband side and need to deal with own children direct, or whoever is in charge, "over past problems", not me, my elder sister, or anyone else, but the ones that started.

As "nobody" in any part of the world can remove the law from you and yours imposible  - imposible (, in order to protect me and mine, from such abuses. Where I am exposing this kind of abuse from within "family problems" from both sides and for "public concern", because the law is not invisible.

I hope you understand the severity of the problem, crime, abuses and criminology, where and who's to give the certificate ( ), because I don't mind to leave my own (children) with own father, but I do realy care from both sisters (ana pia and carol parker) and what they are capable of doing when nobody is watching the abuse and in order to continue violence, otherwise the elimination process as Hitler, for the community to admire and blame others (me) after and in order to mislead, hide and corrompt the law.

I am not Trafford council staff working for you and even for free doing the work, that you get pay, but not me? -

I protect me and mine (children - family) legally with this note, as to expose violence within the community, should not punish peoples, but respect such peoples as myself that intent to finish such abuse, within the community, Rosario Castellanos de Parker.

(Because of the severity of the problem, this note will be removed, only to probe matters legaly, as I get blame for everything!)


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