Friday, 22 May 2015

Stamp The Vicious, Angry, Hatred, Jealous SNP Scottish Bra Muppet's For Good: Michelle Mone Quits Her Ultimo, First and Only One Lingerie Firm! -

Barry White, you are my first, my last, my everything - 

Bra Tycoon Michelle Mone announces her business is QUITTING Scotland with vicious parting shot at "angry, hated, jealous SNP moppets"- My problem is not the Bra, Properties, or Scotland country itself as stunning, but to find a Scottish solicitor to do the paperwork and enable me the move from my present position. When reading this matter on the news of Bra Tycoon Michelle Mone, I felt so much alike as my problem reflects, but I was unaware of this kind of hate. The matter explain why Scottish professionals would not take orders and find my petitions (any petitions!!), "out of this world" when is the same United Kingdom (Ireland, Wales, Britain and Scotland) law, language and principles, so what changed?- We agree that The Queen Elizabeth II is not negotiable in any politics affairs, as the daughter of the same Queen of Scotland, The Queen Mother, as The Queen Elizabeth. Furthermore, what I have to do with the matter, as I am like anyone else who swear the Bible ( when become UK citizen, so what changed?- I went to Scotland yesterday to find a solicitor, when arrived always takes a taxi to the "home address", as I am not from such places. Unfortunately, this time was inside the shopping place the famous home address, so no taxi and no way to know from right to left, plus the strong Scottish accent as mine, can you imagine?- Finally, I arrived to the place and holly appointment, to find a complete mambos jambs in Scottish Laws, which are not different than the English law, except a few bits, tits and torts. The Scottish solicitor (She) wanted me to do her own matters, when solicitors are for the community (me) "as taking orders" not the opposite, even wanted me to show loads of paperwork, which I do not object at all as part of regulations, including search my ID in the internet, before accepted?-("I was not applying for the job, except to gain access to Scottish Services, that was too much to ask?")-Now as student of law (me!), when I asked the Scottish solicitor to do the same to me and show me her own ID, training career, continue professional background - standards, career prospectus, titles, qualifications and the full requirement by the law (perhaps, title hanged in the wall to read education!), she just terminate the appointment, full stop, (good bye, che-che, get lost, ciao bambino, au revoir, adios??)!-

Property Law:

When in reality, I have the full rights to ask the same paperwork including ID to any UK (Scotland, England, Ireland and Wales) solicitor - professional, as they will handle my personal matters and I need to know well in advance which kind of record the person holds and how much he/she knows of the trade. My law study comes from own books as the rest of United Kingdom (Scotland, England, Ireland and Wales) Bachelors, that have the opportunity to learn the trade properly in a proper place and not different, but racially oppressed. As the ex/husband and his sister social worker and helpers, call my open university, "second hands books" study "rubbish", for my children to repeat same words (blame after!), with racist attitude!!-As there is too much professionals nowadays within our society, that are hire on such places with or without the correct qualification for the job, but an army of secretaries waiting outside the meeting room, to deal with own requirements!?-The secretaries earn a pittance and comes with law knowledge, "as they are typing work", but solicitors, barristers and judges are rich beyond your dreams. In fact solicitors salaries enable them to purchase property, in order to invest and hide the amount recovery from such jobs and nobody regulates?!- I went to see another Scottish solicitor (he) soon after this lady, to find a similarity, but much better this time of what you call in the "open fields - no reserve", as stationed with own bank, property and even legal services - products within own area?-I have no rights to come to you and hurt your matters, but request help to enable me and purchase / rent a place in the UK (Scotland, England, Wales and Ireland), neither you have any rights to come to any UK (Scotland, England, Wales and Ireland) cities destroying reputation of The Queen Elizabeth II, The Royal Family, or The Monarchy itself, that stand today and since centuries ago. As student of law, I refuse to do my own property law, as I feel like scooping my own ice cream, but I am un-trusted within society?-Exactly as the solicitors request from me, including "ID" to know which kind of character I am dealing with and to know full well how much professional standards understand of own job description, but un-trusted (see link?)?- I hope you pardon me, but after I lost all (with respect to The Queen for the same "professional standards (lies)" that today, I request to acknowledge who I am addressing with, "before" any kind of deals. As the ex/husband, his sister social worker and helpers past attitude to all mine (5 boys, the river, the kiss, etc), including insult anybody who was relate to me somehow (julie higgings as drunk?!) and for me to get blame after?- Now if anybody got a problem relate here with me, address in a proper court of law hearing, "where both of us knows full well of charges" and not hide the bully in "confidentiality acts" as coward and don't forget to bring large amount of cash to remunerate me from your endless lies (5 boys, the river, the kiss, the palm tree, the boiler  ... ). 

I remember who show me the trade to stand by myself with fingers and all (julie higgings), "as Scottish National"-We don't need to get to that level in order to protect what is ours and by rights, laws, legacy and even legitimacy, but to speak open of the matters and issues of the state. In this case, as The Queen Elizabeth II as Her own Mother: The Queen Elizabeth of Scotland - The Queen Mother (, have the rights to defend own legacy as Scotland, without suffering any kind of repression, oppression and corruption. The Queen Elizabeth of Scotland - The Queen Mother, who is Scottish National, married The King of England, George VI. So in Law (any law), by using the UK birth (as human rights) rights, laws, constitution, rule of the law, magna carta and even regulations, she is entitle to be know as: The Queen Elizabeth of Scotland (The Queen Mother). So please respect, as both Queen's as England, with The Queen Elizabeth II and Scotland, as The Queen Elizabeth - The Queen Mother belongs to the same land, country, peoples, laws and much more. I have better expectations within the Scottish Nationals and not just to use a person to be dropped after, but the start of a new beginning, with opportunities to all and what we ask to one (English person ), we shall ask the rest (Scotland, Ireland and Wales): "to behave" within frame work, government and politics affairs. So please respect your own country traditions and work within matters as politics - government affairs for a better UK future. As we are full aware of who the Scots peoples are of humble, kind, respectful background, because we have your Queen of Scotland that left a legacy, Rosario Castellanos de Parker. 


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