Monday, 23 September 2013

Keir Starmer QC wants a tough stance on Benefit Cheats and up to 10 years in Jail for the offence/crime/criminality" ..

The Royal Courts of Justice in London ..


The Government pretend Benefit Fraud costs the Tax Payer £1.2bn annually, but I do not have the exact figures as I do not work for those places and only assuming, but in reality maybe £5.2bn a year or more. What I am trying to do here today is to prove in Law the extent of abuse in the matter of "Benefit Cheats", by some UK Citizens that do the offences with intention to steal the country own resources and with the full knowledge of crime, criminality, abuse of profession and power. The reality is that we will never know the exact figures in law as those Government staff (DWP) can not provide an exact amount in loss/cost of revenue, which I find the matter unrealistic/uncanny and unetetical. As the Government staff holds the purse of the country, not us, but years in Jail for the steal/crime/ and going up (10), incredible!-As if those Professionals from Government places (DWP) wants to place blame to us direct "benefit (cheats) claimants" (the country) for their own faults/crime/criminality/abuse of power/profession. The matter grows out of proportion in a reputable Courts  of Law (Keir Starmer QC ) that the Judges, Barristers, Solicitors, Court Staff and Security should know better. When in reality the Courts represent us, the community as a whole not the Government and their own staff, but us/the community, otherwise we should set our own Courts of Law to provide Justice to our community, that is left alone to own devices and need to survive a wave of corruption, by the Professionals misconduct. A new, fresh, clean, cleaner, understanding to mind laws and with our peoples in mind, which is the community as a whole (disabled, colour, religion, sex, age, sexual orientation, etc). As we are human people, made of skin and bone that become of a multicultural society, not aliens to be treat different. The UK Courts do not work for the Government and their own staff, that brings confusion to the community and places of Justice (Courts), but us/community. In order to gain points, mislead, make the target and targeting innocents people or the most vulnerable citizens of our community and I am one of those people. The Court accepts one version in the matter (Government staff), when they know full well that the law require two versions of the matter (the community) to make a decision based on real facts, not lies, then that is not law, but corruption. When the law holds the balance, not bend the balance to one side. Now 10 years for the offence (insult to our intelligence) is far too much, but blame off the matter. When the community do not commit the offences/crimes, but the Government and their own staff, but trying to frame us (UK Citizens) for own faults.  The inability to perform well by those Government staff that gained the jobs base on "who is your friend" rather than, the "capacity, aptitude and understanding" into the job performance and the Courts of Law "unable to spot" the difference with years of experience in the matter, by those representatives of the law that received the best education money can buy, incredible!!-As me studying Law at home full time in order to survive your lies, abuse of power/profession and corruption with a wave of "family problems" and reason/s of my divorce last year. I am using second hands books of your students to enable me to gain education into your world, but the top Judges/Professionals that received the best education money can buy got hundred of excuses into why not, to able/unable-follow procedures, ethics, Principles of Laws, etc. Simple not complicate or out of this world procedures/laws/ethics, that the Professionals should obey/abide/respect and to know better, as they are qualify into the jobs, business, structure, not us the community, but the professionals. It takes a lot to become the best lawyer, solicitor, barrister, judge, social services, social workers and those that work with/and/to/or for the community. As those people follows own heart/common sense/simplicity and furthermore understand the community as a whole, rather than represent hundreds of codes/numbers, that are not good. Particularly when the matter in question of law is not crime/criminality relate offence, but abuse/violence/financial necessity/murder/etc. I prefer to follow the common Law to go with the community needs, rather than any other set of laws and fall into the unknown and corrupt world of "who is your friend", rather than capacity/ability to perform properly. At work the professional/s need to act fast and not to start studying the code/numbers/laws on that time/moment/seconds of work, but long before in order to understand the full case/law/code/number and apply the correct procedure. In which the sad reality is that, even the Judges do not always knows-follow all the Law. The mislead is costing our community our sanity, health and reputation (Benefit Cheats), and any respect or creditability of those people that represent the Law (Professionals) and should know better is lost then and there, together with the case and flushed in the toilet. Where the Professionals of today take the easy/fast/corrupt way out, which is one version of the matter (Government affairs), rather than to do the job they get paid for and properly in a professional and mature way, as it should be, which is two versions of the matter (Government and Community affairs). So what is the point to have the balance to represent the community, if you only need one side of the matter in law and bend with corruption. As ten years tough stance on Benefit Cheats is way out of order and in this case, the DWP staff need to prove in law that the matter was caused by the whole community and not them?-In my experience last year with my divorce (2012), that prompted me to do my own advocacy by the level of corruption that I was surround. I started studying law at home in order to survive the extent of abuse/crime and hate to me and mine, by the Government staff and "family problems" of the ex/husband.


I could not find a Solicitor, Barrister, Judge or Court to be on my problem when before/after divorce proceedings, and to receive Justice in law, but they were on the "family problems" side/case/mater and bending the law to one side, plus using my legal aid to help/aid the ex/husband side and the same Professionals born in the UK?- I believe strong that the law is not a toy and I have as much rights as anybody else to defend me and mine or those Principles of Laws, that fall into the hands of corrupt people in order to inflict pain to others less fortunate, in that case was me and mine, in which I praise the team of this case. Except that the woman in question (Joanne Gibbons) failed to notify the DWP staff of her change of circumstances. The DWP staff failed the woman (Joanne Gibbons ) in question badly, as they receive the training, computer system, leaflets, law, regulations, meetings, knowledge, etc, that need to adhere, follow and respect, plus hold the purse of the country. The DWP staff failed the "benefit cheat" as you want to call us of all her entitlements, but as a single mother (I was one of them) may Joanne Gibbons desperately of any help/money to hold into and may with/without intention on her side committed the offence. Now if ever Joanne Gibbons received the correct guidance of entitlements by the DWP staff "before" she committed the offence, then she may never need to fall into corrupt ways/trap and out of necessity, nothing else!!-"Can you follow my lead?"-So, who is the one that should receive punishment as they know better: "the DWP staff or Joanne Gibbons?"- The Courts to give us - Benefit Cheats - and up to 10 years in Jail for the offence and not DWP staff?-We live in a country where the Professionals (Government staff, NHS, DWP, Social Workers, Lawyers, etc) blames us (community) of their own faults and not them, but we do not work for those places, neither gained the knowledge, experience, shadowing or ways to commit crime and not on full purpose, as many unaware even on own entitlements. As the DWP staff needs to follow the rules at work in which means advice benefit claimants of all entitlements, in the moment when applying for the benefit, or renew the claim, not weeks/months/years after and with the aid of everything that is available to us to gain knowledge into the matter, including leaflet/s. The lack of knowledge in the matter makes people/benefit claimants to fall into the DWP staff traps, like rats. The game should stop, full stop and advice people of all entitlements, by law. As the staff that works for the DWP are full aware of own malice/intention due to the extent of educational ways gained into those jobs, but not us. In which the matter is process on the time, moment and seconds using the latest computer system to aid the DWP staff into another kind of benefits entitlements and advice us of the matter, not us, with this on mind including leaflets. The DWP staff avoids revealing the true extent of the abuse of power/profession, with more than 10,600 + victims of: ATOS/Unemployment exams and Bedroom tax deaths killed by their own "bully tactics and system", as mention before. I believe strong the matter is for the public interest and not jut mine, to know the truth, but hide the Professionals (DWP, NHS, Solicitors, Judges, etc) into the Law, with "confidentiality acts" and us/benefit claimants (Benefit Cheats) to get 10 years for their own mistakes and defamed lie, that the same procedure is happening to the NHS, etc.  When you accuse one UK resident (Benefit Cheat) affect all of us equally, because our reputation is defamed in general, to all of us including the Keir Starmer QC, by the State. The Law works for the community, not against. The Government staff need to prove the slander, lie, defamation in a court of law, not in public places (news, newspapers, radio, etc) and they need to accept own fault. As we can not continue the Hate Speech against own people (UK residents), but falsely accused of Benefit Cheats, by the State (DWP staff), when we need to set good standards in the community. As nobody can pass the law over the Queen Elizabeth II and even her Majesty never abused the law before, so why the Government and their own staff?-  The UN Housing Investigator collaborate my claim: "Hits Back At Aggressive UK Government (DWP), the same people that call us Benefit Cheats, milking the system, etc. As when one person is offended in public (Benefit Cheat), the matter affects all of us in equal manners, direct to our reputation, badly defamed the abuse of Government staff and may we can copy the McCann's, for one million each.  As every case in UK benefits handled by the DWP staff is different, as mention before and reasons differ one, from the rest. The UK residents got principles to adhere in law, before we can accept the defame lie, but corrupted by the place where we put all our trust. We are not invisibles to be accuse in the news, radio, newspapers, etc. As if our reputation was worth peanuts, by the UK Government, but no them?-The abuse itself is Aggressive and against our reputation and may count as verbal assault. In the same way as domestic abuse/violence (physical/mentally/verbal) which affects us in the long run mentally, physically and our self stern. As in any case, there is always somebody (10%) that steal from the UK Government when filling forms for benefit claims and abuse the system badly, as we are full aware of the matter. What we are unable to understand is how the matter happened and who is responsible of the same matter and blame for it: us/benefit claimants or the DWP staff for no checking forms properly, before setting the matter into the system?-As we, benefit claimants are unable to get hold of the same (DWP) computer system, so how the hell we did it?-Even if we tried/did it/stole/cheat the State Purse and many claimants (Benefit Cheats) got successful into the crime, but again, how it was done the matter (crime) as it need to be accept the claim "first" (after check documents ID, etc)  before is set the claim into the (DWP) computer system for the person (Benefit Cheat) to get hold of the money?-So how the hell we did it, as we do not work for those places (Jobcentre plus/DSS/DWP, etc) and need the (DWP) computer system first, "before" we commit the cheat/offence/fraud/crime and then set the claim into the (DWP computer) system  to work, as it can not be done or process the same, by "Magic", or with the help of the "Holly Ghost" or any other "Unknown Forces", but by the same DWP staff/Worker from the same Jobcentre plus/DSS/DWP, etc?- I know this matter as I have a family friend that she explained to me this kind of system/ways of the DWP operate and how the staff process benefit claims into the system, before the claims get accepted and become successful and the claimant receive the money. In fact she told me, that she was unable to see my personal stuff, if a claim was not required, which I found the matter a bit strange after my claims are on appeals now. I never question her integrity before or now, so why the DWP staff are unable to trust our Integrity and call us names of Cheats/Milking the System/etc and even blames us/benefit claimants of lies, as it's not us, but them, as I explain before. What worry me is the level of prison sentences/deaths/abuse that the DWP Minister Mr, Duncan Smith is brewing at the moment, as he is full responsible of his own department in order to fill a form in the International Court for the deaths and criminal offences that his staff is causing the UK country.
Particularly the most vulnerable people of our society: The poor, unemployed, ill, old, children and families, disabled and even the long term sick with mental health issues that are not recognised into our society, because those illness known as "stress"-The full force of abuse of power/profession is blowing innocent citizens in extreme measures, as I was one of them. I could even change the name of this note to: "Professionals killing our environment with a wave of abuse, beware!!" -I worked for the Bank, Post Office, Career, Children and own my Business (Gold Power seller), but all my jobs and everything gone, thanks to  "family problems" of the ex/husband and his sister/social worker, that bring a wave of abuse from far away places to certify her own lies and get a better promotion, jobs, quality of life, etc, while I am unemployed, disabled, divorce and lost everything?-  Where the family problems got even the area where I live and I am defamed openly, but unable to gain Justice in Law by the same professionals that in the past cover themselves with "confidentiality acts" to open attack me and mine reputation badly and I am disabled?- Now the crime, criminal and abuser is me in the same way, as the benefit cheats that Mr Justice gets with tough stance, but cover all the professional misconduct, abuse of power and profession and crimes of the professionals like the "family problems" with "confidentiality acts" no wonder they are so many people that lie in the UK and gets away with the murder, with respect to the victims.


Affecting badly the United Kingdom society in general as many of those professionals do not have a clue in the matter, where the father done the research, the mother done the typing and daughter got the career of a social worker like the ex/husband sister social worker, but working in my area and falsely blame me of stealing all her thing in the past?-I do not work for Stockport Services where she lives in fact I am unemployed thanks to her in my area, as she works for Trafford General Hospital: social worker at Trafford Primary Care Trust. In which you can see on the right hand side of the same link: "Viewers of this profile also viewed... "mean that she is following all my personal stuff as she only got one connection?-This is not a beauty contest of who got the most connections, brains and the lot, but to show the courts the level of harassment from this person Carol Parker, Social Worker from Trafford Primary Care Trust to me and mine, non/stop. I made several letters to her place where she works (hcpc ref: FTP26389) and the only excuse they told me was, I was not a member of the community, so what the hell I am?-The act of harassment, bullying, stalky, persecution, lies, defamation, slander, etc, by this person is a criminal offense in the UK, where she should know better, but protect with "confidentiality acts?"-Where she owned a property in Glossop and studying the above career in Norfolk, but renting her home to someone else and the place where she was as student and claiming benefit for Income support (mortgage interest) on both places at the same time, before the Computer System was enable to the DWP staff, to gain access to those documents, her own mother was worry sick, as she told me!-So as you can see the professionals also commit crimes not just the Philpot family (with respect), but get away with murder. I lost unborn children by the same lies of the ex/husband sister/social worker and I understand the pain to lose somebody. My sister/neighbour when filled the same benefit (income support) in a CAB room in Altrincham Town Hall and the woman asked her, if she own properties, she said no!!-I told her then and there if she understood the question in our national language: Spanish. - To make sure she understood the "Holly Question" again and level of criminal offence and she said yes and signed the bleeding form, with no care in the matter!!-When we left the place I was fuming by the easy of her lie and I understood the ex/husband mother perfectly, we have two liars at home. Until now (2013) and after passed more than 10 years, none of them have been persecuted by the law, but protect by the rest. I filled my form for Child tax credit when my daughter was on full time education and again I renew the form last year before/after April 2012 (aprox). The child by law was 18/19 years old full time College education as advised, by the DSS staff over the phone. I sent the Child tax credit form by post with those conditions, terms and ability to understand the full explanation of the DWP staff/matter to me over the phone. "In other words, I trusted the woman of the DSS and she betrayed my trust totally with her lie in order for me to fall"- I am Mexican born with British Citizenship, because I was not born in the UK and I was not sure of the matter and reasons why, I requested the DSS staff  advice before posted forms. On September 2012 the child started University and I explain this to the DSS staff over the phone and again she told me nothing to worry about!?-When going to the finances after the divorce at the Manchester County Court (FDR) which was June 2013, the person from Personal Support Unit mention (thanks) that my child was old for the benefit and I explain the same as writing here and with the Holly Bible on the hand. Days after the incident, I sent a letter to the DWP staff regarding the same matter and within days of knowing (June 2013), I received a letter from them back with a bill for payment of more than £1,500 and another letter telling me (7/8/2013) the full terms of full time education and apology for late replay?-In other words the DWP staff forgot to mention to me these 3 extra requirements by the form to qualify the entitlement:
- NVQ level 3
- A levels
- Scottish Highers.
I posted the form that way and somehow they accepted and now I need to pay for their own mistakes?-The money of Child Tax Credits was used by my daughters for their own personal use not mine at any time. I did the same way with the Child Benefit in equal measures to both daughter's to use as they wish, that was my wish and nobody has any right to criticise my ways. As you need to know what is like to count penny's in a foreign country and nobody to help you, but a wave of hate propaganda by the ex/husband family. I swear to God, holding the Holly Bible that I never did the matter to hurt my daughters in any way, form or shape, let alone to steal the purse of the country, but badly frame by the Government staff and "family problems" of the ex/husband and his sister. Unfortunately not by me, but for their own actions to show you the level of people they are (the ex/husband "family Problems"), that will stop to nothing, even to continue the hate with my daughters (child tax credits) and use the help of neighbour/jobcentre plus to frame us and reasons why I do not leave my children, but protect them. I do not how this matter leaked in the System, as I gave to the Manchester County Courts my Bank statements early this year and they kept hold for months, when filled a claim for non/molestation order to the ex/husband (MA13F00099). As we still share the home after the divorce, because we are both broke, but keeps molesting me and now the girls (child tax credit) with the help of his sister and their own groups, including the Courts. As they should request my permission, consent and knowledge, when see my bank statements, because we are living in England not in Mèxico, Germany or elsewhere and abide by the rules of this country. I do not where the law is for me in this matter as going tough stances with "Benefit Cheats" but soft with the main culprit: "DWP staff-Professionals-Family problems"- Where on benefits the DWP staff frame me and the whole country in the worse possible way with full intention in the matter, as they receive education, training and years of experience, but using the place as war zone and "family problems"-For the DWP staff is a game to settle "family problems" in a vengeful way towards us/benefit claimants. As the neighbour (#11)/jobcentre plus staff friend of the ex/husband, since him and her husband were colleagues at work at Manchester Airport (1987/2013) and the same one that keeps messing with my claims of Income Support and Incapacity benefit, since I filled for divorce (2010). I sent a letter of complain to the DWP of Trafford area (Stretford Jobcentre plus, M32 9ED - 23/4/2013) about the woman's attitude, but was squashed by the same place, no wonder we are in a mess the whole country. Where my sister was detained under the mental health act the same one that filled the Income support claim and problems with neighbours. In which the same jobcentre plus staff/neighbour (#11) act as lider of neighbourhood and 3 cars where blow up on our road, by the same people that hold bad bits to her at work ("Benefit Cheats"), not happy with it, a neighbour badly hurt in Tesco, as her boyfriend helped another neighbour, when her wall size T.V was stolen?- The criminal activity works that way in order to mislead you of the real bully, criminal and groups that operate in the Area, as they bring this wave of hate to us from their own environment, work, or "family problems", but blame someone else as usual, while at the same time holds good jobs and look respectable to people and you the worse of the worse!?-Where my sister/neighbour was detained under the mental health act, by the ex/husband sister social worker maybe to practice profession with her, as she just finished her career, but I got the blame and I am not a social worker?-My sister and I had the same GP and I confide the matter and he told me that my sister was fine. When the neighbours came and told me of my sister, I told them the same. I do not what happened, but the ambulance came to collect my sister and stupid of me I went with her son, maybe frame by them, family problems, neighbours or whoever is responsible. I have as much rights to clean my name in a court of law, if anybody ever thinks it was me, that is slander, lies and defamation, as I am not a social worker and I can prove in law. After my sister was detained I contact the place where she was staying to find the reason/s (nothing else!) and always I was greet by a social worker, not a doctor, nurse, cleaner, but a social worker, what a coincidence!?- In which they avoid at all cost the reason's, very rare in England as they need to explain by law?-My sister went alone to her appeals and hearings, when she was detained under the mental health act, as I was told by the ex/husband to leave her alone and not to get involve. No, I was not trying to run away from her, but I was not invited. My sister did not wanted to see me, simple as that, in the same way as I am with my family by the betrayal. It was not a question of (mental) illness or any other tale, but a betrayal by the hypocrite family of mine (Corona, Azpiri, Matamoros, Anny, Mela, Tere, Rafael, Mara and their own children, Carol, David and their own Mother that should know better), even my sister children were involve and pulled by the same wave of "primiada" -I removed my sister from the Hospital and I requested my sister to be placed back at her home with the help of Doctor Rojo, in which her children came to stay, but for me. I am trying to go as fast as I can in order to understand the level of criminal activity by the lot of them, with the "family problems"-The groups of support keep growing to the point to bring more mess to the UK, to testify against me, in order to win points (work, benefit, etc) to the social worker/sister of the ex/husband and carry on the vendettas, but costing the tax payer expensive the game?- As you can see I lost unborn children and a brother, jobs, marriage, etc, but trying to stop me to gain access to Justice and in which grounds in law?-In which one person is protect (professional/social worker/sister of the ex/husband) and the other not (me)?- The law represent the balance and not bend, otherwise is corruption. We come from a large family in Mexico and my father was a hard working man that gave us all, not just to his children but the whole country of México. I will never understand the meaning of selling your brother/sister in order to eat and I do not where all this comes from, but the ex/sister used to imitate the cash machine!?-I believe strong that my sister was used by the ex/husband sister/social worker to practice, in which she was pumped with strong medications and for the level of abuse in medical fields with the outgoing procedures of the NHS, that the best course of this matter is to request permission to Her Majesty, The Queen Elizabeth II to start proceedings against the ex husband and his family/social worker for the abuse, not just my sister but mine too. I do not need anybody to handled this matter for me and I feel strong with the case, only permission to proceed. The same social worker sister of the ex/husband that fiddle Income support (mortgage interest) and benefits relate claims, while studying her career in Norfolk, but own a property in Glossop. Where she was working full time and received cash for the rent of her property, benefits and money from work. All was done at the same time of her career and she is a Professional now. As her parents were doing the research/typing and managed to finish her career of social worker that way, as she refused to continue half way. What I am trying to show you here is the level of abuse by Professionals that work together in groups, partnership, neighbourhood short of ways. "Who is your friend" is the one that get the jobs, help, benefits and harass the rest of the people as they are able to monitor the area. In fact I believe strong that those people get selected to do the hate and protect by the Unions/Government/Laws, etc. My sister/neighbour did not deserve to finish in the way she did, as we do not the circumstances of her claims, but she did not stopped there and used me as the other woman to get the house of the ex/husband?-The Pannone solicitors in Manchester helped the matter and not my statement in the matter was read in a court of law with the use of a proper hearing and believe it or not, but my sister/neighbour won the house with the bleeding lie and the law was bend one side. Now they are trying to use the same dirty system with me, pretending I am going out with someone else in order to use that false spread and evidence against me, with strong rumours of someone in Bury, anybody knows the person?-The ex/husband keeps holding into the house to continue the abuse to me, spread and hate. I do not have anywhere else to go as all was removed from me as mention before, even the Conservative membership. The ex/husband earns an excellent wage to rent somewhere else and stop him to sleep in the garage, but use as excuse to play the martyr and I am feed with the bullies?-I am unable to stay at home after the divorce settlement of 28 years married with two daughters and suffering bullying by the same "family problems/neighbourhood" and the reasons of my divorce. I lost unborn children, brother, jobs, business, area, pets, peace and my daughters bullied by the school, etc and all thanks to the ex/husband and his sister/social worker. I am persecuted by the same level of bullying that the whole country is by the DWP staff, NHS, Post Office, etc. The non/stop intolerance attacked by the professionals to us, then you ask why we are so bad in the UK and where is the Law?-On the 25 of September 2013 we have an appointment the ex/husband and I at Manchester County Courts for the same FDR as last year (SF10D00643). I am trying to get some kind of financial help as for the same level of abuse, I lost all in the UK, thanks to the "family problems"-I do not want to sell the house and I am paying bills as better as possible, considering that I lost all and I am unemployed. However, this matter is not enough prove to the courts of my state as they still wants more, bank statements, properties, when they know fully well my position, but playing and making the matter longer. My question is: this is law?-Where even the person concern (ex) sitting on the same room as me at the courts and the Judge still wants more evidence, but unable to ask him?-We can not carry on with this level of corruption, where the ex/husband side is taken into account and mine badly defamed in order to achieve target. The courts support one side of the matter as I tried last year and was the ex/husband. I do not see the point even to assist the place, time and court hearing, as there is not seriously in the matter or laws, only one side and that is corruption. As mention before he got a good salary, job, sister and mum homes, friends (loads even mine), etc. I lost the trust in the UK Law system until they can prove me wrong and correct the bending ways, where it's impossible to hide the level of corruption, with the ex/sister social worker that is afraid to be found into my stuff and all the forms get squashed or refused and in which grounds in law?- I want to use the law for battered women in the UK, part of the European law/union, so by law. "A legally binding international treaty and document to combat the violence against women, in which the UK country can be liable in law for any Courts that do not follow rules, regulations, procedures, in order to support women and fully backed by the International Court and Laws, European Human Rights, European Union and the lot, so it be"-


 I can not understand what's the point to have with us the UK Legislation, Constitution, Laws, Human rights Acts, Code of Practice/Conduct, Equality Acts, Strasbourg Human Rights Court/Acts as part of the European Union, UN Convection on the Rights of persons with disabilities, as I am one of them and the regulations mention before, discriminate my persona badly and if nothing of the mention before exist or works for us in full reality, but badly corrupted! - for example:

- A Judicial review at the Royal Courts of Justice against the Upper Tribunal (CO/7411/203), for my income support claim that still on pending (2010-13), but refused with a list of reasons made of fresh air, when in reality there was not evidence at the first hearing at Liverpool Tribunal and stamped by the Judge (SC946/11/06855)?-
- The NHS badly hurt by the same level of crimes.
- ATOS/Unemployment exams, benefits cuts, bedroom tax,  killed more than 10,600 ?-
- We live in a country where disabled people are sterilise like eugenics in the 1930's, with no evidence to support capacity to make decision, but interference by Social Worker, Mencap, NHS trust, Parents, GP and even local Authority:" None of them must be identified, by court order?!"-
-  The stress of Government changes is worry to disabled people in order to ask death, instead of life? 

I had been studying Law at home as mention before in order to survive this wave of hate by the Government and own staff (DWP) - The Professionals and own Family problems that bring with them to work to get revenge/groups/vendettas/hate/spread/intolerance/racism/Nazi attitude, by the level of abuse that generate  towards innocents citizens, unaware of the bullying/abuse, but protect by the law.  "Benefit Cheats"- "It's not if we catch you, it's when"- 

8-   (see # 5: Benefit fraud with alleged staff involvement)
The Government Minister for the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP), George Iain Duncan Smith and his staff allegation regarding "Benefit Fraud (Thieve scum/Scrounger/crocks, etc)" appears to be justified the harassment/lie/slander/defamation/insult to all of us United Kingdom citizens and in which grounds in Law, of any Law worldwide?-When in law the slander, lie and defamation to our reputation/principles/human rights acts without any prove of the same matter/crime/offence in a Court of Law could cost the country even more expensive (one million each), even to consider a law. When you consider any Law you need to have a reason or a set of reason/s in the matter, but on Benefit Cheats what is the reasons, except many of them are fall by the same ignorance or driven by the same facility: poverty, ignorance, lack of education, etc. In which the Law was made on behalf  of the community, those people that I just mention before, not to any UK Government or their own Professional staff. I do free advocacy because of the same level of Ignorance that I was months ago, the same level of abuse that we are experiencing at the moment in the country and the same level of ineptitude by the Professionals, as we are already inept according the them, but driven by hate speech/propaganda, but not on my name to keep this level of abuse, Rosario Castellanos de Parker.