Margaret Thatcher ..
You'll Never Walk Alone ..
Margaret Hilda Thatcher, Baroness Thatcher, The Iron Lady, Maggie, LG, OM, PC, FRS. Born 13 October 1925 in Grantham, Lincolnshire, the Daughter of a grocer. She went to Oxford University. In 1951, Margaret Thatcher, married a Wealthy Businessman, Denis Thatcher, with whom she had two children. Thatcher became Conservative Member of Parliament, for Finchley, North London. Appointed Secretary for Education (1974). In 1979 Thatcher won the General Election and she became Prime Minister. Reformed the Trade Unions, reduced Taxes and Social expenditure. Victory of the Falklands War in 1982. Won a Second term in 1983. Thatcher narrowly escaped death in 1984, when IRA planted a bomb at Conservative party in Brighton. She cultivated a close Political relationship, with US President Ronald Reagan. Thatcher was nicknamed the 'Iron Lady' by the Soviets, warmly welcomed Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev. Thatcher won a third Term in 1987, but introducing Poll Tax and opposition to integration with Europe in November 1990, she resigned. Thatcher left the House of Commons in 1992. She was appointed a peeress in the House of Lords with the title of Baroness Thatcher of Kesteven. She founded the Thatcher Foundation. In 1995, she became a member of the Order of the Garter, the highest order of knighthood in England. I believe that everyone can achieve good in the World, not matter from which side of the Globe you are coming from. We need People to believe on us first and give us the opportunities. In todays World, many People are lacking important opportunities, because of Burocracy, Intolerance and Bullying. I Emigrated from Mèxico on the times of Margaret Thatcher. I believe strong, that she is the best MP from the United kingdom so far, the Second is Blair. Because of the Prosperity leading a Country from nothing, to be the best Place to live, in the whole wide World. Margaret Thatcher and Blair surpassed any British Burocracy and Supremacy. On those times, England, Wales, North of Ireland and Scotland were in total control, Prosperity for all and everyone knew what they have to do. The Housing Market and Global Economic were enjoying stability, today we only dream about it. The World was safe and protected. The Lideres from the Middle East and the Whole wide World, were treated with respect. Today they are running for their own life, with lies and difamation, against them. English and Foreign People respected Queen, Law and the Police in the UK, but with the Passing years. People had been noticing that Services in the U.K. had been failed them. Leading to abuse of the English Law, System and Power from those Jobs and what those Services stood for. Thanks to some Workers, using and abusing the English System. To fill "Family or Neighbours Problems, Vendettas and Hate Propaganda" in order to get revenge. Education, University Fee´s, Council, NHS, DSS, HM Revenue and Customs, Police, Fire brigade, etc, were not made to be used or abused, by any Hate propaganda, but to give Services to the Community. Today, they are badly affected by the attitude of some groups and their own Family Problems. The Resources are almost drain and still won`t stop .. "So, I do not, if we should give to Margareth Thatcher a State Funeral, or not, because the Resources, Money and Finacial Aid is almost gone, with the British Attitude of small groups!"-I was invited to join the cause (thanks).. .."Say no to a Thatcher State Funeral".. Please, feel free to join if you wish, but I refused to do it." ..Out of respect to the First Lady of Britain"-When the Country and People change for more Responsable, Caring and Mature attitude, with respect and tolerance for all of us and the UK Services. Regardes of Color, Nationality, Disability, Sex Orientation, Religion, etc. Then I will believe in Equality, Human and Civil Rights and freedom of Speech, available to everyone, in the XX1 Century. I am afraid, there is no much left for the rest of us, in this Country, let alone to bring a State Funeral for Margaret Thatcher."Because of the continue Bullying, Hate propaganda, Racism, against our Brothers and Sisters in life. Either British or Foreign Nationals with no reasons to be like that, but leading to our own Funeral!!""..We saw it last year with the British Riots!.. "Started when Police ignored a Warning, from a Community Officer".. It is time for a change in the Community and stop, dividing the British Country, as we are all part of the same Rainbow and Human Kind. It is Time to bring Positive results and stop the Hate propaganda, Harassment, Bullying, Vendettas, Malicious Spread and Rumors, towards other People, just because of whatever reasons you got!!... We leave those Hate feelings, to Dictators of the Second World War like: Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini or Franco. Racism, Facism, Nazism, Franquism, Intolerance, Bigotery, Slander, Lies, Difamation, Malicious Spread, Hate Propaganda, Famine, Poverty, Wars and more Wars .. People who display those feelings towards others are not Mentaly stable, like those War Dictators. Who nearly destroyed, the Heart of Europe, during the XXII. It is time to tell the true of things and explain why, Margareth Thatcher did not killed the Coal Industry, Steel industry, Ship yards, Manufacturing jobs?..etc .."It was the fact that on that time and today, other Countries are offering the same Services, but painful cheaper"..Just for example: We have the Trade Marks, buying Fashion Clothes in India, China, etc and making very Rich those Labels and Companies (Trade Marks). Because they are produced in another Country (India, etc), to almost nothing. Offering the workers (poor background) a pitace for their own work. Exploting those Human People as young as 5 Years old, in order for all of us in the UK to live well. "Thatcherism and today are not different times". Nothing has been change, except the Name of the Primer Minister/s (Cameron and Clegg). People can find your products 100000000000000000000% cheaper, in Foreign Countries, Full Stop!!.. Many People lost their own Living in the UK, during the years of Margaret Thatcher .. "But nobody told them to use their own experience, to gain Millions of Pounds and be rich in the Coal Industry, Steel Industry, Ship Yards, Manufacturing jobs, but in Foreign Countries"... How?.. Simple, by following the Trade Marks!!... So who was at fault, trying to save Money to a Country, like Margaret Thatcher. Because on that Time or today, those Services are not need in the UK, but in another side of the World ?!-The Iron Lady was doing what has to be done on that time and moment. I am talking about extremely Rich European People, exploting and earning a fortune. While Workers from far away Countries are Earning a pitace and exploted to the core. Margaret Thatcher was trying to save Money and produce other things in the U.K. Do you have any Idea, how much it cost, to bring a Country to the extreme and standars, England enjoys today?.. (but failing because of the abuse of the English System). We should be thanfull (I am British Citizen too), for all the MP'S that England enjoys so far. In My Country Mèxico, my Mexican President stole votes. Today, we have a Genocide of 60.000 + deaths, around his belt, including my Brother Josè Castellanos Ruiz. Also 40,000 Mexican People are being deported from America, "our own country"... Yes, we are aware of different Classes and Society in England, Wales, Scotland and North of Ireland, but again.. "We should praise the Lord, that the British Monarchy, works for this Country in any foreign Country and bring the very best to the United Kingdom".. Believe me, this do not happen in other European Countries, where the Monarchy explote Opportunities and own People badly.
We have the Inaki Urdagarin escandal from the Spanish Royal Family.
But somehow nobody remember, the escandal, from same Spanish Royal Family, King Juan Carlos past life and his Business.
We Love Queen Sofia of Spain..
Let me tell you, why I am proud to be British. The Fact that king George V1 and his wife, the Queen Mother, won the Second World War, together with the British and French Nationals. "Saved the World from own destruction".. While his Brother Edward was a close friend of Hitler, trying to gain the British Trone again. How many People died during the WWII (70 Million), while the King George V1 was trying, desperately, to save the lives of Europeans and Jewish People. While his brother Edward VIII was passing information to German Nazi?.. Hitler, Franco, Stalin and Mussolini were Mentaly ill patients. Killed Billions of Victms of War, during the Cold War. On that War time, King Juan Carlos of Spain was Franco´s Legacy (1931-1975). He killed 200,000 + Victims of War, between the Spanish Civil War and Franquism times. In this XX1 Century, the Victims of War, (Spanish Nationals and Jewish People) had not been received any Justice, but new evidence keep coming out, from the Past. The Head of the British Trone, Queen Elizabeth II. works in Harmony, with most People from around the Globe. Including members of the Commonwealth of Nations. Please tell me, which Monarchy from the Whole wide World, does that?.. Let's be proud to be British and not to let Hate Propaganda, to separate our Country. There is nothing wrong to express our feelings and communicate them, to a wider audiences. "Without hurting others" There is space to grow for everyone in the UK, including Foreign People. If we don't look after our Traditions, Roots, Country, Queen and Glory, who will do it, for us?...

We must be grateful Citizens particularly to those People, who give us their own Time, Services and the Best for our Country. Anyway, nobody is BORN perfect!!. Thanks to British MP'S, the UK enjoys a better place in the whole wide World, that others Countries only dream. None of them had been causing a Genocide, to the World. Tony Blair was doing, what has to be done on that time, with the Middle East leaders. He believe Bush ideas of Mass destruction and so we all. But gained a Peace settlement with the IRA, that non-other MP had ever done before in British History. Margaret Thatcher, won the name of "the Iron Lady", but none another Woman of the UK. The Iron Lady made excellent friends, with the most Powerful Men, on her time and few Women were leading the World. The Hate Propaganda, Malicious Spread, Racism, Nazism, Facism, Franquism, Intolerance, Oppresion, Harassment, Bullying!! ..will lead to all of us, to our own Funeral!!"..Please stop it, full stop!!. Note by Rosario Castellanos de Parker.