Tuesday 22 April 2014

Peaches Geldof: "Rest In Peace" -

For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, 
it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; 
it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart (Heb 4:12). 
For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, 
neither the present nor the future, nor any powers (Rom 8:38), 
neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, 
will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus
 our Lord (Rom 8:39). For my thoughts are not your thoughts, 
neither are your ways my ways,” declares the LORD (Isa 55:8). 
For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, 
but to save the world through him (John 3:17). 
"Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul 
and with all your mind," Matt 22:37.

Robbie Williams - Angels

In other words, who we are in life to condemn the actions of other peoples particularly of Paula Yates, by Sir Robert Frederick Zenon, alias "Bob Geldof" (5/10/1951). An Irish singer (The Boomtown Rats), songwriter ("Rat Trap" and "I Don't Like Mondays" http://youtu.be/u7YSersF6do)-Sainthood: Live Aid (Honorary Knighthood in 1986). The dark side of Sir Bob Geldof had not been published in public, but bullied Paula Yates to the end of love. "Paula Yates wrote soon after she left him for Hutchance that Geldof had threatened repeatedly with: "Don't forget, I am above the law (?!)," but never investigate by the law"-In my opinion Sir Bob Geldof pushed Paula Yates to her own limits, removed own children with loads of emotional blackmail and help from the same family problems like mine, that sells the souls of own family for a few coins and little or none consideration in the matter. http://goo.gl/i1sZL What the family of Paula Yates never saw was the endless wars and emotional blackmail in which the woman in question escaped into drugs and strong spirits, by the control freak (http://goo.gl/nXyzqM). Sir Bob Geldof acted with vengefully manner towards Paula Yates and with non/stop kind of revenge, since she left him for Hutchance. In fact Sir Bob never pardoner Paula Yates not even now, with his own daughters: "A mirror of Paula Yates"- http://goo.gl/aA6544 In which today, 22/4/2014, unaware of the cause of Peaches Geldof death (RIP), because I do not buy drugs the cause this time, but emotional blackmail, power, control freak and even bullying, that the mixture push people to own limits and maybe pardon the amount of drinks, drugs and stress. As there is not laws in the UK to deter family problems, until then, the roller coaster continues, because people need to unwind somehow: "We are not Bob Geldof, with his own Knighthood and Sainthood, but made of skin and bones"-We don't question the Sainthood of Sir Bob with Live Aid matters, but the bullying that this man portrayed to own kind and his Knighthood, that Peaches Geldof married a similarity of her own dad (Thomas Cohen) and with respect. Where Peaches Geldof was working and mother full time, like Paula Yates and Sir Bob and Thomas Cohen at home resting all day, so when do you unwind, as she was basically holding everything herself as her own mother did with Saint Bob!!?-"The public from both worlds never saw exactly what happened on the Geldof - Yates family, not even myself, but because, I am studying law at home, private to aid me on my matters, that I can see the similarities in everything with domestic abuse/violence, including the trial of the same matter. The pain is more than words can express itself and I feel free in defence of advocacy to Paula Yates and her own daughter Peaches Geldof reputation, with the bully own words: "Don't forget, I am above the law"- Where the ex/husband and his own family problems"I am the bad person and he is the saint, like Sir Bob"- When in reality nobody ever saw the domestic problems, emotional blackmail and money machine that Paula Yates generate to own home: The Tube, The Big Breakfast ("on the bed" interviews shows), Have I Got News for You, etc, like me holding several jobs at the time and Peaches Geldof, also Princess Diana of Wales with more than 500 charities around her belt, but all exploited with/without pay. What's incredible to believe today is the financial exploitation by Geldof, as the fisical appearance and state of Paula Yates (before/after), includes the removal of all from her, knocking the woman into two and become the worse mother of all suddenly and out of the blue, not when the contracts were rolling and owned half of the woman's life by Sir Bob (The Big Breakfast, etc), but after, when she dare to left him for Hutch's. Paula Yates was exposed to the public with the help of nannies in order for the man in question: Bob Geldof to win custody of the children and the battle start in public. I remember very well splattered on the news the Yates and Geldof problems, where Hutch's could not cope, no more, and today is Peaches Geldof, then who is next?- 

The same happened to Princess Diana of Wales (http://goo.gl/l1rWYN), with Prince Charles and both girls (Paula and Diana) died on accidents, but in reality pushed to own limits by the bullies, also both girls were fully divorced when happened the accidents, but hunted to the end of love by the bullying of the ex/husbands (like me), as they would not let them go, unless death. The reasons why I am not in any rush to find a man, or move from where I am, as the ex/husband will follow me, or someone will get hurt at the end, so forget, not on my Yard!-The United Kingdom courts/laws do not protect family or neighbours problems, domestic abuse/violence, or anything similar and so we are alone, but in my country Mexico we got laws, but not elsewhere ((http://goo.gl/YzCiC9 Decreto numero 198, ley para prevencion y erradicaciòn de la violencia (extrema) familiar))!-"I am not trying to bring my laws to you, but the UK cannot leave us, domestic abuse/violence survivors, with no form of defence and protect the bullies"-No surprise to me to see the strong similarities with her own daughter Peaches Geldof and copy own mother, Paula Yates and not necessarily by drugs, strong medication or spirits, but everything, even the man in question: Thomas Cohen, as Bob Geldof. Who is a similarity of her own father, Sir Bob Geldof, that is selling the 1 million house $$$£££ (http://goo.gl/1lWiFs) and running with the money, but Peaches own children need the money more, without mention the fans cashing hours, Peaches was on the news of the "accident/death (RIP)"-The family Geldof/Yates is barraged by family problems that confuse even the children and not necessarily by any smoke, drinks, or happy pills, but the actions of their own family and here: Sir Bob, because always the Saints are the worse.

The reasons way I came out in the open with my own children for the same problems and not matter age, for the emotional blackmail, emotional roller coaster, emotional spiral of non/stop financial machine (££$$), also domestic abuse and violence, family problems, neighbourhood, etc. "A complete circus performance that the ex/husband and his own sister/social worker plays at home (even divorce), with aid of the council, groups, vendettas, cosa nostra and exactly in the same way as Bob Gelfof and Prince Charles of Wales"- Paparazzi (Prince Charles), news, nannies, etc, (Sir Bob), neighbourhood, sister/social worker, council staff, family problems (ex/husband), and all FREE from the tax payer, because by own pockets or themselves, alone, never!-I hope deep down my children are able to control the matter and to be aware of those strong dark forces exist in society, even family, in order to know the truth of why things happens to them, me and even the pets, also the reason why of so many ups and downs in the family merry goes around-scoring points/give me five, etc, that in law the matter is ASBO. I hope my children understand very well that the law can not be hide, purchase, twist, mislead, or altered in any way, form or shape in order to protect their own father, or his sister/social worker, or whoever is on the way of the bullying and better to use the courts, to clarify the matter and both people at the courts, not hide laws. As the ex/husband and his own family problems (his own sister) keeps accusing me of hundreds of lies, slander, gossip and tales, even travel (Mexico, Germany, Cancun, etc) to the UK free of tax payer, in order to help the ex/husband sister/social worker and remove all from me, even the holly area?-I hope my children keeps clear of the matters and use the courts to clarify of anything or request the person who is slander their own mother reputation in public to do the same, because a mother is a mother. Nobody has any rights to destroy own mother reputation and in public even worse the crime, as everybody was born in he same way and not by just drawing a picture, so respect. Where my children can see me (http://goo.gl/j3f147), Mickey Rooney (http://goo.gl/S6RExb), Paula Yates and Peaches Geldof (as mention before), Lady Di (http://goo.gl/FmvfbJ), my sister (http://goo.gl/42Z9Xt), my own children bullied (http://goo.gl/uoeSjQ) and millions of victims of any age (http://goo.gl/RG9NB0), suffering the intolerance of bullying in society by any kind of family problems in my case of the ex/husband and his sister/social worker also strong groups that help them at the state and may deter the matters with intelligence and not ruled by the heart, feelings or emotional blackmail, but use the courts. After studying the Bachelors of Laws for a year or more at home and private, I believe strong that we arrived the time to finish the family violence on different backgrounds of the UK, that use anything or anybody, even emotional blackmail and destroy the soil of our society. Paula Yates (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paula_Yatesown coroner to the case, Paul Knapman, concluded that though the amount Yates had taken would not have killed an addict, as "an unsophisticated taker of heroin", so what killed Paula Yates?-Sir Bob Geldof was bullying Paula Yates with the famous saying:"Don't forget, I am above the law"-I have not studied the matter properly of Yates and Geldof, neither Peaches to comment any further, except on the matter of family problems, as we lack of laws in the UK to control those forces, but kills. However, I am still interested to know, what killed Paula Yates and her daugter Peaches, even to request a full investigation in the matter, because on the time Paula Yates became distraught, refusing to accept even the coroner's verdict of suicide for Hutchance. Eventually Paula Yates sought psychiatric treatment by the constant bullying and emotional blackmail of Sir Bob, that she ended her own life confused, but we are holding Sir Bob Geldof own words: "Don't forget, I am above the law"- I protect me and mine with this note, as nobody is above the law, because one thing is to do advocacy for the human people and another matter very different is to be used with any excuses to hurt our work. As I never meet any of the Geldof's and Yate's families, neither we have nothing to do with the matter, but request the law to be present on behalf of the victims mention in this note (RIP), because the time to finish the family problems is here and today. I lost unborn children and my dear brother, also my sister detained, children bullied and even my pets killed, that my Lord is my witness and I need to protect my living children, so be it in law, Rosario Castellanos de Parker.

Peaches Geldorf tribute, with thanks.  http://goo.gl/SlrfzF


Sunday 20 April 2014

South Korean Ferry Accident and Disaster (RIP) ..

Aquarium 2hr relax music

There is more bodies (http://goo.gl/DVS77O) recovered from the sunken South Korean Ferry accident and disaster, where conditions of the peoples puzzles the rest of the world, but not me. http://goo.gl/jPR3TS What surprises me is the victims trying to communicate with own family by phone and telling them that they are alive, also requesting help (http://goo.gl/dbUPeB), suddenly all went blank and nobody can save victims, nobody can communicate with the victims, nobody can find the victims, may also part of government staff making excuses into why not to save victims, but failing families badly (RIP). The South Korean Ferry sank deep into the Ocean leaving the rest behind (RIP), because the matter was reported of the 2 hrs GAP from initial announcement to the actual sinking with almost 300 missing. I am not Captain of the Ship but many people swore that should be enough time to save, preserve and evacuate all the passengers and the younger ones can move faster, than myself. Where it was reported of someone in authority of the ship was shouting: stay where you are, but according to own laws, whoever was at fault should be punished for misleading, misjudging and mass-killing own peoples. A good Captain of the Ship would have stayed to the end of love, even if going down with the rest. http://goo.gl/dH3hKK The media still insist that 2 hrs was a long time to rescue the passengers, but I am not professional on those fields to even comment. Where nowadays is easy to take own life, than face the hundreds of people blaming the professionals misconduct of the matter and accident. http://goo.gl/ibD31D The similar matter happened in Santiago of Compostela, Spain (http://goo.gl/9swYBo), where the driver was doing something else (making a phone call), but not driving the super fast machinery on the time of the accident and trying to mislead the matter, leaving behind a violent wave of pure destruction to families. http://goo.gl/LO9yqf Today, the same identical matter of 190 kmph Santiago de Compostela, Spain and South Korean Ferry accident, but with Boeing 777 of Malaysia Airlines (http://goo.gl/mshCW5), where nobody can find the peoples, bodies or fragments. The families of the Boeing 777 of Malaysia Airlines communicate with own peoples by phone, but then line, phone and peoples lost communication as soon as their own authorities were full aware of the matter and days after, unable to trace the plane and find small fragments (http://goo.gl/VCuU6k), or lives!-We understand the job is not easy, but professional misconduct is failing society to act fast based on evidence, by parents, families or the public in general, when demand help. http://goo.gl/WZv6Gw In Memory for the Victims (RIP) of the South Korean Ferry Accident, that were unable to survive the 2 hour Gap, but many International bodies also failed to lend a hand to the matter and fast, Rosario Castellanos de Parker.  


Sunday 13 April 2014

Mickey Rooney: The Hollywood Legend Actor died on the 6th of March 2014 (23/9/1920), RIP ..

I remember times, when family share, joke and laughed each other thoughts, 
today is a matter of winning points, hate and sell your own family 
for cash, fortune, gold and opportunities, 
Rosario Castellanos de Parker.

André Rieu - La Paloma (Live in Mexico) 

After reading the life of Mickey Rooney today, he gave me strength, power and somehow the tolls that I need to write on behalf of victims of violence, me one of them. On my point of view based on my own experience, the actor Mickey Rooney spent more than nine decades doing full time live shows and with respect. As we both comes with the same kind of problems, environment, boat and wave-land from the sea, but his own approach to life was very simple: "Let's put on a show!"- My approach to life comes total opposite as Mickey Rooney: "Let's to put the bleeding family problems in a court of law, to contest any kind of abuse"-We are living in times nowadays, where those matters ("family and neighbourhood problems, abuse of power and profession, domestic abuse and violence, racism, nazism, fascism, intolerance, false rumors, hate propaganda, racial and disability discrimination") are deal in the open and with full shows (thanks God!). To probe the matter, Mickey Rooney was nominate for special juvenile Academy Award (Oscar) in 1938 and won Bronze Star for Parade reported during WWII. After more than 300 films Mickey Rooney was the subject of four times Oscar nominations, also TV programs (1954-2009) earned the star two Golden Globe Awards and one Emmy. Mickey Rooney was extremely lucky to work with Elizabeth Taylor, Judy Garland and Aundrey Hepburn just to mention a few. The pint-sized Hollywood legend Mickey Rooney comes with 8 failed marriages in which one of them was movie star Ava Gardner and the father of 12 living children. Mickey Rooney cause of own death (choked on food http://goo.gl/g8CPHW) is no released to the public yet, but he was 93 years of age when passed away (RIP). What makes me angry to the most is the full fact that Mickey Rooney was a "Movie Star" in every sense of the word (http://goo.gl/4Eot8H) and during an era when Hollywood movie stars were the "epitome-apex of grandeur," destroyed just in seconds like: "Pompeii, 79 AD," by the greed, envy and misery of his own family, making shows and performance in full public, with little or no decency of family values like mine. http://goo.gl/mHN0hE The worse bit was when the body of Mickey Rooney was left unclaimed from days and reach of the United States of America own government, politics or senate, even to consider the long life of achievement from this man to own country, amount of money that generate the humble tax payer, business leads and a wave of cash machine exploited to the end, incredible!!-"Whatever happens to decency in America went to the bin, as well with the case of Mickey Rooney, that generate tri-billions for more than 80 years and multiply by 300 movies or more, plus loads of T.V. programs during that time, without question the revenue, but own government not even a decent funeral?"-The matter happened to Princess Diana of Wales that the UK Government left her own body in France, embroiled in family dispute and after much clamour from us/humbles residents, she was lifted back home and not like Malala Yousafzai in seconds (http://goo.gl/d9ZGo2), but used like Mickey Rooney to generate cash. http://goo.gl/l1rWYN Princess Diana of Wales acted exactly in the same way as Mickey Rooney and even myself, exposing in public family problems. As the woman in question went live on T.V. and books, me on blogs and the brave actor Mickey Rooney filed elder abuse and fraud charges against his own family (stepson Christopher Aber and Aber's wife) in 2011. Mickey Rooney own domestic abuse and violence prompted to testify, before the senate committee, with the hope to consider legislation (like me) and stop elder abuse: "Emotional Blackmail"- http://goo.gl/rH2tnZ "In which after Princess Diana of Wales (Dodi Fayed, the Driver), Mickey Rooney, my unborn children and brother passed away (RIP), but nothing came out of the matter, not even simple law to deter violence in family environment"-We are sick to make shows in public due to lack of proper laws that govern the world, including the community and with full respect in Memory: "Princess Diana, Dodi Fayed, the Driver, Mickey Rooney, my unborn children and brother"-Unfortunately family or neighbours problems, abuse of power and profession, domestic abuse and violence, racism, nazism, fascism, intolerance, false rumours, hate propaganda, racial and disability discrimination, expand to incredible amount of time consuming, if laws were properly imposed and not regulate by third world bullies, that blocks the law to be accessible to all in equal manner and belongs to the same (Bullies): "Family problems" ..

1- Natalie Wood, "Natalia Nikolaevna Zacharenko, American Film and television Actress"..

2- Family sells own children: EXPOSING Violent World of Muslim-Islam Women/Girls and from a tender Age of 1 Year Old!! ..

3- On August 24, 2012, only six weeks after Kile died, Tameka Foster ex-husband Usher was awarded Primary custody of their two sons (?).

4-Domestic Abuse or Bullying: Mental, Verbal and Physical is not recognized in the UK, but more People are dying from this Silent Killer in our Society and get away with Murder, like Lady Diana (RIP).  http://rosario1960.blogspot.co.uk/2012/09/domestic-abuse-or-bullying-mental.html

5-La Infanta Cristina de Borbón y Grecia esta imputada y pasò por la puerta del Juzgado de Palma de Mallorca, España ..

6- Bush Family: La tragedia del Pemex se viò hasta en la Torre Latinoamericana. 

However, today for the first time ever, I feel totally relieved of this burden (family or neighbors problems, abuse of power and profession, domestic abuse and violence, racism, nazism, fascism, intolerance, false rumors, hate propaganda, racial and disability discrimination.) as if some kind of prison doors suddenly open to me and gave me power, strength and freedom to fight for what I believe is right: "Laws to stop family problems, feuds and quarrels"-The same doors that for so many years were closed to me with no kind of parole and emotional blackmail by the ex/husband and his own family, sister, helpers, neighbours and even government staff in which, we are all monitor in the country by them like EAGLES and hunt like DEER'Shttp://goo.gl/42Z9Xt "Trafford Direct Payments was an excuse in order to control and blame me, also to cash from my reputation, while it was not me who abused old people, but the ex/husband and his sister/social worker, from their own mother (http://goo.gl/RG9NB0) that was battered, after Bernard passed away. My own mother was passed as if she was a parcel, from sister to sister and I refused the game, because my father left her wealthy, but pushed out from own home (33 poniente) and the same as Mickey Rooney, the family stole all from my mother. Bernard Parker left own wife with everything (Betty Parker) because he told me and may in order to protect his own wife, also on the table sitting was the ex/husband and his own mother, that may do not remember as usual, including that I was part of the will. However, I believe the similarity of both families are mirrors into each other, in order to defame my reputation badly and even legally with tales, in which they were copying each other as you can see the similarities of the ex/husband sister/social worker and members of my family (Corona, Azpiri, Nuñez, Hazz, my mother helper, friends, etc.) in communication. I do not care friendship, but criminal activity in order to defame my persona or anything that is mine, even using the cowards "confidentiality acts" to hide. In which, I removed the ex/husband mother from the Hospital last month (http://goo.gl/RG9NB0), for whatever excuses they may have, not matter, unless emergency or normal check up, or I will sued the ex-husband and his own sister social worker for whatever it please me as well, because the abuse of elders, as Mickey Rooney said so, such people comes with feelings and they are not toys to manipulate, particularly on that frail state of mind, body and soul, but people with feelings. http://goo.gl/t93NwD I do not want my own children to learn such violent attitude towards own parents, but respect. I can easily fill a lawsuit against the family, trafford council, government or the people involve in the matter, trying to frame me with lies, tales and deceit, in order to lose everything and steal all from me after. Including the tales: 5 boys, the river, the kiss (my arse), chinesse woman and a wave of emotional blackmail to cash, in the same way as Princess Diana of Wales and Mickey Rooney?-The destructive force happens to anyone, anyhow, anywhere and not matter: disability, incapacity, illness, colour, religion, creed, believes, age, status, grade, profession, knighthood, royalty, sexual (orientation, stigma,, preference, conflict, or tales.) and etc, but the taxes paid should provide the protection in law to the victims of violence with proper laws and the reason we said no to gagging law. http://goo.gl/JGgPoy "In fact the matter should be open to debate, even on the House of Lords in England of anything that is human and made of skin and bone"-Now that I know of the family problems and there is more people coming out of the closet like Mickey Rooney and quite popular, famous and without shame of the matter, like I was in the past. I was made to be a problem, because I am their own cash machine of those individuals that eat from the rest and like me, the world lives in the same position, with no laws to deter family problems (neighbour problems, abuse of power and profession, domestic abuse and violence, racism, nazism, fascism, intolerance, false rumours, hate propaganda, racial and disability discrimination), except in my own country Mèxico: http://goo.gl/YzCiC9 Decreto numero 198, ley para prevencion y erradicaciòn de la violencia (extrema) familiar I am not trying to bring my laws to you, but you got no rights to leave us without defence and criminal activity, even from family problems.  This note comes with all my respects to Mickey Rooney himself and may his own family, but I know deep-down that they do not deserve, even the merit, let alone to continue using the actor but themselves to work. I want to mention that all my writing in this blog is real, the truth and up to date, no lies, but the sad reality of our present society, including links to support the matter. My blog is a form of communication with my children to the future and nobody forgets, but remembers. I miss my mother, my parents in general and both of them terrible, but I know that they will be sad if they see me upset. After reading Mickey Rooney and several other peoples in my situation, where my mother was molested by my elders sisters and living brother, but I was to blame in order to hide the matter, mislead and steal, then it was the ex/husband sister/social worker and again, I was blame, lie and frame of my persona using Trafford council direct payments as an excuse, but it was the ex/husband own mother that landed 3 times in hospital, several accidents, fractures, illness and even the worse imaginary matters like cancer to own mother, after Bernard Parker passed away and I was to blame?-I mean to have dental treatment weeks ago and I asked the ex/husband if he knew of anybody that suffer present times with cancer, like his mum and it was a simple question, the next day the dentist was over-used the x-ray machine on me?-When I can easily press charges against the NHS staff  like the ex/husband sister/social worker, for abuse of power and profession to me, her own brother (lost a knee, work, house reposed, etc.), her own mother with a catalogue of abuses as mention before, me (unborn children and brother) and my sister detained under the mental health act, children bullied at school, no wonder the country is full of problems, even with the NHS abuse and neglect?"- http://goo.gl/J4xZmX  I know deep down that what I did to protect my own mother from the bullying at home when younger was the right thing, but the family will find any excuse to continue the problems and eat from the matter, because all they care is money, never was my own mother, but themselves, including the ex/husband mother. No wonder own children are follow suit and I will hate if my own children copy, when they are full aware of the matter and plastered in this blog and reasons of me to come forwards, Rosario Castellanos de Parker.


Tuesday 8 April 2014

To Face Criminal Procedings: "The Rt Hon Maria Miller MP, Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport and Minister for Women and Equalities" ..

 Edith Piaf - Non, je ne regrette rien (Officiel ...
After reading the following link (http://goo.gl/zoGuzg) of Maria Miller own life and range in profile life from ground cero to ten then, I believe strong that she is the finest example of what society mean with the typical saying of: "Who is your friend matter more, than any form of education"- The answer in Journalism: Maria Miller 32 second apology and the fact that the amount of money she is being asked to repay was reduced from £45,800 to £5,800 following the intervention of a committee of MPs, has angered newspapers (and me). http://goo.gl/k8u84A My answer to the unfair matter: "Hundreds of UK peoples are spending time in prison with underserved sentence and easy, they could do what Miller is doing now and free of reprisals, but with no parole. http://goo.gl/o50pft Now in law the position of the Judge is no very nice, rightful, answer the constitution and comfortable, because what Miller did is equivalent of Benefit Cheats (http://goo.gl/DknLjq), using anything up to anti-bribery policy (http://goo.gl/6SxJVB) to reduce fines and may corrupt charges to steal the purse of the state, system and good heart of The Queen Elizabeth II, also the matter in question of law is unlawful and up to criminal charges depend on circumstances http://goo.gl/tpfekM Unfortunately for Maria Miller there is not one law for her and another law very different for all of us in the UK (http://goo.gl/dAnFEb), but the same rules, regulations and laws apply (http://goo.gl/KfbVoY) to all of us regarded of, and with respect to Mr David Cameron. http://goo.gl/s22Ovo As nobody is above the Rule of the Law, not even Maria Miller or the Prime Minister and if, The Queen Elizabeth II never used/abused the law, why the rest?- http://goo.gl/pb32o8 The Cases of overpayment soared to 499,204 in 2009/10 compared with 439,966 the year before and those people like hundreds of Marias Millers still unlawfully detained with no parole. http://goo.gl/dzfUhM We do not want to accept corruption within the community and Maria Miller is not special, but open the corrupt questionable in law. http://goo.gl/Rng4JW The whole wide world is looking, reading and watching, even the news of Maria Miller plastered on the BBC and this woman in question of law acting as if, nothing ever happened the matter, but represent the UK with full payment, status and aware of the law, as she was born in the UK, may she could ask the C.A.B. for advice?- http://goo.gl/GgnnMM Maria Miller is protect by David Cameron groups of racial discrimination individuals that lost own ways in law using even his own brother to cover and hide the mess (http://goo.gl/l4gS7q) and mislead, corrupt, purchase, hide, violate and twist the law to own advantage (http://goo.gl/4IT9ej), but not for the rest of the community, country, land and glory. http://goo.gl/eRPzQx We are leading with complete Professionals Barristers, Solicitors, Legal Fields and staff (misconduct) that swore the law, but hurting badly the reputation of The Queen Elizabeth II/Constitution, Rule of the Law, Magna Carta (http://goo.gl/JYcD28), Bachelors of Laws, International Law, European Law, Human Rights acts, Humanitarian Laws, including my Mexican Constitution and Spanish Constitution for my Parents, also the Commonwealth of Nations own laws as we are leading into one nation with them, because professional misconduct in a grotesque manner cannot be hide from the community. Particularly with full racial intimidation & discrimination, abuse of power/profession, corruption and criminal offences, either to help/assist the criminal and whoever is hiding the crimes.  The reasons why of me to write this blog to teach my own children everything including the law, as family problems, domestic abuse or criminal offences in any way, form or shape cannot be hide from law, either cover or crime. I am representing the Queen Elizabeth II from this side of the corner, as I swore the Bible to do so, when I became British Citizen in 1994. I am not register solicitor and the reasons why of me on this corner, but studying law at home, private in order to help me with family problems and reasons of my divorce, but like me the rest. http://goo.gl/Psy6ad

"Maria Miller ordered to repay £5,800 in over-claimed mortgage expenses when an independent commissioner estimated, that she should return £45,000, with £50,000 + per Minister in cases like Miller, the crisis would be over tomorrow"- http://goo.gl/Za97R1 Where we are full awake & aware of the corruption within the UK Government and staff, including the Prime Minister, David Cameron as he wants to cover, hide, violate, purchase the criminal activity even of his own staff. http://goo.gl/nkXoac  Racial discrimination of the individual is when someone gain better treatment in law, than the rest: "A criminal offence"-In the community, we need to set standards, rules, regulations, laws, duty of care and above all, excellent example to the children of tomorrow, also impose the law, with hundreds of Marias Millers that think they can get away with the criminal activity and the non/Marias Millers, that are in trouble today paying a heavy burden, but not the Ministers: “This is criminality pure and simple and it has to be confronted and defeated, If you are old enough to commit these crimes you are old enough to face the punishment" http://goo.gl/mjRjWy Maria Miller own words with the same criminal matter (3/3/2014): Pleased parliamentary committee dismissed allegation made against me. I accept committee report in full & have apologised unreservedly. http://goo.gl/xUzzDI I don´t want to sound to judgemental in the matter of Maria Miller, as who I am to Judge people life in the community and may I sound a bitter woman, but even myself, I need to write a blog to clarify of the hundreds of problems, lies, defamation, bullying, false accusations and even slander to me and mine. The hate propaganda accumulate for more than 28 years (1985-2014), after married to an Englishman (now divorce), by the family problems of the ex/husband and his sister/social worker, with non/stop ordeal and criminal activity, even now, with very judgemental people that were family. The sad reality of the whole United Kingdom, as I am not the only one victim of domestic abuse and intolerance in the country, but the great majority of residents. http://goo.gl/d6cMFG Where I lost unborn children and my brother, sister detained under the mental health act and me and mine bullied by the whole area and even education. http://goo.gl/sSGwT6 We ask why Maria Miller is blessed, but not the whole United Kingdom community (me): "Maria Miller has done right thing"- http://goo.gl/jpzOeU Particularly now that I am trying to bring the matters of the family problems at the courts and finish the criminal activity of the ex/husband and his own sister/social worker, with evidence and not using anti-bribery policy, but MP David Cameron stopping the matter using his connections in law, or his own bother to own advantage, but Maria Miller totally exempt!!-The finest example of what corruption looks like that mount with not just one problem, but into hundreds. "Where claims of more than 30 years of sexual rape in questions of Time, but up to date with the current UK legislation and not my unborn children or brother, that perished in the family holocaust?"-
The level of hide corruption and bribery laws that is way out of your own imagination in legal fields, but leading the nation: "Coronation Street actor in court"- http://goo.gl/vCM84u Where it was me who done the FREE ADVOCAY twice using my blog, as I am learning the law and he was release as not probe in the criminal matter, but "Three Raymond Buildings" where David Cameron own brother works and leads the legal field got the pay cheque, when mean to be free advocacy from me, to the actor.  http://goo.gl/Ks0gBO As if "Three Raymond Buildings" were so poor to need the steal of the HARD work of another people UNEMPLOYED like myself and pretend is them who did the work and like them the rest, that removes all that is me and mine or the country and pin the community in the wall with a wave of defamation, like the "Direct payments scheme" from Trafford Council to me years ago and I lost all my jobs and the area that way?-The matter happened to HRH Princess Diana of Wales (http://goo.gl/B27oh6) that is/was used/abuse in the worse possible ways, as she need to come out to the press/news and expose the abuse of Prince Charles in full public like myself, because that matter sells and helps the economy, even politics and the finest example that education is not important, but "slander, lies, defamation or even who is your friend" helps a lot, like Maria Miller. I worry the hundreds of UK citizens that face Criminal Proceedings and underserving heavy sentence, when they could have the same exit of Maria Miller. The continue consecutive non/stop pattern catalogue of problems, that damages the UK Government in Politics and even The Queen Elizabeth II reputation as the Commonwealth of Nations Governor, also the European Union legislation, without question our Constitution barraged on the ground with extreme abuse  in which, today we are facing the Holly Crisis, by the ineptitude of those that proclaim to know the job prescription, but lies and using Unemployed people like myself to do the government own jobs due to racial discrimination and for free, without our permit, consent and knowledge in the matter.

As the ex/husband mother told me several times and warned me of her own children (fighting all day), without knowing the "family problems," in which I spend years suffering from them and groups of helpers to me and mine and I lost unborn children and brother. http://goo.gl/q5lmFX In which your own people will have you as well because, the difference between you and me is I never did such acts of lies from your peoples (ex-husband and sister/social worker), but yourselves like Trafford council, with a wave of tales (direct payments) in order to frame me and even the community as a whole. As I can probe in law the matter using my blog and I can even FREE hundreds of Benefits Claimants (cheats) from prison and even using this form, as they need to have the DWP computer system (http://goo.gl/4m6yug) in order to cheat the law, but staff own fault. "I hold no bad stuff to the whole UK, as many of you are badly hurt like me and mine, because never was a question of fame, fortune, or even money, but my unborn children and brother, now the money helps to dismiss the pain and mark: Justice done to me and mine and money is what those dirty scum bags used, to sell/frame me"-The reasons why we said NO to "Gagging Law", as they want to hide even money stolen, reputation stolen, lives stolen, community set apart and a wave of abuse to us, somehow we need to protect: The Queen Elizabeth II and reputation of the rest of the country, hardworking and good abiding in law, me including, Rosario Castellanos de Parker.



Sunday 6 April 2014

I believe if I send an email, it will be monitored: Jimmy Carter ..

 The country culture freedom is highly valued to be intimidate by neighbourhood or paparazzi and may for good reason/s. The problem arises in freedom: what means and what should be/look like. In my point of view freedom is the ability to do as one pleases, without hurting the rest, treating people with respect, but government staff operates under heavy limitations to us, even worse "with confidentiality (corrupt) acts", as victim cannot defend from the hate.
The Bible clear perception of: True Freedom comes in through and from Jesus Christ,
Galatians 5:13-14.
 You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the sinful nature, rather, serve one another humbly in love. For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command: "Love your neighbour as yourself."-You shall not bear false witness against your neighbour,
Exodus 20:16-
The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full,
John 10:10-
Finally, brothers (and sisters), whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable, if anything is excellent or praiseworthy, think about such things,
Phil 4:8.
ERA - Ave Maria Caccini ..
James Earl Jimmy Carter, Jr. (1/10/1924-) is an American Politician of the Democratic Party and 39th President of the United States (1977-1981), in which he was awarded the 2002 Nobel Peace Prize and the only American President to have the privilege and prize, nobody else!-Jimmy Carter started his own career as U.S. Naval Officer, also peanut farmer and served two terms as Georgia State Senator and one as Governor of Georgia (1971/1975). I followed Jimmy Carter on the news when I was much younger, because of his Human Rights Advocacy and the same matter the Kennedy Family, Rosa Parks, Martin King Luther, etc. When on vacation in American soils, I felt in love with the country, place, traditions and even the air was different of those times. Particularly, I was taken by Jimmy Carter own believes in democracy, freedoms and human rights, that for us Mexicans (http://goo.gl/g1cMfu) a dream. If you read the following link,  http://goo.gl/CC2DYH on Civil rights Politics: "Carter declared in his inaugural speech that the time of racial segregation was over, and that racial discrimination had no place in the future of the state; he was the first statewide officeholder in the Deep South to say this in public. Carter appointed many African Americans to statewide boards and offices. He was often called one of the "New Southern Governors"-When you finish reading the life of this great man as Jimmy Carter, then you will understand that he deserves all the credit to a fresh, new and free none-racist country, land and glory and for us Mexicans in many ways, he is our Hero.  http://goo.gl/pMw5Pg I am saying this matter as free speech impediment by government bodies and politicians to us, even as Mexicans after years of slavers in our own land (http://goo.gl/uSLCbL), but want to hide the matters to the world and in which principles?- http://goo.gl/0hNBNr America, Europe and Worldwide comes with regulations to control as Jimmy Carter mention, but where is our freedoms and in which grounds in law to lose those human rights, that many times are used to do advocacy to the world, so in which part we are committing a crime, when is not us the criminals (http://goo.gl/kwR5E0), but we do advocacy to help the rest?- http://goo.gl/RDGZgW We, The Peoples worldwide worry the amount of people that are killed in America and elsewhere, ignoring even our Mexican Constitution and also our Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, as the new colony is sitting on our FREE land. http://goo.gl/w2QnFc We ask where went the much acclaimed 4th of July 1776, Independence day and freedoms that enter the American dream and country, also the world enjoys in a form of  Human Rights, International law, European laws, etc and with respect. The world of Politics want to take our liberty from us, even to have the luxury to own our private life in a form of emails, post, phone calls or stalk, spy, follows, hunt and like Jimmy Carter mention, also by Princess Diana refer to Prince Charles if we remember, and leave us with no form of defence even to our Queen, so how?- http://goo.gl/QaeW77 I can not probe the endless amount of emails that are (spammed) spy on me everyday, or website-social places unless I request as the law command to protect me and even my blogs, but my post: rip off and open with no form of defence, parole and living in a free country, that went to many wars for nothing. The post man who is a government staff and represents/acts in a form of trust to the country/community, that are in communication with even the neighbourhood (house 11), neighbour (house #11), jobcentre plus staff (house #11), that controls the area, even she gives jobs locally to win peoples and monitor our lives!!-
The thing is if those people that represent the community are going to bully the area, then to have the decency later to remember, when people make full complaints (me) by the amount of abuse of power and profession to our lives and not hide like cowards with  "confidentiality (corruption) acts", as the law should act in defence of the community, not against and with thanks. http://goo.gl/gj2gmC I can not understand the meaning of free land as our elders went to battle for us to have the human rights, freedoms and liberty, to live today with fear of reprisals, but government staff can do whatever they want with us, and without our full permit, consent and knowledge in the matter, as the matter is against the Constitution (any)!!?-Jimmy Carter believes the U.S. is spying on him and maybe me as well and everybody else, but in reality the matter maybe a worldwide worry with our personal life and not just to the Ex/President of America, but the rest. http://goo.gl/tyhqj5 Years ago, the matter of "monitor" our life by government staff in a form of letters/emails would be enough reasons to put people in the mental places, like my own sister Soco that was detained under the mental health act for to say those words: someone spy or followed me. My sister lasted more than 10 years detained under the mental health act, until I understood the matter was a game for the "family problems" of the ex/husband, his sister/social worker and helpers in order to control, inflict pain and/or to put my family against me with lies and to keep all that is mine, based on tales of: 5 boys, the river and etc. http://goo.gl/XlcxeG  The wave of liars followed even to the UK in order to cash (££$$$), with courtesy of the tax payer and help own tales of the ex and his own sister, in order, to climb the ladder at work fast, but own parents done the University degree and daughter today is a social worker, then do not complain the financial crisis and problems. http://goo.gl/EjE9Ks "The neighbour (house 11) complaint of my sister to have curtains closed all day in her own home in the same way as her now, or to look at her own car parked in her garden and the matter was enough reasons to detain my sister under the mental health act for 10 years, but not the person who started the matter.

The same neighbour (house #11) spoke open of me to the whole DAG groups in Trafford council meetings telling all of them: I abuse old people and where is/was the probe in the matter. I lost all my jobs that way, with the OPEN slander, tales and lies of defamation attacking my reputation in the full public, even today everything is used to destroy/steal all that is mine: What I ever done to the bullies to attack me and mine that way?- http://goo.gl/wsCHPJ I am disabled with no family in the UK, like them and removes all from me with slander, to give to the ex/husband sister/social worker all that is mine and leave me with no form of defence, or protection in law, even to their own mother: the bullies. http://goo.gl/mPH5oE The matter is difficult to understand that I was asking the ex-husband last week if he knew of anybody apart of his own mother with cancer, as rumours, then the next day at the dentist, I received several x/trays, assuming the worse as usual. The over/use of even x/trays can give peoples illness in the same way as own mother, that she suffered several falls, illness scares and only god knows what else, after her own husband (Bernard) died?-Where I can easy fill a law suit against the ex/husband and his own sister, as I can see how easy is to manipulate colleagues from work (NHS/Airport/Council) with tales, maybe the reasons why the country is in financial crisis (http://goo.gl/kEKc1f ), crimes and abuse of power and profession and with no mercy killing own people to score points, revenge and "family problems", based on lies, that my unborn children and brother were killed by the matter: spread!!- http://goo.gl/TE7Kzk I live with fear of what those people can do to me and mine next, with a wave of bullying, that even their own mother suffer badly, or pets. The government staff need a reason against the community, or better explain: own us, with direct payments scheme or any excuses in order to follow, stalk, spy, abuse and remove everything from the victim (me), even to use slander to our reputation, which is equivalent of ASBO to the community and against the law, but hide in "confidentiality acts"-As Jimmy Carter mean to say, because is the monitor of our lives, that frightening matters, abuse of power and profession, as we do not know what is inside the house that close curtains to hide. In my sister defence, she live in Germany for more than 10 years after she emigrate from sunny Mexico, when married and her own ex/husband kept the house with no lights, or very little and I am a witness, also she was keeping cost down in the UK, but the neighbour?-
The book of the neighbour house #11, as probe of monitor our "domestic abuse" at home,
by her constant interference ..  
Everything writing in my blog is not slander, lies, defamation, or tales, but the professionals that commit the matters in groups (criminal activity) wants us that way, out (http://goo.gl/fePLlR) to hide the reality to the rest, even to impose mental issues to control our lives: where my sister was detained under the mental health act, 3 cars were blow up on our road, several stolen goods to the neighbours in order to control, impose fear and punish, my children bullied at school, and the matter got no end with the level of abuse to me and mine, as you can see photos below of the ex/husband continue abuse at home after the divorce. http://goo.gl/LuL5yK Where if we use the following passage of the Bible: Therefore all things whatever you would that men should do to you, do you even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets: Matthew 7:12 .. but where is the law nowadays, or which side the law is in the community, that leave us open in the hands of the intolerance, to steal all from us, by any ways, form or shape, including monitor emails, post and everything that is personal?-

It is a continue non/stop of the ex/husband and his groups of helpers that operate a crusade of hate propaganda and domestic abuse at home and elsewhere after the divorce, even insinuate with rabbits and paper rolls or cleaning toilets at 11 pm, to anything of sexual nature (harassment), burning wood on my window several times, as it is the only room that I use at home, breaking the boiler, washing machine, my own clothes/shoes and the house ripped apart, covered in chocolate. I finish with nothing after the divorce and the house got a repossession order by (Sale) courts in 2007, without me signing the document, but the ex/husband. I lived with years of infestation from ants and bees of the neighbour (house #11) and now rabbits. I object to sell the house because, I was left with nothing not even pension, but a wave of abuse and hate propaganda to me and mine from the ex/husband and his sister, neighbour or helpers, teaching the children to follow own father example of domestic abuse, that is a crime in law, as we are divorce. The matter do not finish there and a continuance of monitor my emails, post, or where I am going?-I am unable to speak to the children at home, so I need to set this blog?- I had been trying to bring the matter to the courts, to be dismissed after, by the complete chorus of Trafford council staff, neighbourhood, social workers and helpers, that help each other "covering the criminal activity" with the ex/husband, or vice-versa. Where I lost unborn children and brother and a catalogue of domestic abuse that I was blame, but where is the law in the UK to me and mine?-Where I believe if I send an email, letter, or wherever I goes, does or eats, it will be monitored, as the millions of victims, even worldwide: Rosario Castellanos de Parker.

Saturday 5 April 2014

George Iain Duncan Smith, Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, with more than 10,600 victims that perished for bad administration ..

Behold, days are coming - 
The word of the Lord, God - 
When I will send hunger into the Land; 
Not a hunger for bread nor a thirst for water,
 But to hear the word of God.
AMOS (8:11) ..

The Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo 2013 - Full performance ..

George Iain Duncan Smith (9/4/1954) was born in Edinburgh and the first in Scotland since Arthur Balfour also the first Roman Catholic to serve as Conservative leader and The Tablet named him (2010) one of Britain’s most influential Roman Catholics. Iain Duncan Smith served in the Scots Guards (1975/1981) touring Northern Ireland and Rhodesia, then joined the Conservative Party back in 1981 and elected as a Member of Parliament (1992). Duncan Smith was MP for Chingford and Woodford Green (1997), then leader of the Conservative Party and the Opposition (2001/2003), he succeeded William Hague as Conservative Leader (2001), winning election with full support of Margaret Thatcher. As Conservative leader opinion polls many Conservative MPs came to consider Iain Duncan Smith incapable of winning an election (2003), MPs passed a vote of no confidence in which he resigned and succeeded by Michael Howard. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iain_Duncan_Smith Iain Duncan Smith founded the (centre-right) Centre for Social Justice, independent of Conservative Party and he became a published novelist. http://www.centreforsocialjustice.org.uk/ Prime Minister David Cameron appointed Iain Duncan Smith (12/5/2010) to serve in the Cabinet as Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, in which today 5/4/2014 stands at more than 10,600 victims of ATOS and Unemployment Exams, that perished in his charge due to cuts on benefits and bad administration. http://goo.gl/I9QEy8 I, Myself would like to sit this man: George Iain Duncan Smith, who is the United Kingdom Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, to stand trial in a court of law for ATOS and Unemployment victims, because as you can see his long history as Conservative leader that runs since 1981, he has no excuses to act that way or the man in question do not have a simple reason for deaths to own peoples due to lack of professionalism, malpractice, misconduct and negligence: "Iain Duncan Smith already been there and done that and learnt valuable lessons about Britain’s Benefit System from his own experiences"http://goo.gl/2XCV8F  As leader Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, Iain Duncan Smith is full responsible for the bad administration of his own department, also he is full aware of the matter and where he wants to get with the aim of cuts to UK peoples, without a tinny care in the matter, even if the matter affects all of us with divide own country that stand together for generations, like UK and Scotland. Particularly affecting the matter to those victims (poor, disabled, vulnerable, etc.) that can not defend themselves in any way, form or shape, in very much the same way as the man (Iain Duncan Smith) in question was years ago, struggle to get by with a meager salary, now millionaire thanks to the tax payer and his own position at work: Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, but not before. http://goo.gl/YCzGDX Where we question legally: under the section 63(3) of the Constitutional Reform Act 2005, to select people for appointment who are of "good character", even at work with anyone that represents the system in any way, form or shape and the reasons why we said no to gagging law, that jeopardize the freedoms of the community particularly: "The Queen."- http://goo.gl/cOuIHF Iain Duncan Smith wife, Betsy Duncan Smith: "Despite her privileged upbringing, she has never once wavered from her support for Iain - even when he was unemployed. She sees it as her duty to be by her husband's side, for better or worse." http://goo.gl/8J6vaW "I believe strong that Unemployment and ATOS victims stands as Genocide to our community for the none - reasons at all the UK Holocaust in present century by Iain Duncan Smith, except to bully our community, also the matter stands at Crimes Against Humanity, in which Germany sat the Nuremberg Trials, after the WWII, which was the murder to own people of more than 6 million Jews back in 1945 and 70 million victims of all Europe: Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin and Franco's, the lost souls (RIP). http://goo.gl/npgqi4 In 2002, Michael Crick on TV program News night caused embarrassment when probe Duncan Smith's curriculum vitae, circulate in the annual Dod's Parliamentary Companion for previous ten years. The CV claimed that Iain Duncan Smith had attended University of Perugia when he attended Università per Stranieri which did not grant any degrees at that time, and claims that he had attended Dunchurch College of Management turned out to refer weekend courses at GEC Marconi's staff college (refer to previous wikipedia link of: problems as leader). http://goo.gl/Haxh9K The bad business ventures direct to the most vulnerable people of our society that are benefit claimants in general and any influence by Iain Duncan Smith, Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, that many killed by the bad administration. Where just to put one simple example: "Remploy makes £68m loss and Not financially viable, but RBS makes £2bn loss and financial liable?-My question is can you spot the difference in pounds and cents (68m loss), because that money belongs to the state: "The most vulnerable people of the UK, that are living in hardship, food banks and bullied to the end of life, by the (bullies) Government staff, without mention the ATOS programs costing billions to the state, while the money can be used to train the jobless and avoid the murders, but direct in the drain" ..

1- http://rcp13.blogspot.co.uk/2013/03/disabled-people-during-wwii-died-in.html?utm_source=BP_recent
2- http://rcp13.blogspot.co.uk/2013/03/a-petition-to-house-of-lords-in-united.html?utm_source=BP_recent
3- http://rcp13.blogspot.co.uk/2013/04/mick-philpott-and-his-wife-mairead.html?utm_source=BP_recent
4- http://rcp13.blogspot.co.uk/2013/04/welfare-reforms-benefits-cuts.html?utm_source=BP_recent
7- http://rcp13.blogspot.co.uk/2013/12/british-chancellor-george-osborne.html?utm_source=BP_recent
8- http://rcp13.blogspot.co.uk/2014/01/the-benefits-street-is-five-part.html?utm_source=BP_recent
etc ..

The matter do not reflect to me only, but the rest of the UK country, poor, unemployed, disabled, vulnerable and unable to gain education, work, prospectus, or better standards of life as the Government staff stands as a wall for the rest of us unable to reach services in the community. The matter is so bad that I had to put myself in the front seat like Rosa Parks in America and with respect to all the people affected, but to go with the country in order to highly the matter to the people on the top and responsible of the matters, without using anything or take advantage direct to me, as I am without a job for the same reason/s, but studying law to help the citizens, to help themselves. "I need this matter properly investigate by the law of 10,600 + victims of Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, Iain Duncan Smith, ATOS and DWP staff as crimes against humanity, by the correspondent peoples. The man in question: George Iain Duncan Smith, Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, he is either to sit in a court of law to contest the crimes (10,600) and lose his own job as a result of the abuse of power and profession to the state, or both ways as one"-The result of lives lost in extreme measure and very irresponsible government new system, without thinking in the community needs first. When the matter of changes by the UK government never affected the state in any way, form or shape before the white paper (http://goo.gl/io1OK3), but today catastrophic indeed, without mention the disabled badly affected own supplement, exposed in public and hijacked own benefits and expect to live on fresh air (http://goo.gl/EDE8O), bedroom tax stalked, university fee's abused to young people, pensions blackmailed and of course the murders (10,600) without a simple set of reasons, that stands as crimes against humanity, but Not to Duncan Smith?http://goo.gl/UhmoZY The matter is not just by me to speak OPEN of the abuse against the community, but the rest of the UK peoples speak open of the same true and sad reality of bullying (http://goo.gl/NtKUO) at work within government departments or elsewhere, that in law is not recognized: bullying, family/neighbors problems. I, Myself, suffer badly the intolerance of bullying at work and at home by the group of bullies (ex/husband and his sister/social worker, disabled  or equality officers at Trafford council, job/center plus neighbor house #11, etc), not the jobs that I was doing (caring to old people or WHS Post Office), but the wave of problems that the bullies bring to your own life. "I lost all my jobs by the tales, lies and defamation of those that represent the country (professional misconduct) and abuse the law in great measure, but the bully do not respect if the person is disabled, able, white or blue"-When bullies are around affect anybody, anywhere and anyhow, but where is the law to tackle bullying at work, or elsewhere in society, as I am taking those people and jobs to Employment Tribunal. "I was left in tears by those bullies that represent the law (trafford council staff/equality, neighbor #11/job-center plus staff, etc.), also family problems of the ex/husband and his sister/social worker, that deals with help of trafford council staff, or those in charge of employment (WHS Post Office manager) and so many times reduced to nothing and by nothing, but just to inflict pain"- Where the abuse is beyond words, but no law to tackle the matter: Bullying"-Tories Should Not Be So Defensive About Tax Cuts For The Rich, Warns Top Tory, Brady, but the same should be for the poor in equality (http://goo.gl/8zjZnf), where I already spoke about this man and his policies and with respect, but they shows respect to us (http://goo.gl/uoeSjQ)?-The abuse of power and profession of bullying, by those that represent the law, where the Rule of the Law said: nobody is above the law and if The Queen Elizabeth II, never abused the law, why the rest does it and in which grounds in law?-George Iain Duncan Smith, Secretary of State for Work and Pensions and his own government bodies/staff (DWP), also ATOS Healthcare exams that are at the present time terrorizing the UK citizens and own benefit claims and many dismissed to tears or nothing (killed) by the Bullies of those jobs can not stand in public any longer, or continue to carry on holding the trust of the state, also illegal even in law, that my Lord is my witness, Rosario Castellanos de Parker. 
'They're putting votes before the vulnerable' - Fury over council cuts to school for disabled (From Times Series)
1300 people death after atos
45% rise in sanctions leaves more jobseekers destitute UnemployedNet
Anger as dole money goes on cigarettes and drink UK News Daily Express
At last, a report that skewers Iain Duncan Smith' welfare policies Alex Andreou Comment is free theguardian.com
ATOS Found This Person Fit For Work Same Difference
BBC News - Welfare changes for disabled people delayed
Bedroom tax scandal Iain Duncan Smith is 'in denial' as hated tax is wrongly charged to 40,000 council tenants - Mirror Online
Bedroom tax Taxpayers will fork out an extra £1BILLION in housing benefit - despite Bedroom Tax misery - Mirror Online
Benefit cuts blind man committed suicide after Atos ruled him fit to work - Mirror Online
Benefit Sanctions Are State Terrorism And Must Be Stopped Without Exceptions the void
Benefits Legal Challenges Denied By Court
Benefits Street Iain Duncan Smith uses 'poverty porn' show to justify savage Tory welfare cuts - Mirror Online
Benefits Street reveals 'ghetto' reality, says Iain Duncan Smith Politics The Guardian
Benefits Street reveals 'ghetto' reality, says Iain Duncan Smith Politics The Guardian
Benefits Street the alternative. Welcome to Bonus Street - video Television & radio theguardian.com
Benefits Tests 'People Are Dying Penniless' Watch the video - Yahoo Yahoo UK
Big society Cutting welfare to 'aid recovery' is just a big lie Business The Observer
Birmingham taxpayer's equal pay bill passes £1bn - Birmingham Post
britain Disabled widow commits suicide after benefits withdrawn - World Socialist Web Site
Britain unites for Remembrance Sunday commemorations Mail Online
Campaigners won't rest until Iain Duncan Smith faces the ultimate sanction - Ros Wynne Jones - Mirror Online
Cancer killed my husband, but Atos took his dignity a long time before his death - Mirror Online
Cardinal Vincent Nichols Says Coalition's 'Disgraceful' Welfare Reforms Punish The Poor
Committee hears evidence from Iain Duncan Smith - News from Parliament - UK Parliament
Devon Police Taser Boy With Complex Learning Disabilities Same Difference
Disabled Left Without Support For Months As New Disability Benefit Runs Into Trouble - Video
Divisions in Coalition as MPs demand independent inquiry on poverty Vox Political
Dr John Sentamu For millions of people, work is no longer a way out of poverty - Comment - Voices - The Independent
dwp public servant or propaganda vehicle Ekklesia
DWP's ESA reassessment programme in chaos ilegal
Employment Support Allowance and Work Capability Assessments - written submission form - UK Parliament
ESPAÑA - Lo que calla la censura 3.158 suicidios por la crisis ~ Nueva Mentes
Food banks debate video Iain Duncan Smith walks out of commons as Tories laugh at stories of starving families - Mirror Online
Four people talk about sanctions and the pointlessness of jobcentres Kate Belgrave
George Osborne to announce cuts while covered in diamonds
Godfrey Bloom Ban Unemployed People From Voting
Government admits it should not have axed Mark Wood's disability benefits Mail Online
Here is How the UK Govt Hid 1 million Jobless From Today’s Unemployment Figures - World Observer Online
Iain Duncan Smith grilled by MPs over Universal Credit - Government Computing Network
Iain Duncan Smith I’ll stop Benefits Street Britain - Telegraph
Iain Duncan Smith refuses to attend Commons Bedroom Tax debate Political Scrapbook
Iain Duncan Smith targets poor pensioners with plans to scrap free bus passes and winter fuel allowance - Mirror Online
Iain Duncan Smith visits benefit fraud team in Spain - News articles - GOV.UK
Iain Duncan Smith’s Universal Credit scheme cost £225k PER PERSON - Mirror Online
Independent Living Fund victory McVey silent over possible resignation
Islington Council passes vote of no confidence in disabled assessing company Atos Islington Tribune
Jobcentre Official tells Benefits Claimant “Get a Job or Fing Hang Yourself” Scriptonite Daily
JobCentre+ – Staff complaints growing exponentially! jaynelinney
Let's Close Down the DWP Dr Simon Duffy
Letter to the ICC at the Hague Re Mistreatment of the Disabled and Sick Campaigns by You
Make no mistake Iain Duncan Smith wants the end of social security Zoe Williams Comment is free The Guardian
Mandatory Reconsideration – The DWP’s new powers Jon Leighton
Millionaire David Cameron 'insults working class' by telling them to raise their aspirations - Mirror Online
Minister says sorry to coma woman pursued by back-to-work assessors - Manchester Evening News
More statistical shenanigans from obstructive DWP Vox Political
More than 300,000 disabled people to have benefits cut says Esther McVey - UK Politics - UK - The Independent
MPs Claim £70K a DAY in Expenses Vox Political
No more evasion and prevarication – Britain's elite must be held to account Henry Porter Comment is free The Observer
No-one should get something for nothing, claims man who got everything for nothing
Penning Axes the Disability Living Fund Beastrabban's Weblog
Personal Independence Payment (PIP)
Poverty in the United Kingdom A Survey of Household Resources and Standards ... - Peter Townsend - Google Books
Problem Solving with Iain Duncan Smith
Ramesh Patel Finally! Exposed! The Deficit Myth! So, David Cameron When Are You Going to Apologise
Report reveals the new face of UK poverty Joseph Rowntree Foundation
Sheila Holt Woman told to find work is in a COMA - Mirror Online
Starved & evicted Britain’s poor now treated worse than animals — RT Op-Edge
Stop stigmatising the unemployed the problem is the lack of decent jobs
Trades Union Congress - Iain Duncan Smith’s claim that welfare cuts have made people feel more secure is ridiculous, says TUC
Universal Credit Government's welfare reform ‘may be scrapped after next election’ - UK Politics - UK - The Independent
Vicar vows to continue fight against benefit changes (From Haringey Independent)
Welfare reforms a 'disgrace', says UK's most senior Catholic World news The Guardian
What happened when she recorded her jobcenter interview. Benefit tales
Woman killed herself over benefits cut, says mental health watchdog Society The Guardian - Linkis.com
‘Moaning’ Work and Pensions committee lets IDS ‘off the hook’ Vox Political
▶ Benefit Claimants not informed of their rights - YouTube
▶ IDS Grilling - 9th December 2013 DWP Annual Report & A-c - YouTube
▶ In Memoriam - Deaths related to the DWP, ATOS & THE CONDEMS 2013 -MUSIC