Tuesday 31 January 2012

Hitler, Franco, Stalin, Mussolini and why, most European Nationals, have no idea, of what is happening to the World !!


The Second World War!!     

ISRAEL - Hava Nagila.

The Nuremberg Laws introduced on 15 September 1935, strip Jews of the Right to Citizenship and restrict their relations with Gentiles. From that moment Germany, was divided. Hitler Regiment and Nazy Germany were spreading, hate Campaign/s against Jewish, Polish, Gypsies, Homoxesuals, Disabled People or anyone who was different in their eyes. A Genocide that killed 6 Million Jewish People alone, during the Second World War (1939-1945). Children and Adult People, with Jewish background were the most afected by the War. Victims of Racial and Religion Cleanse, Hate, Descrimination, Oppression, Slave Labor, abused in Experiments by own German Nationals. The Auschwitz Concentration Camp was the only location, in which Prisioners of War were tattooed during the Holocaust. "The color of a bruise that never heal." Jews in Nazi Germany, suffered appallingly, some could afford to leave the Country. Thugs in the SA and SS were given a free hand in their treatment of the Jews, frequently referred to "Mein Kampf"' - "Filthy Jew" - "Contaminate blood of pure Germans" - "Jew Bastard" - "Jew Nazi" - "Crybaby".. Anyone who had been bullied in life, known true well, the meaning of those Racist Words, me one of them. I want to invite you to see a World, that even in Modern Times, People do not talk about it, for fear to be ridiculed or were ignorant of the Second World War. After the Second World War, America and Europe, copied the Nazi Germany in everything, today they are against the Middle East and poor Countries in the World. "Racist People are Mature enough, to understand their own Words, Actions and Spreading and to be accounted for that abnormal Hate Campaign, against another Human Race, in any Courts of Law." Here is when we said enough is enough!. "The Hate Campaign is what started the Second World War, with Intimidation and Fear against the Jewish Community, our Brothers and Sisters in life." We must not accept another War, but learn by the mistake. The Nazi Germany is traying to bring back to the XX1 Century, the same Feelings, Spread, Intimidation, Hate Campaign, that were displayed back in the 1930´s. http://tinyurl.com/6nzuypp  We should sue Nazi Germany, to be the cause of this abnormal Hate Campaign/s, against our Brothers and Sisters in life. This hostile attitude, that our Society lives today, with Racism, Nazism, Facism, Franquism, Intolerance, Inequality, Oppression, Bullying, Name calling, Name Insults, Spreading Rumors, Taking Money, Posesions, Friends, Family, Children, or things away from others, Stealing, Treats and Intimidation, Lying with intent to pervert the curse of the Law, Difamation, Slander, Lies, etc. It is part of our Modern life, that is alive today and around the Globe. http://www.un.org/en/documents/udhr/ Tolerance, Respect and Oportunities for all, should be our moto!. Bullying in Modern times is out of question, the Human kind is adult enough, to be responsable for own Actions, Spread and Words. Just because we look different to them, with Shape, Color of Skin or Hair, Religion, Sexual Orientation, Age, Disability, that mean we are Criminals?!- Racist behaviour against People, from another Culture. It should not be an excuse to open the doors, to be"abused." It is not a Passport, to gain a better standard of life. Racism is against our Human and Civil Rights, Freedom of Speech. Bullying is not acceptable any more .. 

I am a Victim of Mental Abuse and Domestic Violence from members of my Family and lost unborn Children as a result."Family Problems" that I was not aware of, until 3 years ago. Vendetas, Lies, Defamation, Spread Rummors, Hate Campaigns against me, for no reason. "Lasting more than 26 years, behind my back"-I lost Country, Family, Marriage, Unborn Children and trying to separate me, from my living daughters with lies. I opened a page in Facebook, requesting help.   http://tinyurl.com/6vggeeb My brother, was killed months after. The Abuse against me, in which I am Disabled Woman (Hard of Hearing person), started more than 26 years ago. Sisters  blaming me of, lies and deceit."Nothing of what my Family were saying about me, was true. But suffering Harrasment, Bullying and Emotional Blackmail in my Family hands. I do Understand very well, those feelings of Abuse, Bully, Fear and Intimidation, by People, I trusted.

"Any kind of abuse in the XX1 Century, should be abolished. Domestic, Religios, Social and Political Abuse. Either Mental, Verbal or Physical, for that reason alone, we are living today. "In a World with half of Population in total Poverty and Famine. And the other half,  lives in a Rich World, full of Oportunities".. Latinoamerica (Drugs), Middle East (Oil), America, UK and Europe, (Cuts with University fee's, Pensions, DSS, NHS, Police and Military Force). "Instead of stopping, Abuse, Bullying and Emotional Blackmail".. The Liders are leading the World, to a Financial Inestability, very much the same as the 1930's. Where 6 Million Jewish People, died on that War. Today, Germany Financial status, is one of the best in the whole wide World. Stealing Money, Properties, Jobs, Business, Art, to Victims of War (Jews People).

-  http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-15931526
-  http://www.english.rfi.fr/node/96197
- http://articles.latimes.com/2011/nov/13/world/la-fg-italy-berlusconi-20111113

*"Hitler, Franco, Mussolini, Stalin, Himmler, Mengele, Joseph Goebbels, etc. Dictators of the Second World War, were suffering Mental illness, "before" the War started. Today they are accounted, for the Murder (RIP) of Millions of Human People. Who died in the War, full of Hate against them. Trying to make, the Aryan Race: Blue Eyes, White Skin and Blond Hair. But Our Divine God, made all of us, different in Color, Personality, etc. Himmler was born (1900-45) in Munich, the son of a Roman Catholic Teacher, he was Head of the Gestapo, Chief of the German Police, internal Security, Federal leader of the SS or Commanding general of the SS, Realm Commissioner of German Nationhood, Realm Minister of the Interior, Supreme Commander of the People´s Storm (Volkssturm) and Supreme Commander of the Home Army. One of the greatest mass murderers of the 20th Century and feared Men in Nazi Germany. The Architect of the "Final Solution and Horrors of Nazi Anti-Semitism," his view on the SS in 1943: "We have selected the highest and abandoned the lowest (the lowest were: Jews, Polish, Gypsies, Disabled, Homosexuals, anyone different) As long as we maintain this Principle, the order will remain healthy. After the War, we shall build up our Order and provide Germany with an elite, with leaders to Industry, Agriculture, Politics and activities of the Mind"-The Nazi Germany believed in the Aryan Race, Genetically Healthy and Socially efficient. They wanted to created from own People, a new "National Community." Shering videos with you, from the Second World War in Germany (1939/45), to Understand the state of Mind of the German Nazis, including Himmler. He was in charge of destroying everything that was no perfect before his eyes, with the help from German Nationals, who were creating a World that was not made for Planet Earth.. "Our Divine God made everyone different, the Color of Skin, Religion, Incapacity, Sex Orientation, Age, Nationality, Language, Country of Birth, Tradition. It is not a Passport or an obstacle, to gain a better standard of life. Every Person made of Skin and Bone is born with Human Rights. We are living in the XX1 Century, the Human Race is mature enough to help and build a better and positive World. Where Harmony, Peace and Tolerance is our only Law. "How does Physical and Mental Illness, influence the life of mass murderers, to the World?..The occult History of the Third Reich (Hitler) - Swastika - SS Blood and Soil - Adolf Hitler - Himmler the Mystic - the Nazi Cult - Secret Societies - The Aryan Race - The Elite - Atlantis - Archeology - Prophecies and more..

("The following Videos are not suitable, for small children, without supervision of an Adult, please see them with Respect..")

- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ijY1RewcfrA
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u8YeqTkS-iI&feature=related 
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NTWcPK5y0us&feature=related
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wmepBmGBjcs
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vJCOlJMiqec&feature=related/
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y6qtR34709A&feature=related

Medicine in the German Third Reich, became an instrument of Nazi Political Philosophy, that included, Racial Purification (the Aryan Race) using Biologic measures. Included involuntary "Euthanasia program" directed at Mentally ill Patients and Physically Disabled Children and Adults. The Action T4, was an abrreviation of "Tiergartenstrabe 4" A Charitable Foundation for Cure and Institutional Care (German: Gemeinnützige Stiftung für Heil- und Anstaltspflege) and used for Nazi Germany: "Euthanasia decree" - "Euthanasia program" - "Physician-Assisted suicide" - "Mercy Death" - "Mercy Killing." The Action T4 (German: Aktion T4 - Tiergartenstrabe4) name of the address of a Villa in Berlin (Tiergarten) and no longer exist, but a plaque set in Pavement on Tiergartenstraße." Physicians killed thousands of Disabled People (more than 275,000 +), who were sick, Physically or Mentally handicapped by critical Medical examination. Using Gas Chambers, Starvation or Medication (1939-1945). Operated by Hitler's private Chancellery, Philipp Bouhler and Hitler's Personal Physician, Dr Karl Brandt. Euthanasia Program: "Racial Hygiene"-"Racially unsound"-"cleansed."-"Racial Purity", ideas from Nazis Movement. To People who were judged Sick, inferior Races, Jews, Gypsies, unfit Aryans, Mentally Defective, Severely Handicapped, Incurable Insane and incurable Sick. "It is impossible to believe, that Nazi Germany, killed millions of unfit People, who only crime was to be Disabled. Hitler, Franco, Mussolini, Stalin, Himmler, Mengele, Joseph Goebbels, Mental illness were ignored by own Doctors ?... "  

                                                         The King George V1 Speech!

The King of Britain, George V1 and France, declared War on Germany in September 1939. "Thanks to the fast action of His Majesty, The King George V1 and his Family support, the World was saved from total destruction". He had not expected to be King. Forced onto the British throne by adbidication of his brother Edward V111, who Married the Woman he loved, the divorced American Socialite, Wallis Simpson. Three years later, His Majesty King George V1, was leading the Country through a traumatic Second World War. Shering the dangers of the Battle of Britain, with People of London. On 6 of February 1952, His Majesty King George V1, has died peacefully in his sleep, at Sandringham House. 

  King Edward V111 abdication speech 1936. 

Edward V111 and Wallis become firm Friends with Hitler, in order to regain the British Throne, but were used instead by Hitler. Who was receiving information from them and bloking the way to rescue the Victims of War. Millions of Victims from all over the World, died as a result. The traition from his brother Edward V111, plus leading Britain through a traumatic Second World War, left His Majesty, The King George V1 exhausted, contributed to his failing Health and early Death.. "The World is living in Peace today, thanks to King George V1, British Citizens and French Nationals."

Joseph Goebbels..

The Supressed Catholic, Joseph Goebbels, he was not only Schizophrenic but Schizopedic, diagnosed by his Physician. Perpetrador like Hitler, did not kill anyone, but helped to create the envirolment, that made the Holocaust possible. Goebbels was appointed Hitler's Minister of Public Enlightenment and propaganda 1933, the Last Chancellor of Germany, invaluable to Nazi Party. Maniputating German People with massive Campaigns and Misinformation with Anti-Semitic focus. "Used Radio and Film to glorify Hitler and the Nazi Party." In 1931 - He marries Magda. The couple had six children: Helga - Hilde - Helmut - Holde - Hedda - Heide. Their names all start with the letter H in tribute to Hitler.

Adolf Hitler.

The German Leader Adolf Hitler, a Roman Catholic.. "by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord." Hitler was against People, who had no means to defend themselves and were also German Nationals?.. A Famous Bipolar, Tyrant, Manic Depression for Power. Ranging tempers, Manic Highs, Grandiose, Psychotic Delusions, Paranoia Rages, Extravagantly and Contemptuous Disregard for others, with Advanced Syphilis. Hitler’s own Personal Physician Dr Theodor Morell, diagnosed him as manic depressive, with similar Symptoms to Parkinson's disease. In the full known of his Mental Problems (even in 1930's), he was allowed to continue with his Job, inciting and starting a War (The Final Solution)..

                                                            Hitler Youth. 

Hitler Youth put great importance on Physical Fitness and Education, emphasis on Espirit de Corps, Comradeship, practical Skills, virtues of leading a clean Family life and manners, while the German Nazis (adults) were killing thousands of handicapped Germans Nationals by Lethal Injection and poisonous Gas (1930's). After the German Invasion of the Soviet Union (1941), the German Army began shooting massive numbers of Jews and Gypsies in open fields.


Giant Death Machines..

Exterminations Centers were estabilished in Poland (1939-45) for mass murders with "Giant Death Machines". Six Death Camps still exist today: Auschwitz-Birkenau (gassing Jews using Zyklon-B), Belzec, Chelmno, Majdanek, Sobibor and Trebinka, conducted systematically by the German Leader Adolf Hitler and SS Men. Victims were deported to these Centers from the Ghettos in Western and Eastern Europe. Millions died in Ghettos and Concentation Camps, Gassing, Starvation, Shooting, Burning, Forced Labor, Exposure, Brutality, Disasea, Experiments and Execution, 9 People out of 10 were Jews. Gypsies, Soviet POW, and Prisioners of War of all Nationalities, Colors, Disabilities, Sex Orientation, Age, Language, etc, killed with no mercy in Gas Chambers. Private diaries of Goebbels and Himmler from Secret Soviet archives, shows that Hitler personally, ordered the mass extermination of Jews. Goebbels wrote .."With regards to the Jewish question, the Fuhrer decided to make a clean sweep"  Hitler, Franco, Stalin, Mussolini and why, most European Nationals, have no idea of, what is happening to the World, because, we are living a repetition of the 1930´s..

Josef Mengele, "The Angel of Death"

This is why, I am Israel Online Ambassador, because I can feel myself, in the same position as the Jewish  People. I lost unborn Children, Country of Birth, Family and Marriage in the hands of Racist People, with "Family Problems".. I tried for months, to Understand abnormal behaviour, as they were my own Blood and Family. Thanks God, the History of the Second World War, saved me from going Mental and magicaly healed me. I can even laugh today, about the whole thing. It gave me strength, to carry on in the World in a Positive way, knowing that I am not walking alone in this Life ..  http://www.israelonlineambassadors.com/

To Be continue......


Sunday 29 January 2012

Royal Courts of Justice and the English Law, Protects Unborn Babies, Thank you!

The Royal Courts of Justice.
The following letter was given to Manchester County Court, on the day of my Hearing (27-1-2012), for Financial Relief from David Parker, for: 26 Years Marriage. Mental Abuse towards me. Lack of Financial Support from him. Emotional Abuse (Unborn Children who died in the hands of Family Problems).  http://tinyurl.com/89thcp8 Yesterday, was the day, where I could settle this Family Problems and stop them. No Sr, I got a Red Card myself, when I showed my emotions to the Court (Big Apologies). Emotions that were bloked from my heart for more than 26 Years. "Unfortunately I lost Unborn Children, not Peanutes". Unable to Return to Mexico Pregnant and forced by David Parker (Termination), to leave them in England, to settle his Family Problems (Carol Parker). The Judge and everyone in the Room was very Understanding, towards me (Thank you). "This is what the English Law and the Courts are supposed to, "Protect Unborn Babies (Thanks again)".. But the reality was different and my Crying, upset the Courts (Sorry) and everyone in there. Trying to explain the Judge, how I fell because of the Abortions (got the Red Card). "And Wanted the Matrimonial Home as a Compensation from David, for the loss in my life and the lives of my unborn Children" But this kind of request, "never heard in any English Court".. My Barriester Mr David Mercer, www.Stjohnsbuildings.co.uk got confused (or Helped David Parker with my Legal Aid), he requested the Courts. To have a Medical letter from my own G.P. to continue my Divorce and take more Instructions from me. Otherwise I will never get Divorce and receive any Financial Help (Emotional Blackmail). My Barriester, who is not a Medical Expert, but requested a letter, to show me off in Courts. I requested to my Solicitor the same from the Barriester, "A letter from his Doctor" before he gets paid (wasting Legal aid money). "Even the Judge told my Barriester, If he Could Understand her Instructions?"..So this is the type of Law, that Protect unborn Children and Fathers who walk away, from own responsabilities. When Women gets pregnant, to avoid Financial support. I need a Letter from my G.P. to explaind the Courts, the "difference of Mentaly Incapable or Hard of Hearing Disabled Person"-Now, Do You Understand, why Disabled People get abused, by a group of Ignorant People, who do not see any difference. Maybe perhaps all the Professional People, need a Training into our World (Hard of Hearing), to be able to carry on practicing the British Law. Because I do not intent to set foot in the Manchaster Magistrate Court again. Until this "Difference between Mental and Hard of Hearing problems are resolved"..This is an Offence to my Disability and ability to co-ordinate well, in my life. Years ago they were the Colored People, fighting Racial Descrimination and same Human and Civil Rights, in American Courts. Today the Disabled People are doing the same thing, figting own corner, but get Red Card (me) instead. This is why we are frustrated, living with a Wall, bigger than the Big Ben in London. Living in a World of Abused Proffesionals. Who do not Understand, how their actitud is destroying our envirolment (we are part of the Human Race). Confusing People even more (Barriester to the Judge) and assesing cases based on nothing or Pure Emocional Blackmail. Instead of doing, their own jobs. Those Professional People, brings so much misery to me or any Walks of Life. The king George V1 of England, who was a stammer Disabled Man. Died young, because he could not cope with the Pressure of leading a Normal Life and Lacking support from People around him. The same thing happened to my Father and David' s Father, a heart disabled Men. Who both of them, where used, in "Family Problems" (based on lies) to help in Vendettas. Instead of stopping the Lunatics (saving lifes). This kind of abuse, we call it .."Emocional Blackmail or Bullying"..has to stop it, Full stop!!-The Pope who excomulgated Women, for the life of unborn Children. The Pro-lifes, who Protect lifes of Unborn Children, like GP's, Dentists, Doctors or anyone, who are the Protectors of Life. We are trying to show you, that if anyone protects life, they will get the Red Card (like me). If, Protecting Life was a hard thing to do, years ago. It is even harder to do it, in the XX1 Century. Nobody can break the wall. Without breaking the Law and get a Red Card. Please fell free to live in another Planet, because the harrasment you bring to all Women. Who choose to have a Termination (abortion), is unbearable. The Times of the Inquisition, long gone and you are taking it with you! The reality is different in Planet Earth and do not exist "Protection of any kind, to save Lives" ..Unless you come out of your hidding place and helps too. But we Women, who choose Termination (abortion), due to lack of Support and Financial help, from the unborn Baby's, Father. If that was not the case, my unborn kids, will be alive today. Happy, Well and away, from this Family misfortune. I am beging you in the name of God, to bring another place and time, your own harrasments and defend life in another Envirolment. Because while I do not condemn a Woman, who does anything she wants, with her own body. There is no Law in the whole Planet, to stop a Woman to do with her own body, as it please her. Nobody has any right, to tell me, what to do with my Body either. Not matter, if it is my own Religion and Excomulgated me or Women like me. Who choose that path (termination), but unaware of the real reasons. It is not the right answer, to take from Women (like me), who Protest against Abortions, their own Human and Civil Rights. Civil Liberties. English Law. International Law. Public International Law. Canon Law (Catholic). Natural Law (respect of Human Life). Private or Supranational Law. International Criminal Law. International Humanitarian Law. Right to life Law. Human life Amendment. Basic Law: Human Dignity and Liberty. Human life, Protection Act. Right to life, etc. Silence Women in the Internet or any Media places, who are trying to make consience of the Problem. In Memory of own Children, who died in the "Family Problems, Rooten Society and Political Confussion". Without People thinking, that she is losing her Mind. In that case, anyone who Practice Law is losing their own Mind too, trying to fight Justice. Harrasing Women all the time, with different methods (Medical Letter from own Doctor) is not very clever either. They walk in life with Repression and years of suffering in Silence. But nobody sent the Aborted Women, to get a letter from GP years ago, when they kept silence. Suffering Years of exclusion from own Family, Society and the Church and lacking Support from anyone or received Medical Treatments (only when it shows). Trying to cover the real culpit, because without the sperma, no Women would get Pregnant. We went yeaterday to Manchester Courts and be granted a Divorce. In the Financial settlement, I was asking to keep the Matrimonial Home as a compensation, for the loss of my Children. To Defend their Memory, Justice and Reparation, but got a Red Card instead. IF DAVID PARKER DEFEND, THE LIFE OF HIS  UNBORN CHILDREN, YEARS AGO. IN THE SAME WAY AS HE DEFEND HIS SISTER CAROL PARKER LIES (AGAINST ME) TODAY. OUR OWN BLOOD AND CHILDREN, WOULD BE ALIVE AND WELL!-This is an Hipocricy from the Pope, the Law and all of those People, who defend the Human Life. This is a betrayal to the Memory of my unborn Children, from David Parker. Sitting in the dock at the "Manchester County Court".. and donne nothing at all, not even an Apology. I am nobody to condemn David Parker, but he should tell me, Years ago about this "Family Problems" Marry me and be honest enough, to be a Father, Husband and defend his own Kinds. Resolve the Problem/s or Divorce me. "Grief is not an Illness", Doctors say:  http://tinyurl.com/85wtcmg  Anyway as My Church Excomulgated me, long ago. I do not know if  the Wedding took time or place. Acording to the Mexican Law, they do not take Abortion lighty. So I do not if David and I ever, got Married, because the Wedding was in Mexico. However, David and I had been living together for 26 years. Which is another Law to apply, to our separation/divorce or whatever you want to call it. Whichever the case, it does not matter to me at all. It was the Fact that my kids died, in the hands of corrupt People. Taking revenge David Parker with his own Inocent, blood and babies. Who perished in the Genocide, to satisfy his Family (Carol Parker) instint. I was not even aware of the Drama that lasted 26 years (only knew of this "Family Problems" 3 years ago). Even today David Parker is more concern of the scandal, to protect Carol Parker, than to probe otherwise. I wish he could be done, what he is doing to Carol Parker now, but to his own Blood and unborn Kids!. http://tinyurl.com/7qz73zt With the Appointment from Yesterday, at the Courts. I settle any gossip, regarding my reputation and termination of my Unborn Babies. It was impossible for me to get an Appointment at the Clinic, simple, because I could not speak the English Language, only David Parker.  ..

"My unborn children were not Rubish to dump in the Bin, by David & Carol Parker and the Courts, that let them to walk away with Murder"..

The"Family Problems,", stole from me, my unborn Children" If David Parker want that Kind of Envirolment in his life, it is fine by me, but he has no right to force me and live for 26 years a double Life. Lies, Deceit and Hate propaganda, behind my back! David paid for his Unborn kids, at the Hospital. He will have to pay in his concience, for the rest of his life. In the name of God, please let them, to rest in Peace now. I do not believe, that Justice in this World, exist, this is the finest example of Corruption!-PLease do not get confused, the Domestic Abuse, Mental Abuse and Bullying has nothing to do with Hearing Disablement. It calls "abuse of power"


I accuse Trafford Council, because, my Personal Information, Has Been Compromised ..

  An update into the matter that confirms the validity of this note (27-10-2013):
<"I have never gained a proper hearing in the UK to clean my name, but the family problems of the ex/husband with confidentiality acts. In law the matter is corruption, as one case was heard only (family problems) and mine never, but falsely accused my reputation by "Family problems"/Trafford Council/Government staff and for years. Where all the services in the area where removed from me and mine and not reasons, except revenge, hate and criminal activity to enter the UK with the help of the ex/husband sister/social worker. The Judicial Review case CO5411/2013 was open (10/10/2013) by me with 58 pieces of evidence and the case heard with nobody to represent me at Manchester Civil Justice Centre, but Trafford Council have a Barrister and helper to represent them and paid by the UK State?-The case was rejected by the Judge with 58 pieces of evidence and the whole UK system is in the same way with no laws, justice or way to clean names"> Rosario Castellanos de Parker.

I have a good grounds to believe that my Personal Information has been Compromised in a data breach, stolen my Information without my concent, permission and knowledge, Inviting Identity Theft, this has been going on, for more than 10 Years.
The Country lost files in Uk data fiasco, years ago. My Personal Information shares, with a third Party, without my Concent, to use or abuse the English System, in order to fill Family vendettas and spy on people. The Council Staff, HM Revenue and Customs, DSS, Personal Medical Records (PMR), Government department, Agencies Bodies, Trafford Council, NHS, That's including my DSS, Medical Card Number, Finances, Personal Details, has been Compromised. They had been using my my Personal Data and Information for Years, gaining access to my Private life, sharing my Information with other Department bodies, "without my consent, knowledge or Permit to do it," like Banks, Financial Companies, etc.. To corrupt my Persona and my Family Members, who were badly affected by the abuse. One of my daughters  bullyied by the whole Primary School, because her Mother (that's me) is Mexican, she went to receive Private Education to another Area of Manchester, to be left alone and continue her Studies in peace. A sister detained under the mental health act and Trafford Council Staff blamed me for it, by corrupting the British System. Today as I am Divorcing my British Husband, the Court asked my GP, for a Medical Letter, regarding my state of Mind. Just because, I am a Hard of Hearing Person. I have difficulties in my Hearing and Speech. They want to sent me to the Mental Hospital, for that reason. "My Barriester who is not a Medical Professional, asked the courts to do so. He got confused or someone confused him, in order to win my Divorce case and corrupt the English Law"-Otherwise I will not be granted my Divorce. No point to see the Police, because my Husband Friend and our neighbour, who works for the Jobcentre, Council, Police, Union and neighbourhood. The same person, that stole my Jobs, in an Interview. At the Trafford Council meetings, for Disabled People. She was accusing me openly in front of everyone, why I lost my Job/s. Because: "I Abuse Old People"..Those Council Staff, that represent Disabled Groups and Charities, but attacking a Disabled Women, like me. Where is the probe?.. However, I lost all my Jobs, Business, Training, Reputation and everything, because of ill Rumors, Spreading, Lies, Slander and Hate Propaganda, against a Disabled Woman. They removed all my Jobs and Living, including my Benefits. David Solicitor put my police reports on the Bin. I had been Paying council services for years, but not for Trafford Council Staff, to bring misery to my Life. Yes, I am Hard Of Hearing Person, but where is the CRIMINALITY, to be that way. Still need to pay my bills, like you. In which way I am Mentaly ill, just because I can not talk well, walk straigh, ear perfect or lead a normal Life, like everyone else! TRAFFORD COUNCIL STAFF, work for Disabled Departments or Charities, but brings Harrasment to them. They send Abuse to disabled People and Family. Using Social Workers or Disabled department to help. They keep twisting things all the time  and continue with Vendettas. I Am Not Register as a Disabled Person myself, because of the same reason. Nobody has Power over me, without my concent. I can not understand the Intimidation and continue with Hate Propaganda. I never had any Problem/s with my Disability. Until social services, council staff and social workers, started interfering in my Personal life and Information. This is what the poll tax and council services paid for, to bring misery, to millions of Council Residents?-Bullying and Harrasment to my Life. I made this facebook page last year to remove my Sister from the Mental Hospital, today they want to do the same with me. http://www.facebook.com/#!/note.php?note_id=117999048229916  While you think, this is a game for you. Over expending the NHS Services, DSS, etc, to cover Family Problems. Which I am not aware of any, as I have little contact with my Family, for the same reason. To avoid any "Family Problems" and divorcing David. I am on Legal Aid and Trafford Council Staff,  expending it for me (Social Services or Social worker). They asked my Barriester(a letter from my GP, to see my state of mind), to request the judge, a letter to my G.P. so they can continue with my Divorce. "Nobody Can live With A Person, Against Own Will".. While no the Judge, Barriester or Solicitors, are Medical expecialists. I should request the same from them, as they are unable to acomodate Disabled needs. To identify Heard of Hearing People or Mental illness Patients. Can Lead to a waive of abuse and Disabled People, losing Cases in the Magistrates. Removed all my References, Trainig, Jobs, Business, (see, La Paloma Blanca in Company House)with slander and unable to claim any Benefit, as I do not paid have enough Tax?-David (Carol Parker/Social Worker) and his group of People, already put my sister in the Trafford Mental Hospital. Daughter bullied by the School. "By twisting the curse of the Law" We should ask Cameron, a Petition, to stop this Over spending the English System, with "Family Problems"..While we have 100000000 of Human People Worldwide, dying of Cancer, Aids, etc. This Emotional Blackmail, is getting out of Hand. We are feed up with Trafford Council abuses, that has been going on for more than 10 years, taking points and get bonuses. I accuse Trafford Council because:"My personal information has been badly compromised! http://tinyurl.com/7daro5m
1- PHONE HACKING is not just with Murdoch case. It is NHS, DSS, HM Revuenue and Customs, British Telecom, GP records, etc, We are in the UK suffering, Hacking, Sharing Information and slander, losing our decency by a bunch of People who abuse Jobs and Power. My social Security, Medical care, Deantal treatments, optical, etc, depend on "Family Problems" While Sharing my Reports to a Third Party without my permission or concent. I accuse the Trafford Council, because: "My Personal Information Has Been Compromised, WITHOUT MY CONCENT OR PERMISSION.  http://tinyurl.com/6pnx7ql

2- You are asking for my Help, but who helps me, to Clear my Name, Reputation, Disability Racism. Now they are attacking my State of mind.? http://tinyurl.com/84joclk
(Shering email) Dear Rosario, Have you seen the news today? Stephen Hester, chief of the Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS), has been awarded £1 million. http://tinyurl.com/78s8sja 

3- I do not Intent to get Involve in any DAG  Groups (Thanks for the Invitation)"or Get Involved in a New Government Disability"-Until Trafford Council restore my name, reputation and receive a compensation, the same goes for my daughter bullied at her Primary School and sister. Council staff attacking disabled woman, state of mind. http://uk.news.yahoo.com/too-many-people-jailed-says-bishop-001120502.html
4- It is not Just me with the Social Workers, Council Services, problems please read more.. "These parents are scared to smack their children and paranoid that social workers will get involved and take their children away" http://uk.news.yahoo.com/mp-urges-easing-smacking-laws-044357079.html

5-  Abuse, Neglect, Emocional Blackmail, Bullying, Spreading ill Information, Accusing others, Hate propaganda against Disabled or Old people. By Social Workers, Social Services, Council Staff, Gobernament Workers, Hospitals, etc. Many of them are not Parents themselves. Remove Children from Parents, for no reasin, except, to separate them. Jelowsly, Family problems or Hate propaganda. Old People get neglect, hit, stolen money, etc. "The English culture nowdays" Afecting me to the core, by the abuse of my Neighbour, friend of David, Divorcing him, from his Family Problem/s. "I want to Divorce my husband and move on with my life".

During five weeks BBC Panorama's reporter, footage, hospital, vulnerable patients, pinned down, slapped, dragged into showers while fully clothed, taunted and teased. please see more...

If you or someone you know is affected by any of the issues raised in Undercover Care: The Abuse Exposed, help is available. Below is a list of institutions, charities ..
I Used the Trafford Services like: Police, CAB, Solicitor/s, to ask for help from more than 10 years ago. Since we moved to Trafford Area, with no luck!.. The Council got control of everything and check Personal files. Friends from David and Carol (Social Worker). Our Neighbour, she is also the Neighborhood, works for the police, Jobcentre staff,  Unions, etc. They bring Violence to the Area, Neighbours Cars had been affected, by the Hate propaganda. So where I am going to ask for help?!/They should ask the Community, to pay for damages.. http://uk.news.yahoo.com/too-many-people-jailed-says-bishop-001120502.html  Note by Rosario Castellanos de Parker.


The Diaries of Nazi War Criminal Josef Mengele, sold to Orthodox Jew for $245.000 ..

Josef Mengele (1939-45).."The Angel of Death"-Mexican National, British Citizen and Israel Online supporter !!

Yerushalayim Shel Zahav - Ofra Haza (Live)
The Diaries of Nazi War Criminal Josef Mengele, the so-called "Angel of Death" sold by auction in America. http://tinyurl.com/6zcy5xw The diaries, written after the end of the Second World War, when Mengele had fled to Latin America. http://tinyurl.com/73yq6na Contain his Philosophical reflections, Autobiographical Stories and Poems, written between 1960 and 1975. Auction include some 3,500 pages from "hidden journals" written by the Doctor. Who carried out terrible Medical experiments on Prisoners at Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration Camp. The Company, which specialises in Historical manuscripts, said the auction include historically important, lot of 31 manuscripts in various forms, including bound journals."All writings are in excellent condition" where seized in 2004 by the police at the home of a German couple, with whom he was living in Sao Paulo."He added they were then given to Mengele's son, Rolf. Who only saw his father twice in his life. About 40% of the writings are autobiographical, tracing Mengele's flight across Europe in the aftermath of the war. He talks of himself in the third person, referring to himself as "Andreas". In one commentary, Mengele complains that sexual promiscuity has led "to a dreadful mixing of the races with the northern Europeans. When you start mixing the races, there is a decline in civilisation"-Mengele was a member of the Nazis' elite SS, which ran death camps across occupied Europe. Based at Auschwitz from 1943, he helped supervise the selection of prisoners on arrival to death camps, sending those considered unfit for slave labour to be gassed with deadly Zyklon B. He gained his notorious reputation due to his pseudo-medical experiments in the camp. He fled Europe at the end of the war after Germany's defeat, reaching Argentina at the start of the 1950s. He then moved to Paraguay in 1961 and then went on to Brazil. Where he lived in Sao Paulo and remained uncaptured despite Interpol's best efforts, dying in 1979 at the age of 67. His death was only confirmed in 1985, after his body was exhumed. The diaries appeared some time after, Nazi Angel Of Death's Memoirs. Jews Twins Girls, used as a Experiment by Dr Mengele.Dr Josef Mengele nicknamed, "The Angel of Death", he was a Nazi German War Criminal. His growing passion was for "Eugenics" searching for a Key to unlock the Secret of Genetics, with "Human Deformities and Imperfection". The Twins and Children were his favorite subjects. Hartless and Cruel individual, Dr Josef Mengele himself, was a mixture of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, Mental Condition called: "Split Personality" (2 distinct Personalities, Good or Evil). Dr Mengele's Children were spared from beatings, forced labor and random selections in order to maintain their good health, he often showed up with handfuls of Candy and discussed Music with the Kids (reflecting his good Personality). In exchange for dialy Pain with blood samples from Children, placed in isolation cages, twins had limbs removed performed without Anesthetic. (Reflecting his Evil Personality). He was given the role of "God", he decided who lived and who was sent to the Gas Chambers. Jews Children from any Age and Adults, were exposed to experimental Surgeries from Mengele, without Anesthesia. The Angel of Death tortured Jewish Men, Women and Children with Medical Experiments of unspeakable Nature and Horror during the World War 11 in Auschwitz, Germany(1939-45). Victims were put into pressure Chambers. Tested with Drugs like Animals. Castrated. Frozen to Death. Children exposed to experimental Surgeries. Transfusions of blood one to another. Isolacion endurance and reaction to varios stimuli. Injections with lethal Germs. Sex Change Operations, with removal of Organs and Limbs. Medical Experiments using Twins as young as 5 years old. Twin to Twin transfusions. Stitched Twins together. Castrated or Sterilized Twins. Limbs and Organs removed "without using any Anesthetic", murdered after experiment was over, their bodies were disected. Injected Chemical into the Victims eyes, to change eye color, as German Nazis were creating the Arian Race (blue eye, blond hair).  Again, the macabre surgical procedure/s, were performed without Anesthetic. The Angel of Death was Chief provider for the Gas Chambers, gassing 750 Women, when reported a block was infected with lice, he solved the problem by killing them all. He surveyed his prey with, "Death to the left, life to the right". The Camp Doctors and The Angel of Death, were fine standing, cultured, Husbands, Fathers, Lovers, who morning and night kissed their Wives and tucked own Children into bed. Nazi Angel of Death, Josef Mengele "created twin town in Brazil' - http://tinyurl.com/9cjr4h The Diaries of Nazi War Criminal, Josef Mengele, sold for $245,000 at the Auction, by greedy People. http://tinyurl.com/6sbulcw Who don't have Morale Principles, only Bank Accounts, with "stolen money." They don't believe in any God or have Conscience, except a fat bank balance. They are making money, from Victims of War and the notes are marked with Pain, Death, Blood, Hate, Racism, Nazism, Fascism, Slave Labor, Oppression, etc. So if you kill your Brother or Sister on Earth, that Person means nothing at all. They got no price, only money that comes from it. This isn't going to be a good example to our Future Generations, where our children will think, that simple notes of a Criminal Nature got an outstanding price, better than Human life itself. Germany agrees to make public the archives of the Holocaust and Jewish Genocide. http://tinyurl.com/3nymzt3 The Diaries of Angel of Death is the "probe in writing and new evidence."Victims of War, The Jewish Community, Israel, anyone with Jewish background, involve in the World War Two, needs to open an inquest. To Appeal against previous hearings (Nuremberg Trials), because of new evidence. That is available today and start an investigation, into what really happened to Victims of Second World War. Today is the day, to use that information (Mengele Notes and Germany Archives) to benefit Israel Country affairs. To hold into a proper settlement and agreement, that nobody is going to break this time. Stop harrasment into contract with Israel-Palestina. http://tinyurl.com/6ur4znx  Until Victims of War gets a proper and settlement, but with Germany. Palestine need to bring own country and people up to date, with the World, before start any negotations, with any Country. Offer to Palestine People, a better standard of life. http://tinyurl.com/7b36wf2 The Hate Propaganda is what started, the Second World War. Unfortunately nobody believes the Victims of War anymore, videos, movies or pictures are not enough evidence to show the World. The pain they had to endure, in the hands of Nazi Germany, Mengele or Hitler men, not Mercy was spare to Victims of War. The Diaries of Angel of Death is the key, to open the door, to enter a World full of Horrors with Blood and Pain. "The Notes were written by Mengele himself, with his own Hand, Pen, and Words, to see the Authenticy and State of Mind of the Criminal." An oportunity for the rest of the World, to push the International Law System, to gain "Human Life, bill of Rights". To Protect and Defend Human People life,  avoiding a Crime like this Nature, happens again. *Please see Videos and Photos with Respect and offer a minute of silence and a prayer, thanks*..

                                   Josef Mengele Experiments - Nazi Experiments on Humans.

                                                        Medical Experimentation. 

Children of the Holocaust  ..

The Bayer company became part of IG Farben, a conglomerate of German Chemical Industries, formed the Financial core of German Nazi Regime. IG Farben owned 42.5% of the company that manufactured Zyklon B, a chemical used in the Gas Chambers of Auschwitz during the Second World War. The Bayer executive Fritz ter Meer, was sentenced to seven years in prison by the Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunal. http://tinyurl.com/82sc87h The Roman Catholic Church and Pope Pius X11 were involve, in the Human Cleanse during the War. Impossible to Understand Hipocresy and Abuse, but unfortunately happened. We need to see the Secret Archives of the Vatican (Santa Sede), to understand. Everything was removed from the Victims of War and half of the Money that generated from War, was split, between Germany and the Vatican. Jewish People were desperated to protect their own kind, but failed in the wrong hands. "With Corrupt, Criminals and the lowest of the lowest, of the Human Kind, that exist in the Planet Earth!!.


Basicaly, The Second World War, saved the German Financial Situation in the 1930's, becoming one of the strongest, Financial European Countries, thanks to the Jewish Victims of War?-.Today Financial Market is not much different!! http://tinyurl.com/8y66sn4  Signature of the Concordat (reichskonkordat 20 july 1933) a connection between Pope Pius X11, the document and Hiller. Apart from Sharing the Money, the document was an order to the Pope. To keep himself clear from Hitler and his Men. http://tinyurl.com/7qes2pq The Enabling Act (23/3/1933) which effectively gave, the Chancellor Adolf Hitler.

Jews People at the Second World War.

"The Declaration for Religion Freedoom, Dignitatis Humanae" http://tinyurl.com/em23r   Millions of Jewish people were killed, when they refused to Convert. Causing Persecution, Racialy Intimidation, Descrimination, Religios fanatism, to the point to use Inquisition Methods on the Second World War 11."The Diaries of Nazi War Criminal Josef Mengele, the Vatican documents, the Nazi Germany archives of the Holocaust. Documents that are going to be made Public soon. It should be enough probe to the World, that the Second World War, took time and moment." It is important to monitor abuses like this in our Community, using the full Power of the Law, to restore Peace and Trust again. Hate Propaganda, Slander, Lies and Difamation is what started, the Second World War. A Healing process, to put the past behind our time, in a Simple way, by helping the Victims of War. "The rest of the World, need to learn by those mistakes"-The Nuremberg Trials..

Nuremberg Trials - Perversion of Justice..
The Nuremberg Case, (The Doctors Case), charged 24 Defendants. Who were responsable for Medical Experiments, upon Concentration Camp inmates. Subjected "without their Concent", to Murders, Tortures as young as Babies. Experiments "without Anesthetic", Inhuman acts were committed. After 140 days of Proceedings, Testimony of 85 witnesses, submission of 1,500 Documents, the Tribunal pronounced their verdict on August 20, 1947. Sixteen of the Doctors were found guilty. Seven were sentenced to death including Karl Brandt and Karl Gebhardt and executed on June 1948. (Please see videos with respect for Victims of War)

                                                Nazi Leaders Executed At Nuremberg..

The Nuremberg Trial used an American Law System, to persecute German Criminals. They were hoping that memories fade away with time, by Removing all evidence."Crimes against Humanity".  The Victims were left with little hope. At the end of the War, they had nothing to stand up and walk again with... http://tinyurl.com/3wwfeyc To Hold the Diaries of Nazi War Criminal, Mengele, should be a Triump to Human Rights, to stamp and fight against Racism, Nazism, Fascism, Oppression, Slave Labour, Religios Fanatism and differences in our Society.  To Stop People, who don't respect Life, to be accounted in any Court of Law, for own actions. Our Brothers and Sisters in life, were killed in the Second World War, not matter age. The same as anyone of us made of skin and bone, by the same Divine God, let 's give them, some respect! All Documents Should be keep in a Museum, to display to the World, own bravery.

A War Victim, Showing her hand with tattoo.
People, who were on the Nuremberg Case, (The Doctors Case), failed to capture "The Angel of Death", by successful canceling Evidence, ID, Information and whereabouts, of the War Criminal, Josef Mengele.
1- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O3wuTL_M0QU&amp;feature=related
2- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bw-BPoMrsZ8&amp;feature=related
3- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JqW2JQiaRZg&amp;feature=related
The Universal Human Rights act 1948, came into force, 3 years after the War finished (1945). Any European Countries or Japan, who were affected by the Second World War.  The Victims were unable to get any Justice. http://tinyurl.com/4oshhb  Why?.. because they were Silence for ever!,,.
The allies were victorious at the cost of complete destruction of Europe and Japan. An estimated total of 72 million People died either in battle (21 million), in military captivity (4 million), as civilians (27 million) or due to war related famine and disease (20 million). The Allies lost about 61 million people, and the Axis lost 11 million. Hitler killed 6 Million Jews People, alone.  The Spanish Dictator Francisco Franco, continue to rule his Country, up to his death 1975. In October 2008, Mr Garzon, who is a Spanish Judge, launched an inquiry into the Franquism times ("Crimes against Humanity"). He was Investigating the disappearance, of more than 200,000 Spaniards. Victims of War. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-16696330  Ordering the excavation of mass graves.  Today he is sitting to have own Hearing, because the King of Spain, Juan Carlos 1. Would not let anyone, to open the Franquism Documents. Instead The Spanish Judge, to sit Franco succesor, who is "King Juan Carlos. They are blaming Garzòn for Crimes, that he never comitted. The Victims of the Spanish Civil War and Franquism, never received a proper Hearing. Even in the XX1 Century, the Intimidation against the Jews Community, carries on. Suffering "Persecution, Religious Fanatism, Lies, Defamation, Intimidation, Slander and Abuse" But this time is Palestine Country. To the point to use own People. http://tinyurl.com/3g7ce6v to continue the Hate propaganda. The Mental Ilness of Franco, Stalin, Mussolini, Hitler, Mengele (Osteomyelitis), and other Nazi officers and camp Doctors. Who mastermind the Genocide, were found to be Psychologically Normal, but killed Billions of Human People, during the War !!?..

"We can forgive the Arabs for killing our Children. We canot forgive them for forcing us to kill their Children. We will only have Peace with the Arabs. When they Love their Children more than they hate us. Golda Meir" .. 

Israel PM Benjamin Netanyahu´s speech to UN "I extend my hand in Peace" ..
Israel Online supporter, Mexican National and British Citizen, praying for Peace in the World and Victims of the Second World War. Even today, we can hear their voices resting in the wind, they are not forgoten and very much alive in our hearts for ever. I own to them my life back again, I got no words to thank them. Rosario Castellanos Ruiz. http://www.israelonlineambassadors.com/  (This note is updating all the time with Mengele´s life and Second World War times, we thanks everyone involve..)